- https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/PrefabUtility.html
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents
- Tear these apart for ideas
- Show a progress bar when initializing a project
- Add a button to the project settings window to run initialization
- Missing a few packages we should be adding
- Asset Bundle Browser
- Android Logcat
- HD/Lightweight Render Pipeline (optional - whichever best fits the project)
- Burst/Entities/DOTs stuff (if using ECS)
- Add Keijiro Kino
- TODO: This currently isn't possible until 2019.3 is out (the installation process has completely changed)
- Add "jp.keijiro.kino.post-processing": "https://github.com/keijiro/kino.git#upm" to package manifest.json dependencies
- This has changed to a scoped registry? will have to investigate how to actually do this
- Need to create InputSystem settings asset
- Need to import TextMesh Pro Essentials
- Use Mirror for networking
- Create Data/Animation/empty.controller Animation Controller in project setup
- Create Data/Audio/main.mixer Mixer in project setup
- Add button-click.mp3 and button-hover.mp3 to the common GitHub and download them to Data/Audio/UI
- Create the EventSystem prefab at project setup ?
- Create a new Unity Project
- Copy .gitignore from common GitHub repo
- Copy LICENSE from common GitHub repo
- Create README.md
- git init
- Close the project and do not save it
- Copy Engine Assets/Scripts/Core/Editor/Window/, Assets/Scripts/Core/Editor/Project/, Assets/Scripts/Core/Editor/Util.cs, and Assets/Scripts/Core/Editor/ScriptingDefineSymbols.cs
- TODO: simplify this
- Remove .meta files
- Copy Engine Assets/Editor contents
- Remove .meta files
- Open and close the project once for the build process to setup
- TODO: this shouldn't be necessary...
- Open the new Unity Project and the project should automatically initialize
- Say No to enabling the new Input System backend (initializing will set this up instead)
- Copy the rest of the Assets/Scripts/Core contents
- Remove .meta files
- Create ASMDEFs
- Assets/Scripts/Core/com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef
- References: Unity.InputSystem, com.unity.cinemachine, Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime, Unity.TextMeshPro TODO: Kino.Postprocessing (whenever we can bring that back)
- Reference com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi.Runtime if using networking
- Assets/Scripts/Core/Editor/com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.Editor.asmdef
- Editor platform only
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef, Unity.TextMeshPro
- Assets/Scripts/Core/com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef
- Clean up TODOs as necessary
- Remove any FormerlySerializedAs attributes
- Graphics Settings
- Set the Render Pipeline Asset if desired (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline)
- This will require creating the asset first, which itself may be configured as desired
- Set the Render Pipeline Asset if desired (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline)
- Input System Package
- Create the Input System Settings asset if not already done
- Process events in Fixed Update
- Create the Input System Settings asset if not already done
- Tags and Layers
- Add the following layers if they don't exist:
- PostProcessing
- NoPhysics
- Vfx
- Viewer
- Player
- World
- Weather
- Add the following layers if they don't exist:
- Physics Settings
- Only enable the minimum necessary collisions
- TODO: water?
- Vfx -> Vfx
- Viewer -> Weather, World
- Player -> Weather, World, NPC (and Player if that's the desired behavior)
- NPC -> Weather, World (and NPC if that's the desired behavior)
- World -> Weather
- Only enable the minimum necessary collisions
- Physics 2D Settings
- Only enable the minimum necessary collisions
- TODO: water?
- Vfx -> Vfx
- Viewer -> Weather, World
- Player -> Weather, World, NPC (and Player if that's the desired behavior)
- NPC -> Weather, World (and NPC if that's the desired behavior)
- World -> Weather
- Only enable the minimum necessary collisions
- Player Settings
- Set any desired Splash Images/Logos
- Color Space: Linear (or Gamma if targeting old mobile/console platforms)
- Fix up any Grahics API issues that this might cause (generally this means disabling Auto Graphics APIs on certain platforms)
- Enable Static and Dynamic Batching if they aren't already
- Verify that the Bundle Identifer is set correctly
- TextMesh Pro
- Import TMP Essentials if not already done
- Optionally import TMP Examples & Extras if desired
- Add release packages
- Asset Bundle Browser
- Add preview packages
- Android Logcat (optional)
- HD/Lightweight Render Pipeline (optional - whichever best fits the project)
- Burst/Entities (if using ECS)
- DOTween (not Pro)
- Make sure to run the setup
- Make sure to create ASMDEF
- Make sure to enable DOTween in the PDX Party Parrot Project Settings
- If using Spine, download the latest Spine-Unity package (currently 3.8+) and import it
- Assets/Spine* must be added to the .gitignore to prevent committing this
- TODO: this should already be done in the common .gitignore
- The ASMDEF will need to be force added to source control
- If the ASMDEF does not exist, your version is too old!
- Assets/Spine* must be added to the .gitignore to prevent committing this
- Copy Game Scripts
- Remove .meta files
- Create ASMDEF
- Scripts/Game/com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef, Unity.InputSystem, com.unity.cinemachine, Unity.TextMeshPro
- Reference com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi.Runtime if using networking
- Scripts/Game/Editor/com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.Editor
- Editor platform only
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef
- Scripts/Game/com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef
- Clean up TODOs as necessary
- Remove any FormerlySerializedAs attributes
- Create Loading Manager
- Create a new project LoadingManager script that overrides Game LoadingManager
- Create ASMDEFs
- Scripts/{project}/com.pdxpartyparrot.{project}.asmdef
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef, com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef
- Reference Unity.InputSystem, com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi.Runtime, and Unity.TextMeshPro as required
- Scripts/{project}/com.pdxpartyparrot.{project}.asmdef
- Unity EventSystem
- TextMeshPro
- InputSystem PlayerInput
- pdxpartyparrot.{project}.Loading.LoadingManager
- pdxpartyparrot.Core.Time.TimeManager
- pdxpartyparrot.Game.State.GameStateManager
- Cinemachine PixelPerfect
- Default Time
- Cinemachine Brain
- pdxpartyparrot.Core.Debug.DebugMenuManager
- This must be run last
- Create Data/Animation/empty.controller Animation Controller
- Create Data/Audio/main.mixer Mixer
- 3 Master child groups
- Music
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -5db
- Rename it to MusicVolume
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -5db
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to 0db
- Rename it to SFXVolume
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to 0db
- Ambient
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -10db
- Rename it to AmbientVolume
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -10db
- Music
- Expose the Master Volume parameter and set it to 0db
- Rename it to MasterVolume
- Add a Lowpass filter to the Master group
- Rename the default Snapshot to Unpaused
- Create a new Snapshot and name it to Paused
- Set the Lowpass filter to 350Hz
- 3 Master child groups
- Copy button-click.mp3 and button-hover.mp3 to Data/Audio/UI
- Data/Prefabs/Input/EventSystem.prefab
- Create using default EventSystem that gets added automatically when adding a UI object
- Replace Standalone Input Module with InputSystemUIInputModule
- Add EventSystemHelper script to this
- Copy the DefaultInputActions asset to Assets/Data/Input (can rename if desired)
- Replace the EventSystem InputActions with this copy
- Pause action usually has to be added to this
- TODO: This is all wrong now
- Create Data/Input/ServerSpectator.inputactions
- Generate C# Class
- File: Assets/Scripts/Game/Input/ServerSpectatorControls.cs
- Need to create containing directory first
- Class Name: ServerSpectatorControls
- Namespace: pdxpartyparrot.Game.Input
- File: Assets/Scripts/Game/Input/ServerSpectatorControls.cs
- Action Maps
- ServerSpectator
- Actions
- move forward button
- press and release w
- move backward button
- press and release s
- move left button
- press and release a
- move right button
- press and release d
- move up button
- press and release space
- move down button
- press and release left shift
- look axis
- mouse delta
- move forward button
- Actions
- ServerSpectator
- Add ENABLE_SERVER_SPECTATOR to the Scripting Define Symbols
- Generate C# Class
- TODO: ServerSpectator prefab and viewer
- These would attach to the GameStateManager
- Managers go in Data/Prefabs/Managers
- LoadingManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the LoadingManager component to it
- ActorManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the ActorManager component to it
- AudioManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the AudioManager component to it
- Create an AudioData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- Attach the main mixer to the data
- Ensure all of the Parameters look correct
- Add 5 Audio Sources to the manager prefab
- Ensure Spatial Blend is set to 0 (2D)
- Disable Play on Awake
- Attach each audio source to an audio source on the AudioManager component
- CinematicsManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the CinematicsManager component to it
- Create a CinematicsData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- DebugMenuManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the DebugMenuManager component to it
- DialogueManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the DialogueManager component to it
- Create a DialogueData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- EffectsManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the EffectsManager component to it
- EngineManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the PartyParrotManager component to it
- Create an EngineData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- Attach the frictionless physics materials
- GameStateManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the GameStateManager component to it
- Create an empty Prefab in Data/Prefabs/State and add the MainMenuState component to it
- Set the Initial Scene Name to main_menu
- Set the MainMenuState as the Main Menu State Prefab in the GameStateManager
- Create an empty Prefab in Data/Prefabs/State and add the NetworkConnectState component to it
- Set the NetworkConnectState as the Network Connect State Prefab in the GameStateManager
- Create an empty Prefab in Data/Prefabs/State and add the SceneTester component to it
- TODO: This actually needs to be overriden so it can do stuff like allocate viewers (or is there a way we can make it so this isn't true?)
- Set the SceneTester as the Scene Tester Prefab in the GameStateManager
- InputManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the InputManager component to it
- Attach the EventSystem prefab
- LocalizationManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the LocalizationManager component to it
- Create a LocalizationData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- NetworkManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the (not Unity) NetworkManager component to it
- Uncheck Don't Destroy on Load
- ObjectPoolManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the ObjectPoolManager component to it
- SaveGameManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the SaveGameManager component to it
- Set the Save File Name to {project}
- SceneManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the SceneManager component to it
- SpawnManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the SpawnManager component to it
- Create a SpawnData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- Add a player spawn tag
- TimeManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the TimeManager component to it
- UIManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the UIManager component to it
- Create a UIData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- Attach a TMP_Font Asset to the Default font
- LiberationSans SDF is currently the default TMP font
- TODO: create and attach default button effect triggers
- Set the UI layer to UI
- Attach a TMP_Font Asset to the Default font
- ViewerManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the ViewerManager component to it
- Connect all of the managers to the LoadingManager prefab
- Create a new GameData script that overrides the Game GameData
- Create a new GameManager script that overrides the Game GameManager
- Implement the required interface
- Add a connection to the project GameManager in the project LoadingManager
- Override CreateManagers() in the loading manager to create the GameManager prefab
- Create an empty Prefab and add the GameManager component to it
- Create a GameData in Data/Data and attach it to the manager
- Configure as necessary
- TODO: floating text prefab
- Attach the manager to the LoadingManager prefab
- Create a new PlayerBehaviorData script that overrides one of the Game PlayerBehaviorData
- Create a new PlayerBehavior script that overrides one of the Game PlayerBehavior
- Implement the required interface
- Create a new PlayerInputData script that overrides the Game PlayerInputData
- Create a new PlayerInput script that overrides one of the Game PlayerInput
- Implement the required interface
- Create a new PlayerData script that overrides the Game PlayerData
- Create a new Player script that overrides one of the Game Players
- Implement the required interface
- TODO: This is outdated now
- Create Data/Input/PlayerControls.inputactions
- Generate C# Class
- File: Assets/Scripts/{project}/Input/PlayerControls.cs
- Need to create containing directory first
- Class Name: PlayerControls
- Namespace: pdxpartyparrot.{project}.Input
- File: Assets/Scripts/{project}/Input/PlayerControls.cs
- Add Action Maps as necessary
- Generate C# Class
- Have the project PlayerInput implement the action interface
- TODO: this is probably broken now that we're using the InputSystem PlayerInput
- The PlayerInput should set the actions callback handler to itself
- TODO: also probably broken
- Create an empty Prefab and add the Player component to it
- This will require a collider to be added first
- Layer: Player
- Setup networking if using it
- Check the Local Player Authority box in the Network Identity
- Attach the empty animator controller to the Animator
- This will stop potential animator error spam
- Attach the Animator to the Network Animator
- Attach the NetworkPlayer to the Network Player on the Player component
- Add a new empty GameObject under the Player prefab (Model)
- Attach this to the Model on the Player component
- The actual model for the player should go under this container
- Add a new empty GameObject under the Player prefab (Behavior) and add the PlayerBehavior component to it
- Attach the Player Behavior to the Actor Components of the Player component
- Add a new empty GameObject under the Player prefab (Movement) and add one of the PlayerMovement components to it
- Attach the Player Movement to the Actor Components of the Player component
- Attach the Rigidbody on the Player to the Movement Rigidbody
- TODO: Animator on the Player Behavior ???
- Attach the Player Movement to the Actor Components of the Player component
- Add a new empty GameObject under the Player Prefab (Input) and add the project PlayerInput component to it
- Attach the Player Input to the Player component
- Attach the DefaultInputActions asset to the Unity PlayerInput
- Default Map should be set to Player
- Change Behavior to Invoke Unity Events
- Hook up any events as necessary
- Attach the Player to the Owner on the PlayerInput component
- Create a PlayerInputData in Data/Data and attach it to the PlayerInput component
- Create a new Player/GameViewer script that overrides one of the Core Game Viewers and implements the IPlayerViewer interface
- Create an empty Prefab and add the project Viewer script to it
- Layer: Viewer
- Configure any additional settings as required
- Add a camera under the prefab (Camera)
- Clear Flags: Solid Color (or Skybox for a skybox)
- Background: Opaque Black (or Default for a skybox)
- Remove the Audio Listener
- Add CinemachineBrain to Camera
- Add a Post Process Layer component to the Camera object
- Set the Layer to PostProcessing
- Make sure Directly to Camera Target is unchecked
- Attach the Camera to the Viewer component
- Add another camera under the prefab (UI Camera)
- Clear Flags: Solid Color
- Background: Opaque Black
- Remove the AudioListener
- Add the UICameraAspectRatio component to the UI Camera
- Attach the UI Camera to the Viewer component
- Add an empty GameObject under the prefab (PostProcessingVolume) and add a Post Process Volume to it
- Attach the Post Process Volume to the Viewer component
- Create the Post Process Layer (one per-viewer, Viewer{N}_PostProcess)
- TODO: wtf is this stuff:
- Create a new layer for each potential viewer
- TODO: Need to make sure we put each viewer on its own layer
- Create a new PlayerManager script that overrides the Game PlayerManager
- Implement the required interface
- Add a connection to the project PlayerManager in the project LoadingManager
- Create the PlayerManager prefab in the overloaded CreateManagers() in the project LoadingManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the PlayerManager component to it
- Attach the Player prefab to the Player Prefab on the PlayerManager
- Create a PlayerData in Data/Data and attach it to the PlayerManager component
- Create a PlayerBehaviorData in Data/Data and attach it to the PlayerManager component
- Set the Actor Layer to Player
- Attach the manager to the LoadingManager prefab
- Create and save a new scene (Assets/Scenes/splash.unity)
- The only object in the scene should be the Main Camera
- Setup the camera in the scene
- Set the Tag to Untagged
- Disable HDR
- Disable MSAA
- Leave the Audio Listener attached to the camera for audio to work
- Add the UICameraAspectRatio component to the camera
- Setup Lighting
- Remove the Skybox Material
- Environment Lighting Source: Color
- Disable Realtime Global Illumination
- Disable Baked Global Illumination
- Disable Auto Generate lighting
- Add the scene to the Build Settings and ensure that it is Scene 0
- Add a new GameObject to the scene (SplashScreen) and add the SplashScreen component to it
- Attach the camera to the Camera field of the SplashScreen component
- Add whatever splash screen videos to the list of Splash Screens on the SplashScreen component
- Set the Main Scene Name to match whatever the name of your main scene is
- The main scene should also have been added (or will need to be added) to the Build Settings along with any other required scenes
- Create and save a new scene (Scenes/main.unity)
- The only object in the scene should be the Main Camera
- Setup the camera in the scene
- Set the Tag to Untagged
- Clear Flags: Solid Color
- Background: Opaque Black
- Culling Mask: Nothing
- Projection: Orthographic
- Uncheck Occlusion Culling
- Disable HDR
- Disable MSAA
- Leave the Audio Listener attached to the camera for audio to work
- Add the UICameraAspectRatio component to the camera
- Setup Lighting
- Remove the Skybox Material
- Environment Lighting Source: Color
- Disable Realtime Global Illumination
- Disable Baked Global Illumination
- Disable Auto Generate lighting
- Add the scene to the Build Settings
- Add a new LoadingScreen object to the scene with the LoadingScreen component
- Layer: UI
- Add a new Canvas object below the LoadingScreen
- Render Mode: Screen Space - Overlay
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Remove the Graphic Raycaster
- Set the Canvas on the LoadingScreen object
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Add a Panel under the Canvas
- Clear the Source Image
- Color: (0, 0, 0, 255)
- Disable Raycast Target
- Add an Image (Title) under the Canvas
- Stretch the Rect Transform
- Color: (255, 0, 255, 255)
- Disable Raycast Target
- Eventually this can be replaced with the actual title screen
- Add a Text - TextMeshPro (Name) under the Panel
- Text: "Placeholder"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Add an Empty GameObject (Progress) under the Panel and add the ProgressBar component to it
- Pos Y: -125
- Attach the ProgressBar component to the LoadingScreen component
- Add an Image under the Progress Bar (Background)
- Move the image below the Name text
- Color: (0, 0, 0, 255)
- Size: (500, 25)
- Source Image: Core Progress Image
- Disable Raycast Target
- And an Image under the Background Image (Foreground)
- Position: (0, 0, 0)
- Size: (500, 25)
- Source Image: Core Progress Image
- Disable Raycast Target
- Image Type: Filled
- Fill Method: Horizontal
- Fill Origin: Left
- Fill Amount: 0.25
- Attach the images to the ProgressBar component
- Add a Text - TextMeshPro (Status) under the Progress Bar
- Pos Y: -75
- Size: (750, 50)
- Text: "Loading..."
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Attach the Text to the LoadingScreen component
- Add the LoadingManager prefab to the scene
- Attach the Main Camera
- Attach the LoadingScreen to the Loader
TODO: In the future, make a Button prefab to stick in everything
Create a new MainMenu script that overrides the Game MainMenu
Create a MainMenu Prefab in Prefabs/Menus and add the Game Menu component to it
- Layer: UI
- Add a Canvas under the prefab
- Render Mode: Screen Space - Overlay
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Set the Canvas on the Menu object
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Add a Panel under the Canvas (Main)
- Remove the Image component
- Add the MainMenu script to the panel
- Set Owner to the Menu object
- Set the Main Panel on the Menu object to the Main panel
- Add an empty GameObject under the Panel (Container)
- Stretch the container
- Add a Vertical Layout Group
- Spacing: 10
- Alignment: Middle Center
- Child Controls Width / Height
- No Child Force Expand
- Add a UIObject component to the container
- Id: main_menu_buttons
- Add a Button - TextMeshPro (Start) under the container
- Normal Color: (255, 0, 255, 255)
- Highlight Color: (0, 255, 0, 255)
- Add an On Click handler that calls the MainMenu OnStart method
- Add a Button Helper to the button
- Add a Layout Element to the Button
- Preferred Width: 200
- Preferred Height: 50
- Text: "Start"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Set the Main Menu Initial Selection to the Start Button
- TODO: Multiplayer if networking
- Duplicate the Start Button (High Scores) if desired
- Set the On Click handler to the MainMenu OnHighScores method
- Set the Text to "High Scores"
- Add a Panel (High Scores) under the Canvas
- Remove the Image component
- Add the High Scores Menu component to the panel
- Set Owner to the Menu object
- Set the High Scores Panel on the Menu object to the Main panel
- Add an empty GameObject under the Panel (Container)
- Stretch the container
- Add a Vertical Layout Group
- Spacing: 0
- Alignment: Upper Center
- Child Controls Width / Height
- No Child Force Expand
- TODO: finish this
- Duplicate the Start Button (Credits)
- Set the On Click handler to the MainMenu OnCredits method
- Set the Text to "Credits"
- Add a Panel (Credits) under the Canvas
- Remove the Image component
- Add the Credits Menu component to the panel
- Set Owner to the Menu object
- Set the Credits Panel on the Menu object to the Main panel
- Add an empty GameObject under the Panel (Container)
- Stretch the container
- Add a Vertical Layout Group
- Spacing: 0
- Alignment: Upper Center
- Child Controls Width / Height
- No Child Force Expand
- Add a Text - Text Mesh Pro under the container
- Text: "Credits"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Text: "Credits"
- Add a Scroll View under the container
- Remove the Image
- Uncheck Horizontal
- TODO: inertia
- Movement Type: Clamped
- Remove the Scroll Bars
- Add a LayoutElement to the Scroll View
- Flexible Width: 1
- Flexible Height: 1
- Add a Scroll Rect Auto Scroll to the Scroll View
- Add a Text - TextMeshPro under the Scroll View Content
- Top Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Attach the text to the Credits Menu component
- Duplicate the Start Button (Back)
- Set the On Click handler to the CredisMenu OnBack method
- Set the Text to "Back"
- Set the Back button as the Initial Selection of the Credits Menu
- Create a CreditsData in Data/Data and attach it to the Credits Menu
- Duplicate the Start Button (Quit)
- Set the On Click handler to the MainMenu OnQuitGame method
- Set the Text to "Quit"
- Attach the Start button to the Initial Selection on the Main Menu
Attach the MainMenu prefab to the MainMenuState Menu Prefab
- Create a TitleScreen prefab in Prefabs/UI and add the TitleScreen Component to it
- Layer: UI
- Add a new Canvas object below the TitleScreen
- Render Mode: Screen Space - Overlay
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Remove the Graphic Raycaster
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Add a Panel under the Canvas
- Disable Raycast Target
- Color: (255, 0, 0, 255)
- Add a TextMeshPro - Text (Title)
- Pos Y: 256
- Text: "Placeholder"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Attach the Title to the TitleScreen Component
- Optionally add a TextMeshPro - Text (SubTitle)
- Pos Y: 128
- Text: "Placeholder"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Attach the SubTitle to the TitleScreen Component
- Attach the TitleScreen prefab to the MainMenuState prefab
- Create and save a new scene (Scenes/main_menu.unity)
- The only object in the scene should be the Main Camera
- Setup the camera in the scene
- Set the Tag to Untagged
- Clear Flags: Solid Color
- Background: Opaque Black
- Culling Mask: Everything
- Projection: Orthographic
- Uncheck Occlusion Culling
- Disable HDR
- Disable MSAA
- Remove the Audio Listener
- Add the UICameraAspectRatio component to the camera
- Setup Lighting
- Remove the Skybox Material
- Environment Lighting Source: Color
- Disable Realtime Global Illumination
- Disable Baked Global Illumination
- Disable Auto Generate lighting
- Add the scene to the Build Settings
- The scene should now load when the main scene is run as long as the name of the scene matches what was set in the MainMenuState prefab
- Create a new GameUI script that overrides the Game GameUI
- Create a GameUI Prefab in Prefabs/UI and add the GameUI component to it
- Layer: UI
- Add a Canvas under the prefab
- Render Mode: Screen Space - Overlay
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Set the Canvas on the GameUI object
- Remove the Graphic Raycaster
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Create a new GameUIManager script that overrides the Game GameUIManager
- Implement the required interface
- Add a connection to the project GameUIManager in the project LoadingManager
- Create the GameUIManager prefab in the overloaded CreateManagers() in the project LoadingManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the GameUIManager component to it
- Attach the GameUI prefab to he manager
- Create a PauseMenu Prefab in Prefabs/Menus and add the Game Menu component to it
- Layer: UI
- Add a Canvas under the prefab
- Render Mode: Screen Space - Overlay
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Set the Canvas on the Menu object
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Add a Panel under the Canvas (Main)
- Remove the Image component
- Add the PauseMenu script to the panel
- Set Owner to the Menu object
- Set the Main Panel on the Menu object to the Main panel
- Add an empty GameObject under the Panel (Container)
- Stretch the container
- Add a Vertical Layout Group
- Spacing: 10
- Alignment: Middle Center
- Child Controls Width / Height
- No Child Force Expand
- Add a Text - TextMeshPro (Pause) under the container
- Text: "Pause"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Add a Button - TextMeshPro (Settings) under the container
- Normal Color: (255, 0, 255, 255)
- Highlight Color: (0, 255, 0, 255)
- Add an On Click handler that calls the PauseMenu OnSettings method
- Add a Button Helper to the button
- Add a Layout Element to the Button
- Preferred Width: 200
- Preferred Height: 50
- Text: "Settings"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Add a Panel (Settings) under the Canvas
- Remove the Image component
- Add the Settings Menu component to the panel
- Set Owner to the Menu object
- Set the Settings Panel on the Settings Menu
- Add an empty GameObject under the Panel (Container)
- Stretch the container
- TODO: do an actual settings menu
- Add a Vertical Layout Group
- Spacing: 0
- Alignment: Upper Center
- Child Controls Width / Height
- No Child Force Expand
- Add a Text - Text Mesh Pro under the container
- Text: "Settings"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Text: "Settings"
- Duplicate the Settings Button (Back)
- Set the On Click handler to the SettingsMenu OnBack method
- Set the Text to "Back"
- Set the Back button as the Initial Selection of the Settings Menu
- Duplicate the Settings Button (Resume)
- Set the On Click handler to the PauseMenu OnResume method
- Set the Text to "Resume"
- Duplicate the Settings Button (Main Menu)
- Set the On Click handler to the PauseMenu OnExitMainMenu method
- Set the Text to "Main Menu"
- Duplicate the Settings Button (Quit)
- Set the On Click handler to the PauseMenu OnQuitGame method
- Set the Text to "Quit"
- Set the Main Menu Initial Selection to the Settings Button
- Attach the PauseMenu prefab to the GameUIManager Prefab
- Create a new MainGameState script that overrides the Game MainGameState
- Implement the required interface
- Create an empty Prefab and add the MainGameState component to it
- TODO: set the intial scene name
- Attach to the GameData
- Create a new GameOverState script that overrides the Game GameOverState
- Implement the required interface
- Create an empty Prefab and add the GameOverState component to it
- TODO: game over menu
- Attach to the MainGameState
- Attach to the SceneTester
- TODO: More GameStates
- TODO: Player UI
- TODO: Pause / Pause Menu
- TODO: Creating Data
- Game scenes must be added to the Build Settings
- Game scenes require at least one SpawnPoint tagged with the player spawn tag in order for a player to spawn
- Game scenes should have a level helper in them
- Mark all static objects as Static in their prefab editor