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Docker building utilities and common actions. Inspired by

You can use it to build (locally or remotely) your own Docker images, supporting docker compose build with compose configuration and plain docker build command.

Support remote actions, connecting through SSH to other machines. This is useful to build Docker images for different architectures natively, for example. For remote building docker >= v23 is required, because docker compose >= v2 plugin is needed. Will fallback to docker build alternative if outdated.

Since v2.1.0 multiarch Docker building and tagging is supported too, without needing extra native hosts. For building, you can declare platforms at your compose file and multi-arch will be enabled automatically (or you can set it explicitly if not using compose file). For tagging, source Docker image manifest will be checked to preserve multi-arch at resultant image tag automatically (or you can force using only current platform architecture for new image tag).


  • build:

    Build an image locally or at a remote Docker environment. Contains several stages:

    1. definitions:

      Set initial configuration values, getting environment values and with local defaults as fallback. Also prints the initial banner.

    2. show-banner:

      Prints the initial banner, with tool name and version.

    3. prepare-target:

      Check if target environment is local or remote, preparing connection and functions used at next steps.

    4. ssh-config:

      If target environment is remote, set connection options, add identity and define function to run commands at target.

    5. prepare-env:

      Try different paths to locate build configuration, retrieve environment variables from current environment and script arguments, prepare values for usage, etc.

    6. check-config:

      Validate compose configuration (if found). When configuration is missing or invalid, building will continue using docker build alternative.

    7. prepare-build:

      If target environment is remote, copy resources to remote environment, including build configuration, specific project resources, environment definition, etc.

    8. do-build:

      Automatically decide to use docker compose build or docker build, launch build process locally or remotely, create predefined image tags, push resultant image to Docker registry, clean temporary resources, etc.

  • tag:

    Apply a new tag to an already built Docker image, locally or at a remote Docker environment. Contains several stages:

    1. definitions:

      Set initial configuration values, getting environment values and with local defaults as fallback. Also prints the initial banner.

    2. show-banner:

      Prints the initial banner, with tool name and version.

    3. prepare-registry:

      Check variables and apply default values if missing, for Docker registry configuration.

    4. prepare-target:

      Check if target environment is local or remote, preparing connection and functions used at next steps.

    5. ssh-config:

      If target environment is remote, set connection options, add identity and define function to run commands at target.

    6. prepare-credentials:

      Use a file to store registry credentials, to avoid using insecure CLI arguments for passwords.

    7. prepare-tag:

      Split image names and tags, check variables and apply default values if missing, for Docker tag application. When tagging at remote environment, send registry credentials to host.

    8. do-tag:

      Login to registries, check source image, apply new tag and push the result.

  • flatten:

    Obtain a single-level Docker image name from a multi-level source. Useful to tag images from GitLab registry (multi-level: group-name/path/to/project) to DockerHub (single-level: username/path-to-project). The output image name can be retrieved as script result or into TARGET_IMAGE_NAME environment variable. Contains only definitions stage.


You need to install Docker daemon to use this image from your host. Then, you can run it like:

docker run --rm --name docker-build \
  -e PACKAGED_IMAGE_NAME=test-image \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
  -v $(pwd):/build \
  pedroetb/docker-build \
  <action> <arg1> <arg2> ...

Notice the /build mountpoint, containing current directory content from your host (where you ran the command). This is the default location where build resources and configuration must be located.

Also, Docker socket must be mounted to access local Docker daemon (needed to build locally).

Configuration is possible through environment variables and by script (<action>) parameters.

Using environment variables, you can configure:

  • Behaviour of docker-build itself.
  • Docker build arguments, using the ENV_PREFIX (DBLD_ by default) prefix in your variable names and a convenient compose configuration (or using DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS directly).
  • Variables inside compose configuration, using the ENV_PREFIX (DBLD_ by default) prefix in your variable names.

Using script parameters you can set:

  • When action is build, Docker build arguments and variables inside compose configuration can be set by parameters. These parameters overwrite previous environment values, including those defined using the ENV_PREFIX (DBLD_ by default) prefix.


Docker build

You may define these environment variables (bold are mandatory):

Variable name Default value Description
PACKAGED_IMAGE_NAME - Name of Docker image to be built (without tag). It will be available at build environment as <IMAGE_NAME_VARIABLE_NAME>.
ALLOW_COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_INTERPOLATION 0 Allow passing variable values directly from COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_NAME file (.env by default), to let Compose interpolate variables used into values. By default, values will be single-quoted before checking config and building with Compose, to avoid getting unwanted variable resolution. Useful only for docker compose build alternative.
BUILD_SERVICE_NAME - Name of service (among those defined into compose configuration) to be built. Default is empty, to build all services found (although tagging and pushing only accept one image at a time).
COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_NAME .env Name of variable definition file, without path.
COMPOSE_FILE_NAME compose.yaml Name of image build configuration file, without path. Support multiple files, separated by :.
COMPOSE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY build Path of directory which contains compose configuration.
DOCKER_BUILD_CONTEXT . Name of directory which docker build will use as context root. Not valid when using docker compose build alternative.
DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS - List of additional docker build options, used by both docker compose build and docker build alternatives.
DOCKER_VERBOSE 0 Show full output of Docker operations (build, pull and push) when enabled.
DOCKERFILE_PATH Dockerfile Path of Dockerfile file, relative to your project directories. Not valid when using docker compose build alternative.
ENABLE_MULTIARCH_BUILD 0 Perform image building for multiple platform architectures at once. Valid for both docker compose build and docker build. When using docker compose build, this will be enabled automatically if platforms keyword is detected at compose file, building for these architectures. If docker build is used (actually, docker buildx build), you must enable this explicitly and will build for architectures defined by MULTIARCH_PLATFORM_LIST.
ENV_PREFIX DBLD_ Prefix used to identify variables to be defined in remote environment and service, available there without this prefix. Change this if default value collides with the beginning of your variable names.
ENV_SPACE_REPLACEMENT <dbld-space> Unique string (change this if that is not true for you) used to replace spaces into variable values while handling them.
FORCE_DOCKER_BUILD 0 Use always docker build alternative instead of docker compose build, even if compose configuration is available.
IMAGE_NAME_VARIABLE_NAME IMAGE_NAME Value used as name of variable which will contain PACKAGED_IMAGE_NAME value at build process. Useful only for docker compose build alternative, to use this variable inside compose configuration file.
IMAGE_TAG_VARIABLE_NAME IMAGE_TAG Value used as name of variable which will contain PACKAGED_IMAGE_TAG value at build process. Useful only for docker compose build alternative, to use this variable inside compose configuration file.
IMAGES_FOR_CACHING - Docker images, separated by space, which should be pulled before building to provide contents for cache_from (at compose file for docker compose build ) or --cache-from (at command arguments for docker build).
LATEST_TAG_VALUE latest Value used as Docker image tag, representing the most recent version of a Docker image.
MULTIARCH_PLATFORM_LIST linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm64/v8,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v6 Platform architectures used by multiarch building, only when building with docker build alternative (actually, docker buildx build). When using docker compose build, you must define platforms into build section at your compose file.
OMIT_IMAGE_PUSH 0 Cancel image publication to Docker registry after a successful build.
OMIT_LATEST_TAG 0 Do not tag image as <LATEST_TAG_VALUE> after a successful build.
PACKAGED_IMAGE_TAG latest Tag of Docker image to be built (representing image version). It will be available at build environment as <IMAGE_TAG_VARIABLE_NAME>.
REGISTRY_PASS - Docker registry password, corresponding to a user with read/write permissions. Required to push built images to registry.
REGISTRY_URL - Docker registry address, where Docker must log in to retrieve and publicate images. Default is empty, to use Docker Hub registry.
REGISTRY_USER - Docker registry username, corresponding to a user with read/write permissions. Required to push built images to registry.
REMOTE_BUILD_PATH ~/docker-build Path in remote host where building directory (used to hold temporary files) will be created. Only useful when running remote build.
SSH_BUILD_CONTROL_PERSIST 10 Number of seconds while SSH connection to remote host remain open (useful for short but frequent connections).
SSH_BUILD_KEY - Private key used to authenticate, paired with a public key accepted by remote host. Required to use remote building.
SSH_BUILD_PORT 22 Port used for SSH connection to remote host.
SSH_BUILD_REMOTE - SSH user and hostname (DNS or IP) of remote host where you are going to build. Omit to run build locally. Required to use remote building.

Docker tag

You may define these environment variables (bold are mandatory):

Variable name Default value Description
SOURCE_IMAGE - Identification (<name:tag>) of Docker image to use as source. Can be provided as first argument too.
TARGET_IMAGE - Identification (<name:tag>) of Docker image to use as target. Can be provided as second argument too.
DOCKER_VERBOSE 0 Show full output of Docker operations (build, pull and push) when enabled.
FORCE_SINGLEARCH_TAG 0 Perform image tagging without preserving original image manifest for multi-arch source images, incuding only current platform architecture (where docker-build is running) for new tag. When disabled, all platform architectures found at source image manifest are included for new tag.
LATEST_TAG_VALUE latest Value used as Docker image tag, representing the most recent version of a Docker image.
OMIT_IMAGE_PUSH 0 Cancel image publication to Docker registry after a successful tag.
OMIT_LATEST_TAG 0 Do not tag image as <LATEST_TAG_VALUE> after a successful tag.
REMOTE_BUILD_PATH ~/docker-build Path in remote host where tagging directory (used to hold temporary files) will be created. Only useful when running remote build.
SOURCE_REGISTRY_PASS <REGISTRY_PASS> Docker registry password, corresponding to a user with read permissions at source registry.
SOURCE_REGISTRY_URL <REGISTRY_URL> Docker registry address, where Docker must log in to retrieve images.
SOURCE_REGISTRY_USER <REGISTRY_USER> Docker registry username, corresponding to a user with read permissions at source registry.
SSH_BUILD_CONTROL_PERSIST 10 Number of seconds while SSH connection to remote host remain open (useful for short but frequent connections.
SSH_BUILD_KEY - Private key used to authenticate, paired with a public key accepted by remote host. Required to use remote building.
SSH_BUILD_PORT 22 Port used for SSH connection to remote host.
SSH_BUILD_REMOTE - SSH user and hostname (DNS or IP) of remote host where you are going to build. Omit to run build locally.
TARGET_REGISTRY_PASS <SOURCE_REGISTRY_PASS> Docker registry password, corresponding to a user with read/write permissions at target registry. Required to push tagged images to registry.
TARGET_REGISTRY_URL <SOURCE_REGISTRY_URL> Docker registry address, where Docker must log in to publicate images.
TARGET_REGISTRY_USER <SOURCE_REGISTRY_USER> Docker registry username, corresponding to a user with read/write permissions at target registry. Required to push tagged images to registry.

Docker flatten

You may define these environment variables (bold are mandatory):

Variable name Default value Description
SOURCE_IMAGE_NAME - Name of Docker image to flatten (without tag). Can be provided as first argument too.
PRESERVE_ROOT_LEVEL 0 Keep first segment of image name (portion before first /). If ROOT_NAME is defined, this portion acts as a prefix for the name; if not, this becomes the ROOT_NAME.
ROOT_NAME - Text used to prepend to the flatten image name, separated by /. For example, in Docker Hub this typically is the username.

Your images

When using build action, you can configure your own image arguments through variables:

Note that you must declare them at your compose files too (into build.args section, for example).

  • Define any variable whose name is prefixed by ENV_PREFIX prefix:

    1. Set variable docker run ... -e DBLD_ANY_NAME=value ... build.
    2. ANY_NAME will be available to set into image as argument with value value.
  • Pass any variable as build script parameter (without ENV_PREFIX prefix):

    1. Set parameter to build script: docker run ... build ANY_NAME=value.
    2. ANY_NAME will be available to set into image as argument with value value.


Build (local)

$ ls -a .
.  ..  build Dockerfile

$ ls -a build
.  ..  compose.yaml  .env

$ docker run --rm --name docker-build \
  -e PACKAGED_IMAGE_NAME=test-image \
  -e DBLD_VARIABLE_1="variable 1" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
  -v $(pwd):/build \
  pedroetb/docker-build \
  build VARIABLE_2="variable 2"
  1. You must define a Docker image to built, at Dockerfile file.
  2. You may define a build configuration, using compose.yaml file at least. If no configuration is provided, docker build will be used automatically.
  3. To use Docker inside container (needed to build locally), you must mount /var/run/docker.sock from your host.
  4. Start image building. In this example:
    • at localhost
    • building test-image:latest Docker image from Dockerfile
    • using docker compose build with compose.yaml configuration
    • with VARIABLE_1 and VARIABLE_2 set

Build (remote)

$ ls -a .
.  ..  build Dockerfile

$ ls -a build
.  ..  compose.yaml  .env

$ export SSH_BUILD_KEY="

$ docker run --rm --name docker-build \
  -e \
  -e PACKAGED_IMAGE_NAME=test-image \
  -e DBLD_VARIABLE_1="variable 1" \
  -v $(pwd):/build \
  pedroetb/docker-build \
  build VARIABLE_2="variable 2"
  1. You must define a Docker image to built, at Dockerfile file.
  2. You may define a build configuration, using compose.yaml file at least. If no configuration is provided, docker build will be used automatically.
  3. To authenticate, you must use a private key allowed in the remote host.
  4. Start image building. In this example:
    • at remote host
    • identified as user
    • authenticated through a RSA-1024 private key
    • building test-image:latest Docker image from Dockerfile
    • using docker compose build with compose.yaml configuration
    • with VARIABLE_1 and VARIABLE_2 set

Flatten and tag (local)

$ docker run --rm --name docker-build \
  -e SOURCE_IMAGE_NAME=docker/compose \
  -e ROOT_NAME=pedroetb \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
  pedroetb/docker-build \
  "tag \${SOURCE_IMAGE_NAME}:latest \$(flatten):newtag"
  1. To use Docker inside container (needed to tag locally), you must mount /var/run/docker.sock from your host.
  2. Start image tagging. In this example:
    • at localhost
    • flattening source Docker image name to use as tag target
    • preserving source root level docker and with custom target root name pedroetb
    • tagging docker/compose:latest as pedroetb/docker-compose:newtag
    • omitting image push because target Docker registry credentials are not defined