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Peter Halasz edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 40 revisions

Sprint Command in detail

_sprint <duration> <when> <preset> <other>

You can include one <duration>, one <when>, one <preset>, and any number of <other> parameters. They can be in any order.

Duration (how long?)

Parameter Example How long will the sprint be?
<minutes> _sprint 5 5 minutes
for <minutes> _sprint for 5 5 minutes
hel _sprint hel "however long" — Sprinto spins the wheel and starts a Sprint usually between 10 and 25 minutes, with a tiny chance of being around 5 or 40 minutes
until :<MM> _sprint until :45 From the start time until quarter-to (in almost all timezones)


Parameter Example When will the example sprint start
<minutes> <minutes> _sprint 15 5 In 5 minutes. (The first <minutes> is the duration)
in <minutes> _sprint in 5 In 5 minutes
at :<MM> _sprint at :30 At half past the hour (for almost all timezones). You can leave off either the : or the word at.
now _sprint now Start immediately
next <minute> _sprint next 5 Start once the big hand of your clock is pointing directly at a number (a multiple of 5 minutes)
in <minutes> to <minutes> _sprint in 5 to 10 Starts the sprint in 5 to 10 minutes. If you ran this sprint command at 7:14, the sprint would start at 7:20 (in 6 minutes). Sprinto finds the best (roundest) time to start your sprint in the period given.

Shortcuts: (finds a nice "round" time to start between these times)

Parameter When will the sprint start
in a few ticks in 30s to 60s
soon in 2 to 3 minutes
iaf or in a few in 3 to 5 mins
iab or in a bit in 3 to 8 mins
later in 15 to 20 mins


Convenient ways to start a sprint.

Preset Meaning
(default) _sprint for 15m in 1m endtime 3m
quick _sprint for 5m in 30s endtime 90s
long _sprint 30 in 10 to 15
marathon _sprint for 60 in 10 to 15 endtime 5

You can override any part of a preset. For example, _sprint quick 10 will _sprint for 10 minutes in 30 seconds endtime 90s


Keyword Meaning
help Gives you a link to this wiki page
quiet or quietly Don't ping anyone to announce the sprint.
endtime <minutes> How long sprinters have to give their final word count (3 minutes by default)
noff "no fast finish" — Always wait the full time for final word counts before showing the final results (instead of speeding it up if everyone's given their word counts). Defaults to 3 minutes.


Anywhere you use <Minutes> you can also use seconds, e.g. _sprint for 1000 seconds or whatever you like really, e.g. _sprint for .01 day or _sprint for 10:30. Sprinto uses TimeSpanParser, which was developed for Sprinto.


Where you see :<MM> it refers to a clock time without the hours. For example, to start a sprint at 7:35pm, you'd use _sprint at :35. There's no ambiguity because he can only start sprints less than an hour in advance. Sprinto doesn't know your timezone.

Use _sprint now to start a sprint immediately. If you try to start a sprint at :35 when it's currently 7:35, Sprinto will think you want to start in about an hour (because 7:35:00 has already passed, so 8:35:00 is the next match for :35).

Newfoundland, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the Marquesas, as well as parts of Australia use half-hour deviations from standard time, and some nations, such as Nepal, and some provinces, such as the Chatham Islands of New Zealand, use quarter-hour deviations. — via Wikipedia, "Time zone"

Sorry, Sprinto can't adjust for Adelaidians and other half-hour or quarter-hour deviants, so just pretend you're anywhere else in the world when using the at :<MM> and until :<MM> parameters please. If this is an actual major issue for your Discord server, please let me know.

Note you can leave off the colon (:) so long as you remember to include the keyword (at or until).

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