This time, we are given a website that accepts PDF files, parses them, and signs them. However, it will only sign them if the text inside starts with ECHO
Here is a screenshot of some of the source that I took while solving the problem:
Ignore the circled stuff, that was me trying to find a vuln. Then, I looked up openssl_verify:
int openssl_verify ( string $data , string $signature , mixed $pub_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 ] )
It seems that the default signature algorithm for this is SHA1! But SHA1 has been broken for PDFs with SHATTERED
From here, it is simply a task of generating 2 pdf files with the same SHA1 hash. I used this site to generate the pdfs.
I uploaded pdf1 (a.pdf) and got it signed, and then used the signature on pdf2 (b.pdf). The server recognizes this and gives the flag.
Flag: OOO{phP_4lw4y5_d3l1v3r5_3h7_b35T_fl4g5}