sales-o-meter project by Stefano Di Luca -
This script is a base sketch designed to create a sales-o-meter for our website
We have used the following hardware:
- Arduino Uno
- Wi-Fi shield
- A 180° Servo
- Green and red leds to show the Wi-Fi status
char ssid[] = "NETWORK SSID NAME"; // Your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "NETWORK PASS"; // Your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
If your network is configured for WEP authentication change this line
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, keyIndex, pass);
PINS (Change these values in order to fulfill your Arduino configuration)
const int greenLEDPin = 2; // Green LED connected to digital pin 3
const int redLEDPin = 3; // Red LED connected to digital pin 3
const int servoPin = 8; // Servo analog pin
HOSTNAME (Specify an hostname or ipaddress of your website)
IPAddress server(199,59,149,200); // numeric IP for your website
char server[] = "YOUR HOSTNAME"; // name address
Change these lines with your parameters
client.println("GET /path/yourpage.php HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Host: YOUR HOSTNAME");
OTHER SETTINGS (Change these settings accordingly to your needs)
const int maxScaleValue = 400; // Max value passed to map() function, represent the max value of your meter
unsigned long requestInterval = 60*10000;// Delay between requests; 10 minutes
unsigned long lastAttemptTime = 0; // last time you connected to the server, in milliseconds
int servoValue = 0; // Servo value initialized to 0