HawtDispatch 1.9, released 2012-02-27
- Fixes LOW priority global queue was being created with a high thread priority.
- Distribute work load spikes fairly to the worker threads.
- Support updating the transport's dispatch queue.
- Add assertion that catches the following error: queue.setTargetQueue(queue)
- Adding a SecureTransport interface and removing many of the leaky abstractions in the transport package.
HawtDispatch 1.8, released 2012-01-30
- Fixes CPU spin that occurred when a peer disconnected while SSL handshake is in progress.
- Could not create a client initiated SSL connection.
HawtDispatch 1.7, released 2012-01-13
- Cleaning up the transport interfaces. Added an abstract protocol codec that makes it easier to implement them.
HawtDispatch 1.6, released 2011-12-19
- Support using a system property to configure the number of dispatch threads.
- Added a hawtdispatch-transport module which provides nice Transport abstraction for working with Sockets and HawtDispatch.
HawtDispatch 1.5, released 2011-11-29
- HawtDispatch threads are now in a thread group. Setting the UnchaughtExceptionHandler on one of the HawtDispatch threads set the handler for all the threads in the pool.
- Pass an uncaught exceptions to the UncaughtExceptionHandler configured on the HawtDispatch threads.
- Added UDP example
- Fix race condition that was occurring when a serial dispatch queue was suspended.
- Switch to new scalate version which fixes build problems when on OS X Lion.
HawtDispatch 1.4, released 2011-07-18
- Support ordered EventAggregators
HawtDispatch 1.3, released 2011-06-01
- Added an assertExecuting method to the DispatchQueue interface.
- Protect against exceptions from the event dispatch source handlers.
- Upgrade to Scala 2.9.0-1
HawtDispatch 1.2, released 2011-01-20
- Protect against exceptions from the event dispatch source handlers.
- Adding a new HawtServerSocketChannel and HawtSocketChannel which use scala continuations and hawtdispatch to implement NIO based sockets
- Enriching executors with a
- enriching dispatch queues with arepeatAfter
method - Trimming dead code.
- Inline the dispatch a bit.
- Making dispatch queue interface more consistent with java executors. renamed dispatchAsync to just plain execute, and renamed dispatchAfter to executeAfter
- Removing the Retained interface from the dispatch objects. It adds complexity and overhead without providing the much benefit due to the JVM's automatic GC
- Added scala type getter/setters for the a dispatch queue label.
- Protect against ConcurrentModificationException on the selector's selecteKeys.
- Enriched the DispatchSource objects
- Added some doco on the new
method. - Adjusted paul's auto reset method so that it also returns a future.
- Added await methods to the future since they are easier to spot than the apply methods.
- Support for function, !^, that wraps a partial function in a reset block, thus hiding shift/reset.
- OSGi integration, added activator so that started thread can be shutdown when the bundle is stopped. Also exposed the Dispatch interface
- Added OSGi metadata to the jars.
HawtDispatch 1.1, released 2011-01-20
- Fix bug where the scala version of getCurrentThreadQueue was returning null
- A Future can trigger a callback once it's completed.
- Scala continuation support added.
- Built against Scala 2.8.1
- The maximum number of executions drained from a serial queue before checking
global queues for more work is now configurable via the
system property. - createSerialQueue renamed to createQueue to make the API more consistent.
- Handling the case where a selector key is canceled during registration.
- Timer thread is more efficient now.
- Added a AggregatingExecutor to batch up executions
- You can now hook into getting profiling statistics of the dispatch queues
- Fixed the INTEGER_OR aggregator
- Scala usage simplification, import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch._ instead of org.fusesource.hawtdispatch.ScalaDispatch._
- More test cases
- Add getThreadQueue method
HawtDispatch 1.0, released 2010-07-22
- Initial release