- Filament:
- Prusa Silver PLA (used for assembled devices)
- Amazon Basics Silver PLA (good colour match)
- Basicfil Silver PLA (good colour match)
Print with the slots on top. Print one at a time to avoid stringing.
These are very suitable for variable layer height, set a smaller layer height for the top and bottom areas to help smooth our the curved egdes.
- Layer height: 0.15mm - 0.2mm (or use 0.35mm with variable layer hight, aiming for 0.15 or better on the top and bottom)
- Enable 'avoid crossing perimiters' to avoid possible stringing inside of the slots.
- Infill: 5% - 10%
Print with the slots on top. Print one at a time to avoid stringing.
- Layer height: 0.15mm - 0.2mm (or use a variable layer height for more detail on the top and bottom layers)
- Infill: 10%
If you're interested in making your own stand or mount for FS Macro Panel, the dimensions of a single panel are as follows: