diff --git a/operator/.bingo/Variables.mk b/operator/.bingo/Variables.mk
index 31dd5cde7bf85..972e158e6eab1 100644
--- a/operator/.bingo/Variables.mk
+++ b/operator/.bingo/Variables.mk
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ $(KIND): $(BINGO_DIR)/kind.mod
@echo "(re)installing $(GOBIN)/kind-v0.23.0"
@cd $(BINGO_DIR) && GOWORK=off $(GO) build -mod=mod -modfile=kind.mod -o=$(GOBIN)/kind-v0.23.0 "sigs.k8s.io/kind"
-KUSTOMIZE := $(GOBIN)/kustomize-v4.5.7
+KUSTOMIZE := $(GOBIN)/kustomize-v5.4.3
$(KUSTOMIZE): $(BINGO_DIR)/kustomize.mod
@# Install binary/ries using Go 1.14+ build command. This is using bwplotka/bingo-controlled, separate go module with pinned dependencies.
- @echo "(re)installing $(GOBIN)/kustomize-v4.5.7"
- @cd $(BINGO_DIR) && GOWORK=off $(GO) build -mod=mod -modfile=kustomize.mod -o=$(GOBIN)/kustomize-v4.5.7 "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v4"
+ @echo "(re)installing $(GOBIN)/kustomize-v5.4.3"
+ @cd $(BINGO_DIR) && GOWORK=off $(GO) build -mod=mod -modfile=kustomize.mod -o=$(GOBIN)/kustomize-v5.4.3 "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v5"
OPERATOR_SDK := $(GOBIN)/operator-sdk-v1.37.0
$(OPERATOR_SDK): $(BINGO_DIR)/operator-sdk.mod
diff --git a/operator/.bingo/kustomize.mod b/operator/.bingo/kustomize.mod
index f2af7638a1d52..89cbd27701f15 100644
--- a/operator/.bingo/kustomize.mod
+++ b/operator/.bingo/kustomize.mod
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
module _ // Auto generated by https://github.com/bwplotka/bingo. DO NOT EDIT
-go 1.17
+go 1.22.5
-exclude sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.2.0
-exclude sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/cmd/config v0.2.0
-require sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v4 v4.5.7
+require sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v5 v5.4.3
diff --git a/operator/.bingo/kustomize.sum b/operator/.bingo/kustomize.sum
index 247834f4b7f42..8f7eee9e3a76a 100644
--- a/operator/.bingo/kustomize.sum
+++ b/operator/.bingo/kustomize.sum
@@ -1,453 +1,98 @@
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-sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.2.0/go.mod h1:yfXDCHCao9+ENCvLSE62v9VSji2MKu5jeNfTrofGhJc=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
+k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20231010175941-2dd684a91f00 h1:aVUu9fTY98ivBPKR9Y5w/AuzbMm96cd3YHRTU83I780=
+k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20231010175941-2dd684a91f00/go.mod h1:AsvuZPBlUDVuCdzJ87iajxtXuR9oktsTctW/R9wwouA=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.17.3 h1:6GCuHSsxq7fN5yhF2XrC+AAr8gxQwhexgHflOAD/JJU=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.17.3/go.mod h1:TuDH4mdx7jTfK61SQ/j1QZM/QWR+5rmEiNjvYlhzFhc=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/cmd/config v0.14.2 h1:YOCu0BnVPm2Iq6PR4fJgO6+rivg5LbR3+o/4ZUeXAvM=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/cmd/config v0.14.2/go.mod h1:w30rR4oCUm5wEi0tSuBCmuBMS9Z/Cq6oDdfg8fL/qls=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v5 v5.4.3 h1:SJMDq/0HYNTFPgmlBuxsGzdBB6furxhwHKHEfzBbvSw=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v5 v5.4.3/go.mod h1:vhSLBp3H7wx0oeh/hE7CMQVNft42plZxUqxhvVZxb8Q=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml v0.17.2 h1:+AzvoJUY0kq4QAhH/ydPHHMRLijtUKiyVyh7fOSshr0=
+sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml v0.17.2/go.mod h1:9V0mCjIEYjlXuCdYsSXvyoy2BTsLESH7TlGV81S282U=
+sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0 h1:Mk1wCc2gy/F0THH0TAp1QYyJNzRm2KCLy3o5ASXVI5E=
+sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0/go.mod h1:Ejl7/uTz7PSA4eKMyQCUTnhZYNmLIl+5c2lQPGR2BPY=
diff --git a/operator/.bingo/operator-sdk.mod b/operator/.bingo/operator-sdk.mod
index 120bd4ebf28b9..9eff57c0f1cf3 100644
--- a/operator/.bingo/operator-sdk.mod
+++ b/operator/.bingo/operator-sdk.mod
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module _ // Auto generated by https://github.com/bwplotka/bingo. DO NOT EDIT
-go 1.22.8
+go 1.22.5
require github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk v1.37.0 // cmd/operator-sdk
diff --git a/operator/.bingo/variables.env b/operator/.bingo/variables.env
index a9a57eff65af7..fb4756563dcee 100644
--- a/operator/.bingo/variables.env
+++ b/operator/.bingo/variables.env
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ JSONNETFMT="${GOBIN}/jsonnetfmt-v0.20.0"
diff --git a/operator/CHANGELOG.md b/operator/CHANGELOG.md
index 204438d19a1f6..85eef56af193a 100644
--- a/operator/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/operator/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
## Release 5.9.9
+- [14447](https://github.com/grafana/loki/pull/14447) **periklis**: refactor(operator)!: Migrate project layout to kubebuilder go/v4
- [14526](https://github.com/grafana/loki/pull/14526) **periklis**: feat(operator): Update Loki operand to v3.2.1
- [14445](https://github.com/grafana/loki/pull/14445) **periklis**: chore(operator): Upgrade operator-sdk 1.37.0 and kind 0.23.0
diff --git a/operator/Dockerfile b/operator/Dockerfile
index 1f8a6a3ca0483..a29ad9692c027 100644
--- a/operator/Dockerfile
+++ b/operator/Dockerfile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ FROM golang:1.22.8 as builder
WORKDIR /workspace
# Copy the Go Modules manifests
-COPY apis/ apis/
+COPY api/ api/
COPY go.mod go.mod
COPY go.sum go.sum
# cache deps before building and copying source so that we don't need to re-download as much
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ COPY go.sum go.sum
RUN go mod download
# Copy the go source
-COPY main.go main.go
-COPY controllers/ controllers/
+COPY cmd/loki-operator/main.go cmd/loki-operator/main.go
COPY internal/ internal/
# Build
-RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on go build -mod=readonly -a -o manager main.go
+RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on go build -mod=readonly -a -o manager cmd/loki-operator/main.go
# Use distroless as minimal base image to package the manager binary
# Refer to https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless for more details
diff --git a/operator/Dockerfile.cross b/operator/Dockerfile.cross
index 5a99474e6eb18..8343be5db56fa 100644
--- a/operator/Dockerfile.cross
+++ b/operator/Dockerfile.cross
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ FROM --platform=linux/amd64 $BUILD_IMAGE as builder
COPY --from=goenv /goarch /goarm /
WORKDIR /workspace
# Copy the Go Modules manifests
-COPY apis/ apis/
+COPY api/ api/
COPY go.mod go.mod
COPY go.sum go.sum
# cache deps before building and copying source so that we don't need to re-download as much
@@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ COPY go.sum go.sum
RUN go mod download
# Copy the go source
-COPY main.go main.go
-COPY controllers/ controllers/
+COPY cmd/loki-operator/main.go cmd/loki-operator/main.go
COPY internal/ internal/
# Build
-RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on GOARCH=$(cat /goarch) GOARM=$(cat /goarm) go build -a -o manager main.go
+RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on GOARCH=$(cat /goarch) GOARM=$(cat /goarm) go build -a -o manager cmd/loki-operator/main.go
# Use distroless as minimal base image to package the manager binary
# Refer to https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless for more details
diff --git a/operator/Makefile b/operator/Makefile
index 94be0bfa3dbaf..a7d01e9fdf6d7 100644
--- a/operator/Makefile
+++ b/operator/Makefile
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ deps: go.mod go.sum
go mod verify
.PHONY: deps-api
-deps-api: apis/loki/go.mod apis/loki/go.sum
- @cd ./apis/loki/ && go mod tidy
- @cd ./apis/loki/ && go mod download
- @cd ./apis/loki/ && go mod verify
+deps-api: api/loki/go.mod api/loki/go.sum
+ @cd ./api/loki/ && go mod tidy
+ @cd ./api/loki/ && go mod download
+ @cd ./api/loki/ && go mod verify
.PHONY: cli
cli: deps bin/loki-broker ## Build loki-broker CLI binary
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ bin/loki-broker: $(GO_FILES) | generate
.PHONY: manager
manager: deps generate ## Build manager binary
- go build -o bin/manager main.go
+ go build -o bin/manager ./cmd/loki-operator/main.go
.PHONY: size-calculator
size-calculator: deps generate ## Build size-calculator binary
- go build -o bin/size-calculator main.go
+ go build -o bin/size-calculator ./cmd/size-calculator/main.go
.PHONY: go-generate
go-generate: ## Run go generate
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ test: $(GO_FILES)
.PHONY: test-unit-api
test-unit-api: $(GO_FILES)
- @cd ./apis/loki/ && go test ./... -coverprofile cover.out
+ @cd ./api/loki/ && go test ./... -coverprofile cover.out
.PHONY: test-unit-prometheus
test-unit-prometheus: $(PROMTOOL) ## Run prometheus unit tests
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ quickstart-cleanup: $(KIND) ## Cleanup for quickstart set up
.PHONY: run
run: generate manifests ## Run against the configured Kubernetes cluster in ~/.kube/config
- go run ./main.go
+ go run ./cmd/loki-operator/main.go
.PHONY: install
install: manifests $(KUSTOMIZE) ## Install CRDs into a cluster
@@ -312,17 +312,17 @@ oci-push-calculator: ## Push the calculator image
##@ Website
-TYPES_TARGET := $(shell find apis/loki -type f -iname "*_types.go")
+TYPES_TARGET := $(shell find api/loki -type f -iname "*_types.go")
docs/operator/api.md: $(TYPES_TARGET) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS)
- $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -api-dir "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/" -config "$(PWD)/config/docs/config.json" -template-dir "$(PWD)/config/docs/templates" -out-file "$(PWD)/$@"
+ $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -api-dir "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/" -config "$(PWD)/config/docs/config.json" -template-dir "$(PWD)/config/docs/templates" -out-file "$(PWD)/$@"
sed -i 's/+docs:/ docs:/' $@
sed -i 's/+parent:/ parent:/' $@
sed -i 's/##/\n##/' $@
sed -i 's/+newline/\n/' $@
-FEATURE_GATES_TARGET := $(shell find apis/config -type f -iname "*_types.go")
+FEATURE_GATES_TARGET := $(shell find api/config -type f -iname "*_types.go")
docs/operator/feature-gates.md: $(FEATURE_GATES_TARGET) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS)
- $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -api-dir "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/config/v1/" -config "$(PWD)/config/docs/config.json" -template-dir "$(PWD)/config/docs/templates" -out-file "$(PWD)/$@"
+ $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -api-dir "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/config/v1/" -config "$(PWD)/config/docs/config.json" -template-dir "$(PWD)/config/docs/templates" -out-file "$(PWD)/$@"
sed -i 's/title: "API"/title: "Feature Gates"/' $@
sed -i 's/+docs:/ docs:/' $@
sed -i 's/+parent:/ parent:/' $@
diff --git a/operator/PROJECT b/operator/PROJECT
index 2f46cff1f974a..cef254c461476 100644
--- a/operator/PROJECT
+++ b/operator/PROJECT
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
componentConfig: true
domain: grafana.com
-- go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+- go.kubebuilder.io/v4
multigroup: true
manifests.sdk.operatorframework.io/v2: {}
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: LokiStack
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1
version: v1beta1
- api:
crdVersion: v1
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: LokiStack
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1
version: v1
conversion: true
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: AlertingRule
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1
version: v1
conversion: true
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: AlertingRule
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1
version: v1beta1
validation: true
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: RecordingRule
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1
version: v1
validation: true
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: RecordingRule
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1
version: v1beta1
validation: true
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: RulerConfig
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1
version: v1
- api:
crdVersion: v1
@@ -97,6 +97,6 @@ resources:
domain: grafana.com
group: loki
kind: RulerConfig
- path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1
+ path: github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1
version: v1beta1
version: "3"
diff --git a/operator/apis/config/v1/doc.go b/operator/api/config/v1/doc.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/config/v1/doc.go
rename to operator/api/config/v1/doc.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/config/v1/projectconfig_types.go b/operator/api/config/v1/projectconfig_types.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/config/v1/projectconfig_types.go
rename to operator/api/config/v1/projectconfig_types.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/config/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go b/operator/api/config/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/config/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
rename to operator/api/config/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/go.mod b/operator/api/loki/go.mod
similarity index 95%
rename from operator/apis/loki/go.mod
rename to operator/api/loki/go.mod
index 72171d9393511..1ddab044083c4 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/go.mod
+++ b/operator/api/loki/go.mod
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki
+module github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki
go 1.19
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/go.sum b/operator/api/loki/go.sum
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/go.sum
rename to operator/api/loki/go.sum
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/register.go b/operator/api/loki/register.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/register.go
rename to operator/api/loki/register.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/alertingrule_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/alertingrule_types.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/alertingrule_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/alertingrule_types.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/doc.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/doc.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/doc.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/doc.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/groupversion_info.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/groupversion_info.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/groupversion_info.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/groupversion_info.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/lokistack_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/lokistack_types.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/lokistack_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/lokistack_types.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/recordingrule_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/recordingrule_types.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/recordingrule_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/recordingrule_types.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/rulerconfig_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/rulerconfig_types.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/rulerconfig_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/rulerconfig_types.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/v1.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/v1.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/v1.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/v1.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go b/operator/api/loki/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types.go
similarity index 99%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types.go
index 9a51320f788d4..15d9c6afd02cc 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package v1beta1
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types_test.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types_test.go
similarity index 98%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types_test.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types_test.go
index 373e7d8e71e00..e21f95e2380e8 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types_test.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/alertingrule_types_test.go
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package v1beta1_test
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/doc.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/doc.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/doc.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/doc.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/groupversion_info.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/groupversion_info.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/groupversion_info.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/groupversion_info.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types.go
similarity index 99%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types.go
index cd7fb0c90cff5..e37436d213eda 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package v1beta1
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types_test.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types_test.go
similarity index 99%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types_test.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types_test.go
index 28ffb1763137d..33477d1b89024 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types_test.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/lokistack_types_test.go
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1"
func TestConvertToV1_LokiStack(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types.go
similarity index 99%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types.go
index e6d7f63ddd3ab..348ca3703f59d 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package v1beta1
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types_test.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types_test.go
similarity index 98%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types_test.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types_test.go
index d2a8ea7df83ab..6c8f494699571 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types_test.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/recordingrule_types_test.go
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package v1beta1_test
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types.go
similarity index 99%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types.go
index c7bd9b4e7e812..420c9fb617021 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package v1beta1
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types_test.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types_test.go
similarity index 99%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types_test.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types_test.go
index ab79fc35e0e58..239e43027c887 100644
--- a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types_test.go
+++ b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/rulerconfig_types_test.go
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package v1beta1_test
import (
- v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1"
+ v1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/v1beta1.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/v1beta1.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/v1beta1.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/v1beta1.go
diff --git a/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go b/operator/api/loki/v1beta1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
similarity index 100%
rename from operator/apis/loki/v1beta1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
rename to operator/api/loki/v1beta1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/bundle.Dockerfile b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/bundle.Dockerfile
index d83b40681db86..3be10ce151140 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/bundle.Dockerfile
+++ b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/bundle.Dockerfile
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channels.v1=alpha
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channel.default.v1=alpha
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.builder=operator-sdk-unknown
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.mediatype.v1=metrics+v1
-LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout=go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout=go.kubebuilder.io/v4
# Labels for testing.
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.test.mediatype.v1=scorecard+v1
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator-metrics-monitor_monitoring.coreos.com_v1_servicemonitor.yaml b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator-metrics-monitor_monitoring.coreos.com_v1_servicemonitor.yaml
index 56302724d3e61..033a8d38b8afb 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator-metrics-monitor_monitoring.coreos.com_v1_servicemonitor.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator-metrics-monitor_monitoring.coreos.com_v1_servicemonitor.yaml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ spec:
key: service-ca.crt
name: loki-operator-controller-manager-metrics-token
- serverName: loki-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service.kubernetes-operators.svc
+ serverName: loki-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service.openshift-operators-redhat.svc
app.kubernetes.io/component: metrics
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
index 32309664dc6fc..c0c132a445881 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ metadata:
categories: OpenShift Optional, Logging & Tracing
certified: "false"
containerImage: docker.io/grafana/loki-operator:0.6.0
- createdAt: "2024-10-24T10:50:46Z"
+ createdAt: "2024-10-24T11:46:47Z"
description: The Community Loki Operator provides Kubernetes native deployment
and management of Loki and related logging components.
features.operators.openshift.io/disconnected: "true"
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ metadata:
features.operators.openshift.io/token-auth-azure: "true"
features.operators.openshift.io/token-auth-gcp: "false"
operators.operatorframework.io/builder: operator-sdk-unknown
- operators.operatorframework.io/project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+ operators.operatorframework.io/project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v4
repository: https://github.com/grafana/loki/tree/main/operator
support: Grafana Loki SIG Operator
@@ -185,8 +185,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -208,14 +209,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -272,17 +274,21 @@ spec:
- description: MemberList configuration spec
displayName: Memberlist Config
path: hashRing.memberlist
- - description: "EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash
- ring. \n Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid
- local address lookup for the memberlist."
+ - description: |-
+ EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash ring.
+ Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid local address lookup
+ for the memberlist.
displayName: Enable IPv6
path: hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise
- to the ring. Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces
- of the current pod. Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case
- private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598) are not available.
+ - description: |-
+ InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise to the ring.
+ Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces of the current pod.
+ Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598)
+ are not available.
displayName: Instance Address
path: hashRing.memberlist.instanceAddrType
@@ -301,9 +307,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -313,26 +320,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -343,8 +354,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -366,20 +378,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -397,9 +412,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -409,26 +425,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -439,8 +459,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -483,20 +504,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -511,8 +535,9 @@ spec:
of a query request.
displayName: Query Timeout
path: limits.tenants.queries.queryTimeout
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -539,9 +564,9 @@ spec:
path: replication.factor
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: 'Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try
- to satisfy. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is
- less than or equal to the number of available zones.'
+ - description: |-
+ Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try to satisfy.
+ IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is less than or equal to the number of available zones.
displayName: Zones Spec
path: replication.zones
- description: MaxSkew describes the maximum degree to which Pods can be unevenly
@@ -554,9 +579,9 @@ spec:
displayName: Topology Key
path: replication.zones[0].topologyKey
- - description: 'Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field
- will be removed in future versions of this CRD. ReplicationFactor defines
- the policy for log stream replication.'
+ - description: |-
+ Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field will be removed in future versions of this CRD.
+ ReplicationFactor defines the policy for log stream replication.
displayName: Replication Factor
path: replicationFactor
@@ -571,11 +596,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -615,13 +642,15 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: storage.tls.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -641,8 +670,9 @@ spec:
- description: Compactor defines the compaction component spec.
displayName: Compactor pods
path: template.compactor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.compactor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -655,8 +685,9 @@ spec:
- description: Distributor defines the distributor component spec.
displayName: Distributor pods
path: template.distributor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.distributor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -669,8 +700,9 @@ spec:
- description: Gateway defines the lokistack gateway component spec.
displayName: Gateway pods
path: template.gateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.gateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -683,8 +715,9 @@ spec:
- description: IndexGateway defines the index gateway component spec.
displayName: Index Gateway pods
path: template.indexGateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.indexGateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -697,8 +730,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ingester defines the ingester component spec.
displayName: Ingester pods
path: template.ingester
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ingester.podAntiAffinity
@@ -711,8 +745,9 @@ spec:
- description: Querier defines the querier component spec.
displayName: Querier pods
path: template.querier
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.querier.podAntiAffinity
@@ -725,8 +760,9 @@ spec:
- description: QueryFrontend defines the query frontend component spec.
displayName: Query Frontend pods
path: template.queryFrontend
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.queryFrontend.podAntiAffinity
@@ -739,8 +775,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ruler defines the ruler component spec.
displayName: Ruler pods
path: template.ruler
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ruler.podAntiAffinity
@@ -764,13 +801,15 @@ spec:
- description: CA defines the spec for the custom CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: CA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caName
@@ -781,13 +820,15 @@ spec:
- description: IssuerCA defines the spec for the issuer CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: IssuerCA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caName
@@ -843,10 +884,15 @@ spec:
- description: Openshift defines the configuration specific to Openshift modes.
displayName: Openshift
path: tenants.openshift
- - description: "AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered
- to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator. Setting this to an empty
- array disables admin groups. \n By default the following groups are considered
- admin-groups: - system:cluster-admins - cluster-admin - dedicated-admin"
+ - description: |-
+ AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator.
+ Setting this to an empty array disables admin groups.
+ By default the following groups are considered admin-groups:
+ - system:cluster-admins
+ - cluster-admin
+ - dedicated-admin
displayName: Admin Groups
path: tenants.openshift.adminGroups
@@ -912,8 +958,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -929,9 +976,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: Labels to add to each recording rule.
@@ -1031,9 +1079,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1053,9 +1102,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1088,21 +1137,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1180,9 +1231,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1202,9 +1254,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1237,21 +1289,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1313,21 +1367,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1726,7 +1782,7 @@ spec:
- /manager
- value: docker.io/grafana/loki:3.2.1
+ value: quay.io/openshift-logging/loki:v3.2.1
value: quay.io/observatorium/api:latest
@@ -1850,7 +1906,7 @@ spec:
name: Grafana Loki SIG Operator
- - image: docker.io/grafana/loki:3.2.1
+ - image: quay.io/openshift-logging/loki:v3.2.1
name: loki
- image: quay.io/observatorium/api:latest
name: gateway
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml
index f17f3ab1caacc..4c99b3aa08786 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community-openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community-openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ annotations:
operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channel.default.v1: alpha
operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.builder: operator-sdk-unknown
operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.mediatype.v1: metrics+v1
- operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+ operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v4
# Annotations for testing.
operators.operatorframework.io.test.mediatype.v1: scorecard+v1
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/bundle.Dockerfile b/operator/bundle/community/bundle.Dockerfile
index d83b40681db86..3be10ce151140 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/bundle.Dockerfile
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/bundle.Dockerfile
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channels.v1=alpha
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channel.default.v1=alpha
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.builder=operator-sdk-unknown
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.mediatype.v1=metrics+v1
-LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout=go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout=go.kubebuilder.io/v4
# Labels for testing.
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.test.mediatype.v1=scorecard+v1
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
index c757c94920f27..5efc8adb2b67d 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ metadata:
categories: OpenShift Optional, Logging & Tracing
certified: "false"
containerImage: docker.io/grafana/loki-operator:0.6.0
- createdAt: "2024-10-24T10:50:44Z"
+ createdAt: "2024-10-24T11:46:45Z"
description: The Community Loki Operator provides Kubernetes native deployment
and management of Loki and related logging components.
operators.operatorframework.io/builder: operator-sdk-unknown
- operators.operatorframework.io/project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+ operators.operatorframework.io/project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v4
repository: https://github.com/grafana/loki/tree/main/operator
support: Grafana Loki SIG Operator
@@ -178,8 +178,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -201,14 +202,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -265,17 +267,21 @@ spec:
- description: MemberList configuration spec
displayName: Memberlist Config
path: hashRing.memberlist
- - description: "EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash
- ring. \n Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid
- local address lookup for the memberlist."
+ - description: |-
+ EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash ring.
+ Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid local address lookup
+ for the memberlist.
displayName: Enable IPv6
path: hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise
- to the ring. Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces
- of the current pod. Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case
- private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598) are not available.
+ - description: |-
+ InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise to the ring.
+ Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces of the current pod.
+ Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598)
+ are not available.
displayName: Instance Address
path: hashRing.memberlist.instanceAddrType
@@ -294,9 +300,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -306,26 +313,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -336,8 +347,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -359,20 +371,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -390,9 +405,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -402,26 +418,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -432,8 +452,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -476,20 +497,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -504,8 +528,9 @@ spec:
of a query request.
displayName: Query Timeout
path: limits.tenants.queries.queryTimeout
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -532,9 +557,9 @@ spec:
path: replication.factor
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: 'Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try
- to satisfy. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is
- less than or equal to the number of available zones.'
+ - description: |-
+ Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try to satisfy.
+ IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is less than or equal to the number of available zones.
displayName: Zones Spec
path: replication.zones
- description: MaxSkew describes the maximum degree to which Pods can be unevenly
@@ -547,9 +572,9 @@ spec:
displayName: Topology Key
path: replication.zones[0].topologyKey
- - description: 'Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field
- will be removed in future versions of this CRD. ReplicationFactor defines
- the policy for log stream replication.'
+ - description: |-
+ Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field will be removed in future versions of this CRD.
+ ReplicationFactor defines the policy for log stream replication.
displayName: Replication Factor
path: replicationFactor
@@ -564,11 +589,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -608,13 +635,15 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: storage.tls.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -634,8 +663,9 @@ spec:
- description: Compactor defines the compaction component spec.
displayName: Compactor pods
path: template.compactor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.compactor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -648,8 +678,9 @@ spec:
- description: Distributor defines the distributor component spec.
displayName: Distributor pods
path: template.distributor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.distributor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -662,8 +693,9 @@ spec:
- description: Gateway defines the lokistack gateway component spec.
displayName: Gateway pods
path: template.gateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.gateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -676,8 +708,9 @@ spec:
- description: IndexGateway defines the index gateway component spec.
displayName: Index Gateway pods
path: template.indexGateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.indexGateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -690,8 +723,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ingester defines the ingester component spec.
displayName: Ingester pods
path: template.ingester
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ingester.podAntiAffinity
@@ -704,8 +738,9 @@ spec:
- description: Querier defines the querier component spec.
displayName: Querier pods
path: template.querier
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.querier.podAntiAffinity
@@ -718,8 +753,9 @@ spec:
- description: QueryFrontend defines the query frontend component spec.
displayName: Query Frontend pods
path: template.queryFrontend
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.queryFrontend.podAntiAffinity
@@ -732,8 +768,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ruler defines the ruler component spec.
displayName: Ruler pods
path: template.ruler
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ruler.podAntiAffinity
@@ -757,13 +794,15 @@ spec:
- description: CA defines the spec for the custom CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: CA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caName
@@ -774,13 +813,15 @@ spec:
- description: IssuerCA defines the spec for the issuer CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: IssuerCA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caName
@@ -836,10 +877,15 @@ spec:
- description: Openshift defines the configuration specific to Openshift modes.
displayName: Openshift
path: tenants.openshift
- - description: "AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered
- to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator. Setting this to an empty
- array disables admin groups. \n By default the following groups are considered
- admin-groups: - system:cluster-admins - cluster-admin - dedicated-admin"
+ - description: |-
+ AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator.
+ Setting this to an empty array disables admin groups.
+ By default the following groups are considered admin-groups:
+ - system:cluster-admins
+ - cluster-admin
+ - dedicated-admin
displayName: Admin Groups
path: tenants.openshift.adminGroups
@@ -905,8 +951,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -922,9 +969,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: Labels to add to each recording rule.
@@ -1024,9 +1072,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1046,9 +1095,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1081,21 +1130,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1173,9 +1224,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1195,9 +1247,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1230,21 +1282,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1306,21 +1360,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_alertingrules.yaml b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_alertingrules.yaml
index 3cbb4d71c8ec0..17c7ea60ca897 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_alertingrules.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_alertingrules.yaml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+ cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: loki-operator/loki-operator-serving-cert
controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.14.0
creationTimestamp: null
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_lokistacks.yaml b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_lokistacks.yaml
index b258ffc24ef66..1df4ca9037c1a 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_lokistacks.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_lokistacks.yaml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+ cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: loki-operator/loki-operator-serving-cert
controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.14.0
creationTimestamp: null
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_recordingrules.yaml b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_recordingrules.yaml
index bb79347b58cde..1e8b22e965a6a 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_recordingrules.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_recordingrules.yaml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+ cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: loki-operator/loki-operator-serving-cert
controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.14.0
creationTimestamp: null
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_rulerconfigs.yaml b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_rulerconfigs.yaml
index 80177cd5097bd..ad32962f3415c 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_rulerconfigs.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/manifests/loki.grafana.com_rulerconfigs.yaml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+ cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: loki-operator/loki-operator-serving-cert
controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.14.0
creationTimestamp: null
diff --git a/operator/bundle/community/metadata/annotations.yaml b/operator/bundle/community/metadata/annotations.yaml
index f17f3ab1caacc..4c99b3aa08786 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/community/metadata/annotations.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/community/metadata/annotations.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ annotations:
operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channel.default.v1: alpha
operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.builder: operator-sdk-unknown
operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.mediatype.v1: metrics+v1
- operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+ operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v4
# Annotations for testing.
operators.operatorframework.io.test.mediatype.v1: scorecard+v1
diff --git a/operator/bundle/openshift/bundle.Dockerfile b/operator/bundle/openshift/bundle.Dockerfile
index cddaca7779303..70e27a124f05e 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/openshift/bundle.Dockerfile
+++ b/operator/bundle/openshift/bundle.Dockerfile
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channels.v1=stable
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channel.default.v1=stable
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.builder=operator-sdk-unknown
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.mediatype.v1=metrics+v1
-LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout=go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout=go.kubebuilder.io/v4
# Labels for testing.
LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.test.mediatype.v1=scorecard+v1
diff --git a/operator/bundle/openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/bundle/openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
index 295f321006aae..6a54311bbb897 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/openshift/manifests/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ metadata:
categories: OpenShift Optional, Logging & Tracing
certified: "false"
containerImage: quay.io/openshift-logging/loki-operator:0.1.0
- createdAt: "2024-10-24T10:50:48Z"
+ createdAt: "2024-10-24T11:46:49Z"
description: |
The Loki Operator for OCP provides a means for configuring and managing a Loki stack for cluster logging.
## Prerequisites and Requirements
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ metadata:
operators.openshift.io/valid-subscription: '["OpenShift Container Platform", "OpenShift
Platform Plus"]'
operators.operatorframework.io/builder: operator-sdk-unknown
- operators.operatorframework.io/project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+ operators.operatorframework.io/project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v4
support: AOS Cluster Logging
operatorframework.io/arch.amd64: supported
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -221,14 +222,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -285,17 +287,21 @@ spec:
- description: MemberList configuration spec
displayName: Memberlist Config
path: hashRing.memberlist
- - description: "EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash
- ring. \n Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid
- local address lookup for the memberlist."
+ - description: |-
+ EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash ring.
+ Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid local address lookup
+ for the memberlist.
displayName: Enable IPv6
path: hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise
- to the ring. Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces
- of the current pod. Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case
- private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598) are not available.
+ - description: |-
+ InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise to the ring.
+ Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces of the current pod.
+ Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598)
+ are not available.
displayName: Instance Address
path: hashRing.memberlist.instanceAddrType
@@ -314,9 +320,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -326,26 +333,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -356,8 +367,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -379,20 +391,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -410,9 +425,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -422,26 +438,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -452,8 +472,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -496,20 +517,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -524,8 +548,9 @@ spec:
of a query request.
displayName: Query Timeout
path: limits.tenants.queries.queryTimeout
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -552,9 +577,9 @@ spec:
path: replication.factor
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: 'Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try
- to satisfy. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is
- less than or equal to the number of available zones.'
+ - description: |-
+ Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try to satisfy.
+ IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is less than or equal to the number of available zones.
displayName: Zones Spec
path: replication.zones
- description: MaxSkew describes the maximum degree to which Pods can be unevenly
@@ -567,9 +592,9 @@ spec:
displayName: Topology Key
path: replication.zones[0].topologyKey
- - description: 'Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field
- will be removed in future versions of this CRD. ReplicationFactor defines
- the policy for log stream replication.'
+ - description: |-
+ Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field will be removed in future versions of this CRD.
+ ReplicationFactor defines the policy for log stream replication.
displayName: Replication Factor
path: replicationFactor
@@ -584,11 +609,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -628,13 +655,15 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: storage.tls.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -654,8 +683,9 @@ spec:
- description: Compactor defines the compaction component spec.
displayName: Compactor pods
path: template.compactor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.compactor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -668,8 +698,9 @@ spec:
- description: Distributor defines the distributor component spec.
displayName: Distributor pods
path: template.distributor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.distributor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -682,8 +713,9 @@ spec:
- description: Gateway defines the lokistack gateway component spec.
displayName: Gateway pods
path: template.gateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.gateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -696,8 +728,9 @@ spec:
- description: IndexGateway defines the index gateway component spec.
displayName: Index Gateway pods
path: template.indexGateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.indexGateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -710,8 +743,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ingester defines the ingester component spec.
displayName: Ingester pods
path: template.ingester
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ingester.podAntiAffinity
@@ -724,8 +758,9 @@ spec:
- description: Querier defines the querier component spec.
displayName: Querier pods
path: template.querier
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.querier.podAntiAffinity
@@ -738,8 +773,9 @@ spec:
- description: QueryFrontend defines the query frontend component spec.
displayName: Query Frontend pods
path: template.queryFrontend
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.queryFrontend.podAntiAffinity
@@ -752,8 +788,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ruler defines the ruler component spec.
displayName: Ruler pods
path: template.ruler
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ruler.podAntiAffinity
@@ -777,13 +814,15 @@ spec:
- description: CA defines the spec for the custom CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: CA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caName
@@ -794,13 +833,15 @@ spec:
- description: IssuerCA defines the spec for the issuer CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: IssuerCA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caName
@@ -856,10 +897,15 @@ spec:
- description: Openshift defines the configuration specific to Openshift modes.
displayName: Openshift
path: tenants.openshift
- - description: "AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered
- to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator. Setting this to an empty
- array disables admin groups. \n By default the following groups are considered
- admin-groups: - system:cluster-admins - cluster-admin - dedicated-admin"
+ - description: |-
+ AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator.
+ Setting this to an empty array disables admin groups.
+ By default the following groups are considered admin-groups:
+ - system:cluster-admins
+ - cluster-admin
+ - dedicated-admin
displayName: Admin Groups
path: tenants.openshift.adminGroups
@@ -925,8 +971,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -942,9 +989,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: Labels to add to each recording rule.
@@ -1044,9 +1092,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1066,9 +1115,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1101,21 +1150,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1193,9 +1244,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1215,9 +1267,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1250,21 +1302,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1326,21 +1380,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
diff --git a/operator/bundle/openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml b/operator/bundle/openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml
index 6d1990b6762a3..ecc572548242f 100644
--- a/operator/bundle/openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml
+++ b/operator/bundle/openshift/metadata/annotations.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ annotations:
operators.operatorframework.io.bundle.channel.default.v1: stable
operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.builder: operator-sdk-unknown
operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.mediatype.v1: metrics+v1
- operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v3
+ operators.operatorframework.io.metrics.project_layout: go.kubebuilder.io/v4
# Annotations for testing.
operators.operatorframework.io.test.mediatype.v1: scorecard+v1
diff --git a/operator/cmd/loki-broker/main.go b/operator/cmd/loki-broker/main.go
index 5df903dd5e9ee..0e1c638620e71 100644
--- a/operator/cmd/loki-broker/main.go
+++ b/operator/cmd/loki-broker/main.go
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
openshiftv1 "github.com/openshift/api/config/v1"
- configv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/config/v1"
- lokiv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
+ configv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/config/v1"
+ lokiv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
diff --git a/operator/main.go b/operator/cmd/loki-operator/main.go
similarity index 96%
rename from operator/main.go
rename to operator/cmd/loki-operator/main.go
index fdefa6f663a06..a80bef34aba48 100644
--- a/operator/main.go
+++ b/operator/cmd/loki-operator/main.go
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ import (
runtimemetrics "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/metrics"
- ctrlconfigv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/config/v1"
- lokiv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1"
- lokiv1beta1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1"
- lokictrl "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/controllers/loki"
+ ctrlconfigv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/config/v1"
+ lokiv1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1"
+ lokiv1beta1 "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1"
+ lokictrl "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/internal/controller/loki"
diff --git a/operator/config/certmanager/certificate.yaml b/operator/config/certmanager/certificate.yaml
index d7c5227840ecf..c484bd7d21d77 100644
--- a/operator/config/certmanager/certificate.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/certmanager/certificate.yaml
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ metadata:
name: serving-cert # this name should match the one appeared in kustomizeconfig.yaml
namespace: system
- # $(SERVICE_NAME) and $(SERVICE_NAMESPACE) will be substituted by kustomize
- - $(SERVICE_NAME).$(SERVICE_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
kind: Issuer
name: selfsigned-issuer
diff --git a/operator/config/crd/kustomization.yaml b/operator/config/crd/kustomization.yaml
index 19e6c0879325b..c2d8ce484b9ee 100644
--- a/operator/config/crd/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/crd/kustomization.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: Kustomization
# This kustomization.yaml is not intended to be run by itself,
# since it depends on service name and namespace that are out of this kustomize package.
# It should be run by config/default
@@ -8,13 +11,8 @@ resources:
- bases/loki.grafana.com_rulerconfigs.yaml
# +kubebuilder:scaffold:crdkustomizeresource
# [WEBHOOK] To enable webhook, uncomment all the sections with [WEBHOOK] prefix.
# patches here are for enabling the conversion webhook for each CRD
-- patches/webhook_in_lokistacks.yaml
-- patches/webhook_in_alertingrules.yaml
-- patches/webhook_in_recordingrules.yaml
-- patches/webhook_in_rulerconfigs.yaml
# +kubebuilder:scaffold:crdkustomizewebhookpatch
# [CERTMANAGER] To enable webhook, uncomment all the sections with [CERTMANAGER] prefix.
@@ -28,3 +26,9 @@ patchesStrategicMerge:
# the following config is for teaching kustomize how to do kustomization for CRDs.
- kustomizeconfig.yaml
+- path: patches/webhook_in_lokistacks.yaml
+- path: patches/webhook_in_alertingrules.yaml
+- path: patches/webhook_in_recordingrules.yaml
+- path: patches/webhook_in_rulerconfigs.yaml
diff --git a/operator/config/docs/config.json b/operator/config/docs/config.json
index fb1b7d8a11b2b..c646667f25840 100644
--- a/operator/config/docs/config.json
+++ b/operator/config/docs/config.json
@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@
"docsURLTemplate": "https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1#JSON"
- "typeMatchPrefix": "^github\\.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1",
+ "typeMatchPrefix": "^github\\.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1",
"docsURLTemplate": "../v1/api.md#loki.grafana.com/v1.{{ .TypeIdentifier}}"
- "typeMatchPrefix": "^github\\.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1",
+ "typeMatchPrefix": "^github\\.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1",
"docsURLTemplate": "../v1beta1/api.md#loki-grafana.com-v1beta1-{{ .TypeIdentifier}}"
- "typeMatchPrefix": "^github\\.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/config/v1",
+ "typeMatchPrefix": "^github\\.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/config/v1",
"docsURLTemplate": "../v1/feature-gates.md#loki-grafana-com-v1-{{ .TypeIdentifier}}"
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/": "Kubernetes ",
"k8s.io/component-base/config/": "Kubernetes ",
"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/config/": "K8S Controller-runtime ",
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1": "Loki Operator v1",
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/v1beta1": "Loki Operator v1beta1",
- "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/apis/loki/config/v1": "Feature Gates"
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1": "Loki Operator v1",
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/v1beta1": "Loki Operator v1beta1",
+ "github.com/grafana/loki/operator/api/loki/config/v1": "Feature Gates"
"markdownDisabled": false
diff --git a/operator/config/manifests/community-openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/config/manifests/community-openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
index aa3be6f85b6ee..ea2003791e7b7 100644
--- a/operator/config/manifests/community-openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/manifests/community-openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -63,14 +64,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -98,8 +100,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -121,14 +124,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -185,17 +189,21 @@ spec:
- description: MemberList configuration spec
displayName: Memberlist Config
path: hashRing.memberlist
- - description: "EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash
- ring. \n Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid
- local address lookup for the memberlist."
+ - description: |-
+ EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash ring.
+ Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid local address lookup
+ for the memberlist.
displayName: Enable IPv6
path: hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise
- to the ring. Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces
- of the current pod. Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case
- private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598) are not available.
+ - description: |-
+ InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise to the ring.
+ Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces of the current pod.
+ Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598)
+ are not available.
displayName: Instance Address
path: hashRing.memberlist.instanceAddrType
@@ -214,9 +222,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -226,26 +235,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -256,8 +269,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -279,20 +293,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -310,9 +327,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -322,26 +340,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -352,8 +374,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -396,20 +419,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -424,8 +450,9 @@ spec:
of a query request.
displayName: Query Timeout
path: limits.tenants.queries.queryTimeout
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -452,9 +479,9 @@ spec:
path: replication.factor
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: 'Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try
- to satisfy. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is
- less than or equal to the number of available zones.'
+ - description: |-
+ Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try to satisfy.
+ IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is less than or equal to the number of available zones.
displayName: Zones Spec
path: replication.zones
- description: MaxSkew describes the maximum degree to which Pods can be unevenly
@@ -467,9 +494,9 @@ spec:
displayName: Topology Key
path: replication.zones[0].topologyKey
- - description: 'Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field
- will be removed in future versions of this CRD. ReplicationFactor defines
- the policy for log stream replication.'
+ - description: |-
+ Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field will be removed in future versions of this CRD.
+ ReplicationFactor defines the policy for log stream replication.
displayName: Replication Factor
path: replicationFactor
@@ -484,11 +511,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -528,13 +557,15 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: storage.tls.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -554,8 +585,9 @@ spec:
- description: Compactor defines the compaction component spec.
displayName: Compactor pods
path: template.compactor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.compactor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -568,8 +600,9 @@ spec:
- description: Distributor defines the distributor component spec.
displayName: Distributor pods
path: template.distributor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.distributor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -582,8 +615,9 @@ spec:
- description: Gateway defines the lokistack gateway component spec.
displayName: Gateway pods
path: template.gateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.gateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -596,8 +630,9 @@ spec:
- description: IndexGateway defines the index gateway component spec.
displayName: Index Gateway pods
path: template.indexGateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.indexGateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -610,8 +645,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ingester defines the ingester component spec.
displayName: Ingester pods
path: template.ingester
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ingester.podAntiAffinity
@@ -624,8 +660,9 @@ spec:
- description: Querier defines the querier component spec.
displayName: Querier pods
path: template.querier
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.querier.podAntiAffinity
@@ -638,8 +675,9 @@ spec:
- description: QueryFrontend defines the query frontend component spec.
displayName: Query Frontend pods
path: template.queryFrontend
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.queryFrontend.podAntiAffinity
@@ -652,8 +690,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ruler defines the ruler component spec.
displayName: Ruler pods
path: template.ruler
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ruler.podAntiAffinity
@@ -677,13 +716,15 @@ spec:
- description: CA defines the spec for the custom CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: CA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caName
@@ -694,13 +735,15 @@ spec:
- description: IssuerCA defines the spec for the issuer CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: IssuerCA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caName
@@ -756,10 +799,15 @@ spec:
- description: Openshift defines the configuration specific to Openshift modes.
displayName: Openshift
path: tenants.openshift
- - description: "AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered
- to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator. Setting this to an empty
- array disables admin groups. \n By default the following groups are considered
- admin-groups: - system:cluster-admins - cluster-admin - dedicated-admin"
+ - description: |-
+ AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator.
+ Setting this to an empty array disables admin groups.
+ By default the following groups are considered admin-groups:
+ - system:cluster-admins
+ - cluster-admin
+ - dedicated-admin
displayName: Admin Groups
path: tenants.openshift.adminGroups
@@ -855,9 +903,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -867,26 +916,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -897,20 +950,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -918,9 +974,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits and overrides applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -930,26 +987,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -960,26 +1021,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -1000,11 +1065,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -1042,8 +1109,9 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -1245,8 +1313,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -1262,9 +1331,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: Labels to add to each recording rule.
@@ -1296,8 +1366,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -1313,9 +1384,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: The name of the time series to output to. Must be a valid metric
@@ -1412,9 +1484,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1434,9 +1507,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1469,21 +1542,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1561,9 +1636,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1583,9 +1659,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1618,21 +1694,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1694,21 +1772,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1848,9 +1928,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1870,9 +1951,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1905,21 +1986,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1997,9 +2080,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -2019,9 +2103,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -2054,21 +2138,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -2130,21 +2216,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
diff --git a/operator/config/manifests/community/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/config/manifests/community/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
index 5dd2c2d108ab8..23c7e36035032 100644
--- a/operator/config/manifests/community/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/manifests/community/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -56,14 +57,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -91,8 +93,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -114,14 +117,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -178,17 +182,21 @@ spec:
- description: MemberList configuration spec
displayName: Memberlist Config
path: hashRing.memberlist
- - description: "EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash
- ring. \n Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid
- local address lookup for the memberlist."
+ - description: |-
+ EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash ring.
+ Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid local address lookup
+ for the memberlist.
displayName: Enable IPv6
path: hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise
- to the ring. Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces
- of the current pod. Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case
- private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598) are not available.
+ - description: |-
+ InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise to the ring.
+ Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces of the current pod.
+ Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598)
+ are not available.
displayName: Instance Address
path: hashRing.memberlist.instanceAddrType
@@ -207,9 +215,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -219,26 +228,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -249,8 +262,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -272,20 +286,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -303,9 +320,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -315,26 +333,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -345,8 +367,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -389,20 +412,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -417,8 +443,9 @@ spec:
of a query request.
displayName: Query Timeout
path: limits.tenants.queries.queryTimeout
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -445,9 +472,9 @@ spec:
path: replication.factor
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: 'Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try
- to satisfy. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is
- less than or equal to the number of available zones.'
+ - description: |-
+ Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try to satisfy.
+ IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is less than or equal to the number of available zones.
displayName: Zones Spec
path: replication.zones
- description: MaxSkew describes the maximum degree to which Pods can be unevenly
@@ -460,9 +487,9 @@ spec:
displayName: Topology Key
path: replication.zones[0].topologyKey
- - description: 'Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field
- will be removed in future versions of this CRD. ReplicationFactor defines
- the policy for log stream replication.'
+ - description: |-
+ Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field will be removed in future versions of this CRD.
+ ReplicationFactor defines the policy for log stream replication.
displayName: Replication Factor
path: replicationFactor
@@ -477,11 +504,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -521,13 +550,15 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: storage.tls.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -547,8 +578,9 @@ spec:
- description: Compactor defines the compaction component spec.
displayName: Compactor pods
path: template.compactor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.compactor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -561,8 +593,9 @@ spec:
- description: Distributor defines the distributor component spec.
displayName: Distributor pods
path: template.distributor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.distributor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -575,8 +608,9 @@ spec:
- description: Gateway defines the lokistack gateway component spec.
displayName: Gateway pods
path: template.gateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.gateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -589,8 +623,9 @@ spec:
- description: IndexGateway defines the index gateway component spec.
displayName: Index Gateway pods
path: template.indexGateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.indexGateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -603,8 +638,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ingester defines the ingester component spec.
displayName: Ingester pods
path: template.ingester
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ingester.podAntiAffinity
@@ -617,8 +653,9 @@ spec:
- description: Querier defines the querier component spec.
displayName: Querier pods
path: template.querier
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.querier.podAntiAffinity
@@ -631,8 +668,9 @@ spec:
- description: QueryFrontend defines the query frontend component spec.
displayName: Query Frontend pods
path: template.queryFrontend
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.queryFrontend.podAntiAffinity
@@ -645,8 +683,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ruler defines the ruler component spec.
displayName: Ruler pods
path: template.ruler
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ruler.podAntiAffinity
@@ -670,13 +709,15 @@ spec:
- description: CA defines the spec for the custom CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: CA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caName
@@ -687,13 +728,15 @@ spec:
- description: IssuerCA defines the spec for the issuer CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: IssuerCA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caName
@@ -749,10 +792,15 @@ spec:
- description: Openshift defines the configuration specific to Openshift modes.
displayName: Openshift
path: tenants.openshift
- - description: "AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered
- to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator. Setting this to an empty
- array disables admin groups. \n By default the following groups are considered
- admin-groups: - system:cluster-admins - cluster-admin - dedicated-admin"
+ - description: |-
+ AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator.
+ Setting this to an empty array disables admin groups.
+ By default the following groups are considered admin-groups:
+ - system:cluster-admins
+ - cluster-admin
+ - dedicated-admin
displayName: Admin Groups
path: tenants.openshift.adminGroups
@@ -848,9 +896,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -860,26 +909,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -890,20 +943,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -911,9 +967,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits and overrides applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -923,26 +980,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -953,26 +1014,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -993,11 +1058,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -1035,8 +1102,9 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -1238,8 +1306,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -1255,9 +1324,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: Labels to add to each recording rule.
@@ -1289,8 +1359,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -1306,9 +1377,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: The name of the time series to output to. Must be a valid metric
@@ -1405,9 +1477,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1427,9 +1500,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1462,21 +1535,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1554,9 +1629,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1576,9 +1652,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1611,21 +1687,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1687,21 +1765,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1841,9 +1921,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1863,9 +1944,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1898,21 +1979,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1990,9 +2073,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -2012,9 +2096,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -2047,21 +2131,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -2123,21 +2209,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
diff --git a/operator/config/manifests/openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/config/manifests/openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
index c090356908e8b..b44c988f5ffff 100644
--- a/operator/config/manifests/openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/manifests/openshift/bases/loki-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -75,14 +76,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -110,8 +112,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for alerting rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given alerting rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ alerting rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of alerts an alerting rule can produce.
@@ -133,14 +136,15 @@ spec:
- description: Annotations to add to each alert.
displayName: Annotations
path: groups[0].rules[0].annotations
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- - description: Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for
- this long. Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered
- pending.
+ - description: |-
+ Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
+ Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
displayName: Firing Threshold
path: groups[0].rules[0].for
- description: Labels to add to each alert.
@@ -197,17 +201,21 @@ spec:
- description: MemberList configuration spec
displayName: Memberlist Config
path: hashRing.memberlist
- - description: "EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash
- ring. \n Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid
- local address lookup for the memberlist."
+ - description: |-
+ EnableIPv6 enables IPv6 support for the memberlist based hash ring.
+ Currently this also forces the instanceAddrType to podIP to avoid local address lookup
+ for the memberlist.
displayName: Enable IPv6
path: hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise
- to the ring. Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces
- of the current pod. Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case
- private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598) are not available.
+ - description: |-
+ InstanceAddrType defines the type of address to use to advertise to the ring.
+ Defaults to the first address from any private network interfaces of the current pod.
+ Alternatively the public pod IP can be used in case private networks (RFC 1918 and RFC 6598)
+ are not available.
displayName: Instance Address
path: hashRing.memberlist.instanceAddrType
@@ -226,9 +234,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -238,26 +247,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -268,8 +281,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -291,20 +305,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -322,9 +339,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -334,26 +352,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -364,8 +386,9 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second
- that LokiStack should target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
+ - description: |-
+ PerStreamDesiredRate defines the desired ingestion rate per second that LokiStack should
+ target applying automatic stream sharding. Units MB.
displayName: Per Stream Desired Rate (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.perStreamDesiredRate
@@ -408,20 +431,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.queries.cardinalityLimit
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -436,8 +462,9 @@ spec:
of a query request.
displayName: Query Timeout
path: limits.tenants.queries.queryTimeout
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -464,9 +491,9 @@ spec:
path: replication.factor
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: 'Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try
- to satisfy. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is
- less than or equal to the number of available zones.'
+ - description: |-
+ Zones defines an array of ZoneSpec that the scheduler will try to satisfy.
+ IMPORTANT: Make sure that the replication factor defined is less than or equal to the number of available zones.
displayName: Zones Spec
path: replication.zones
- description: MaxSkew describes the maximum degree to which Pods can be unevenly
@@ -479,9 +506,9 @@ spec:
displayName: Topology Key
path: replication.zones[0].topologyKey
- - description: 'Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field
- will be removed in future versions of this CRD. ReplicationFactor defines
- the policy for log stream replication.'
+ - description: |-
+ Deprecated: Please use replication.factor instead. This field will be removed in future versions of this CRD.
+ ReplicationFactor defines the policy for log stream replication.
displayName: Replication Factor
path: replicationFactor
@@ -496,11 +523,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -540,13 +569,15 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: storage.tls.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -566,8 +597,9 @@ spec:
- description: Compactor defines the compaction component spec.
displayName: Compactor pods
path: template.compactor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.compactor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -580,8 +612,9 @@ spec:
- description: Distributor defines the distributor component spec.
displayName: Distributor pods
path: template.distributor
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.distributor.podAntiAffinity
@@ -594,8 +627,9 @@ spec:
- description: Gateway defines the lokistack gateway component spec.
displayName: Gateway pods
path: template.gateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.gateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -608,8 +642,9 @@ spec:
- description: IndexGateway defines the index gateway component spec.
displayName: Index Gateway pods
path: template.indexGateway
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.indexGateway.podAntiAffinity
@@ -622,8 +657,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ingester defines the ingester component spec.
displayName: Ingester pods
path: template.ingester
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ingester.podAntiAffinity
@@ -636,8 +672,9 @@ spec:
- description: Querier defines the querier component spec.
displayName: Querier pods
path: template.querier
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.querier.podAntiAffinity
@@ -650,8 +687,9 @@ spec:
- description: QueryFrontend defines the query frontend component spec.
displayName: Query Frontend pods
path: template.queryFrontend
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.queryFrontend.podAntiAffinity
@@ -664,8 +702,9 @@ spec:
- description: Ruler defines the ruler component spec.
displayName: Ruler pods
path: template.ruler
- - description: PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules
- to schedule pods of a component.
+ - description: |-
+ PodAntiAffinity defines the pod anti affinity scheduling rules to schedule pods
+ of a component.
displayName: PodAntiAffinity
path: template.ruler.podAntiAffinity
@@ -689,13 +728,15 @@ spec:
- description: CA defines the spec for the custom CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: CA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].mTLS.ca.caName
@@ -706,13 +747,15 @@ spec:
- description: IssuerCA defines the spec for the issuer CA for tenant's authentication.
displayName: IssuerCA ConfigMap
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA
- - description: Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
- It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource. If
- empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
+ - description: |-
+ Key is the data key of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ If empty, it defaults to "service-ca.crt".
displayName: CA ConfigMap Key
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caKey
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: tenants.authentication[0].oidc.issuerCA.caName
@@ -768,10 +811,15 @@ spec:
- description: Openshift defines the configuration specific to Openshift modes.
displayName: Openshift
path: tenants.openshift
- - description: "AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered
- to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator. Setting this to an empty
- array disables admin groups. \n By default the following groups are considered
- admin-groups: - system:cluster-admins - cluster-admin - dedicated-admin"
+ - description: |-
+ AdminGroups defines a list of groups, whose members are considered to have admin-privileges by the Loki Operator.
+ Setting this to an empty array disables admin groups.
+ By default the following groups are considered admin-groups:
+ - system:cluster-admins
+ - cluster-admin
+ - dedicated-admin
displayName: Admin Groups
path: tenants.openshift.adminGroups
@@ -867,9 +915,10 @@ spec:
- description: Global defines the limits applied globally across the cluster.
displayName: Global Limits
path: limits.global
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -879,26 +928,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -909,20 +962,23 @@ spec:
path: limits.global.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.global.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.global.queries.maxQuerySeries
@@ -930,9 +986,10 @@ spec:
- description: Tenants defines the limits and overrides applied per tenant.
displayName: Limits per Tenant
path: limits.tenants
- - description: IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size
- per distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the maximum
- logs size expected in a single push request.
+ - description: |-
+ IngestionBurstSize defines the local rate-limited sample size per
+ distributor replica. It should be set to the set at least to the
+ maximum logs size expected in a single push request.
displayName: Ingestion Burst Size (in MB)
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionBurstSize
@@ -942,26 +999,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.ingestionRate
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active
- streams per tenant, across the cluster.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxGlobalStreamsPerTenant defines the maximum number of active streams
+ per tenant, across the cluster.
displayName: Max Global Streams per Tenant
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxGlobalStreamsPerTenant
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNameLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
for label keys in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Name Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNameLength
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names
- per series in each log stream.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelNamesPerSeries defines the maximum number of label names per series
+ in each log stream.
displayName: Max Labels Names per Series
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelNamesPerSeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters
- allowed for label values in log streams.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxLabelValueLength defines the maximum number of characters allowed
+ for label values in log streams.
displayName: Max Label Value Length
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLabelValueLength
@@ -972,26 +1033,30 @@ spec:
path: limits.tenants.ingestion.maxLineSize
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks that can
- be fetched by a single query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxChunksPerQuery defines the maximum number of chunks
+ that can be fetched by a single query.
displayName: Max Chunk per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxChunksPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
+ - description: |-
+ MaxEntriesLimitsPerQuery defines the maximum number of log entries
that will be returned for a query.
displayName: Max Entries Limit per Query
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxEntriesLimitPerQuery
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series that is returned
- by a metric query.
+ - description: |-
+ MaxQuerySeries defines the maximum of unique series
+ that is returned by a metric query.
displayName: Max Query Series
path: limits.tenants.queries.maxQuerySeries
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator
- or not. Default is managed.
+ - description: |-
+ ManagementState defines if the CR should be managed by the operator or not.
+ Default is managed.
displayName: Management State
path: managementState
@@ -1012,11 +1077,13 @@ spec:
path: rules.enabled
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified,
- only the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
+ - description: |-
+ Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery. If unspecified, only
+ the same namespace as the LokiStack object is in is used.
displayName: Namespace Selector
path: rules.namespaceSelector
- - description: A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
+ - description: |-
+ A selector to select which LokiRules to mount for loading alerting/recording
rules from.
displayName: Selector
path: rules.selector
@@ -1054,8 +1121,9 @@ spec:
- description: TLS configuration for reaching the object storage endpoint.
displayName: TLS Config
path: storage.tls
- - description: CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate. It
- needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
+ - description: |-
+ CA is the name of a ConfigMap containing a CA certificate.
+ It needs to be in the same namespace as the LokiStack custom resource.
displayName: CA ConfigMap Name
path: storage.tls.caName
@@ -1257,8 +1325,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -1274,9 +1343,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: Labels to add to each recording rule.
@@ -1308,8 +1378,9 @@ spec:
- description: List of groups for recording rules.
displayName: Groups
path: groups
- - description: Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the
- given recoding rule.
+ - description: |-
+ Interval defines the time interval between evaluation of the given
+ recoding rule.
displayName: Evaluation Interval
path: groups[0].interval
- description: Limit defines the number of series a recording rule can produce.
@@ -1325,9 +1396,10 @@ spec:
- description: Rules defines a list of recording rules
displayName: Rules
path: groups[0].rules
- - description: The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this
- is evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become pending/firing
- alerts.
+ - description: |-
+ The LogQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
+ evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
+ pending/firing alerts.
displayName: LogQL Expression
path: groups[0].rules[0].expr
- description: The name of the time series to output to. Must be a valid metric
@@ -1424,9 +1496,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1446,9 +1519,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1481,21 +1554,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1573,9 +1648,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1595,9 +1671,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1630,21 +1706,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1706,21 +1784,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -1860,9 +1940,10 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -1882,9 +1963,9 @@ spec:
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -1917,21 +1998,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -2009,9 +2092,10 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.enableV2
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:booleanSwitch
- - description: List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager
- URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers
- in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
+ - description: |-
+ List of AlertManager URLs to send notifications to. Each Alertmanager URL is treated as
+ a separate group in the configuration. Multiple Alertmanagers in HA per group can be
+ supported by using DNS resolution (See EnableDNSDiscovery).
displayName: AlertManager Endpoints
path: overrides.alertmanager.endpoints
- description: Additional labels to add to all alerts.
@@ -2031,9 +2115,9 @@ spec:
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.capacity
- urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number
- - description: Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This
- is maintained only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the
- grace period.
+ - description: |-
+ Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
+ only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
displayName: Firing Grace Period
path: overrides.alertmanager.notificationQueue.forGracePeriod
- description: Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
@@ -2066,21 +2150,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: overrides.alertmanager.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
@@ -2142,21 +2228,23 @@ spec:
Default is '(.*)'
displayName: Regex
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].regex
- - description: Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed
- if the regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default
- is '$1'
+ - description: |-
+ Replacement value against which a regex replace is performed if the
+ regular expression matches. Regex capture groups are available. Default is '$1'
displayName: Replacement
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].replacement
- description: Separator placed between concatenated source label values. default
is ';'.
displayName: Separator
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].separator
- - description: The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content
- is concatenated using the configured separator and matched against the configured
- regular expression for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
+ - description: |-
+ The source labels select values from existing labels. Their content is concatenated
+ using the configured separator and matched against the configured regular expression
+ for the replace, keep, and drop actions.
displayName: Source Labels
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].sourceLabels
- - description: Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
+ - description: |-
+ Label to which the resulting value is written in a replace action.
It is mandatory for replace actions. Regex capture groups are available.
displayName: Target Label
path: remoteWrite.client.relabelConfigs[0].targetLabel
diff --git a/operator/config/overlays/community-openshift/kustomization.yaml b/operator/config/overlays/community-openshift/kustomization.yaml
index c0d952afd73f5..19f9b91b1512e 100644
--- a/operator/config/overlays/community-openshift/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/overlays/community-openshift/kustomization.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: Kustomization
- ./../openshift
@@ -5,24 +8,21 @@ resources:
namespace: kubernetes-operators
-- pairs:
+- includeSelectors: true
+ pairs:
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: operator-lifecycle-manager
app.kubernetes.io/name: loki-operator
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: loki-operator
- app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: operator-lifecycle-manager
- includeSelectors: true
- pairs:
app.kubernetes.io/instance: loki-operator-v0.6.0
app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.6.0"
-- files:
+- behavior: replace
+ files:
- controller_manager_config.yaml
name: manager-config
- behavior: replace
-- manager_related_image_patch.yaml
-- prometheus_service_monitor_patch.yaml
- name: controller
diff --git a/operator/config/overlays/community/kustomization.yaml b/operator/config/overlays/community/kustomization.yaml
index 7caaab03255cc..007fa0c8a9e64 100644
--- a/operator/config/overlays/community/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/overlays/community/kustomization.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: Kustomization
- ../../crd
- ../../rbac
@@ -16,11 +19,11 @@ namespace: loki-operator
namePrefix: loki-operator-
-- pairs:
+- includeSelectors: true
+ pairs:
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: operator-lifecycle-manager
app.kubernetes.io/name: loki-operator
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: loki-operator
- app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: operator-lifecycle-manager
- includeSelectors: true
- pairs:
app.kubernetes.io/instance: loki-operator-v0.6.0
app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.6.0"
@@ -33,12 +36,6 @@ configMapGenerator:
- controller_manager_config.yaml
name: manager-config
-- manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
-- manager_related_image_patch.yaml
-- manager_run_flags_patch.yaml
-- manager_webhook_patch.yaml
-- webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
- name: controller
@@ -46,31 +43,109 @@ images:
newTag: 0.6.0
# the following config is for teaching kustomize how to do var substitution
# [CERTMANAGER] To enable cert-manager, uncomment all sections with 'CERTMANAGER' prefix.
-- name: CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE # namespace of the certificate CR
- objref:
- kind: Certificate
- group: cert-manager.io
- version: v1
- name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
- fieldref:
- fieldpath: metadata.namespace
- objref:
- kind: Certificate
- group: cert-manager.io
- version: v1
- name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
-- name: SERVICE_NAMESPACE # namespace of the service
- objref:
- kind: Service
- version: v1
- name: webhook-service
- fieldref:
- fieldpath: metadata.namespace
- objref:
- kind: Service
- version: v1
- name: webhook-service
+- path: manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_related_image_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_run_flags_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_webhook_patch.yaml
+- path: webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
+# [CERTMANAGER] To enable cert-manager, uncomment all sections with 'CERTMANAGER' prefix.
+# Uncomment the following replacements to add the cert-manager CA injection annotations
+ - source: # Add cert-manager annotation to ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, MutatingWebhookConfiguration and CRDs
+ kind: Certificate
+ group: cert-manager.io
+ version: v1
+ name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
+ fieldPath: .metadata.namespace # namespace of the certificate CR
+ targets:
+ - select:
+ kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .metadata.annotations.[cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from]
+ options:
+ delimiter: '/'
+ index: 0
+ create: true
+ - select:
+ kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .metadata.annotations.[cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from]
+ options:
+ delimiter: '/'
+ index: 0
+ create: true
+ - select:
+ kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .metadata.annotations.[cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from]
+ options:
+ delimiter: '/'
+ index: 0
+ create: true
+ - source:
+ kind: Certificate
+ group: cert-manager.io
+ version: v1
+ name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
+ fieldPath: .metadata.name
+ targets:
+ - select:
+ kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .metadata.annotations.[cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from]
+ options:
+ delimiter: '/'
+ index: 1
+ create: true
+ - select:
+ kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .metadata.annotations.[cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from]
+ options:
+ delimiter: '/'
+ index: 1
+ create: true
+ - select:
+ kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .metadata.annotations.[cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from]
+ options:
+ delimiter: '/'
+ index: 1
+ create: true
+ - source: # Add cert-manager annotation to the webhook Service
+ kind: Service
+ version: v1
+ name: webhook-service
+ fieldPath: .metadata.name # namespace of the service
+ targets:
+ - select:
+ kind: Certificate
+ group: cert-manager.io
+ version: v1
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .spec.dnsNames.0
+ - .spec.dnsNames.1
+ options:
+ delimiter: '.'
+ index: 0
+ create: true
+ - source:
+ kind: Service
+ version: v1
+ name: webhook-service
+ fieldPath: .metadata.namespace # namespace of the service
+ targets:
+ - select:
+ kind: Certificate
+ group: cert-manager.io
+ version: v1
+ fieldPaths:
+ - .spec.dnsNames.0
+ - .spec.dnsNames.1
+ options:
+ delimiter: '.'
+ index: 1
+ create: true
diff --git a/operator/config/overlays/community/webhookcainjection_patch.yaml b/operator/config/overlays/community/webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
index cbcbf762a647b..40c40fe3ced15 100644
--- a/operator/config/overlays/community/webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/overlays/community/webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# This patch add annotation to admission webhook config and
-# the variables $(CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE) and $(CERTIFICATE_NAME) will be substituted by kustomize.
+# the variables CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE_PLACEHOLDER and CERTIFICATE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER will be substituted by kustomize.
# [WEBHOOK] To enable mutating webhook hook, uncomment the following section
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
# metadata:
# name: mutating-webhook-configuration
# annotations:
-# cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: $(CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE)/$(CERTIFICATE_NAME)
apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
name: validating-webhook-configuration
- cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: $(CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE)/$(CERTIFICATE_NAME)
diff --git a/operator/config/overlays/openshift/auth_proxy_service_annotations_patch.yaml b/operator/config/overlays/openshift/auth_proxy_service_annotations_patch.yaml
index a24f8b83bc8ca..a2b8d2e84c4bb 100644
--- a/operator/config/overlays/openshift/auth_proxy_service_annotations_patch.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/overlays/openshift/auth_proxy_service_annotations_patch.yaml
@@ -3,5 +3,4 @@ kind: Service
service.beta.openshift.io/serving-cert-secret-name: loki-operator-metrics
- labels:
name: controller-manager-metrics-service
diff --git a/operator/config/overlays/openshift/kustomization.yaml b/operator/config/overlays/openshift/kustomization.yaml
index cdd65f1cbeafc..29c420ed2f43a 100644
--- a/operator/config/overlays/openshift/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/overlays/openshift/kustomization.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: Kustomization
- ../../crd
- ../../rbac
@@ -17,14 +20,14 @@ namespace: openshift-operators-redhat
namePrefix: loki-operator-
-- pairs:
+- includeSelectors: true
+ pairs:
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: operator-lifecycle-manager
app.kubernetes.io/name: loki-operator
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: cluster-logging
- app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: operator-lifecycle-manager
- includeSelectors: true
- pairs:
app.kubernetes.io/instance: loki-operator-0.1.0
- app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.1.0"
+ app.kubernetes.io/version: 0.1.0
disableNameSuffixHash: true
@@ -34,16 +37,17 @@ configMapGenerator:
- controller_manager_config.yaml
name: manager-config
-- auth_proxy_service_annotations_patch.yaml
-- manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
-- manager_related_image_patch.yaml
-- manager_run_flags_patch.yaml
-- manager_security_context_patch.yaml
-- manager_webhook_patch.yaml
-- prometheus_service_monitor_patch.yaml
- name: controller
newName: quay.io/openshift-logging/loki-operator
newTag: 0.1.0
+- path: auth_proxy_service_annotations_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_related_image_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_run_flags_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_security_context_patch.yaml
+- path: manager_webhook_patch.yaml
+- path: prometheus_service_monitor_patch.yaml
diff --git a/operator/config/scorecard/kustomization.yaml b/operator/config/scorecard/kustomization.yaml
index d73509ee73fa9..814b71282d560 100644
--- a/operator/config/scorecard/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/scorecard/kustomization.yaml
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
+apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: Kustomization
- bases/config.yaml
- path: patches/basic.config.yaml
group: scorecard.operatorframework.io
- version: v1alpha3
kind: Configuration
name: config
+ version: v1alpha3
- path: patches/olm.config.yaml
group: scorecard.operatorframework.io
- version: v1alpha3
kind: Configuration
name: config
-# +kubebuilder:scaffold:patchesJson6902
+ version: v1alpha3
diff --git a/operator/config/webhook/kustomizeconfig.yaml b/operator/config/webhook/kustomizeconfig.yaml
index 25e21e3c963f0..30293f0f5d90f 100644
--- a/operator/config/webhook/kustomizeconfig.yaml
+++ b/operator/config/webhook/kustomizeconfig.yaml
@@ -20,6 +20,3 @@ namespace:
group: admissionregistration.k8s.io
path: webhooks/clientConfig/service/namespace
create: true
-- path: metadata/annotations
diff --git a/operator/docs/operator/api.md b/operator/docs/operator/api.md
index 7dd2bf6b9c2c2..6bac7b57332e5 100644
--- a/operator/docs/operator/api.md
+++ b/operator/docs/operator/api.md
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ BlockedQueryTypes
## BlockedQueryTypes { #loki-grafana-com-v1-BlockedQueryTypes }
(Appears on:BlockedQuerySpec)
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ LimitsTemplateSpectenants
(Appears on:LokiStackComponentStatus)
@@ -4247,7 +4247,7 @@ RemoteWriteSpecoverrides