- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- JavaScript React (.jsx)
- TypeScript React (.tsx)
- Html (.html)
- Vue (.vue)
Trigger | Description |
fireconfig |
Configure Firebase |
firereference |
Get a reference to the firebase service |
fireset |
Set data to the firebase database |
fireretrieve |
Retrieve data from firebase |
fireretrieveloop |
Retrieve data and loop inside the direct children |
fireval |
Using val() method to retrieve the data inside a listener |
fireretrieveonce |
Retrieve data once |
firekey |
Create a key and simultaneously retrieve the key |
fireupdate |
Updating specific fields |
fireremove |
Remove data at a certain location |
firetransaction |
firebase transactions |
fireorderBychild |
Order results by the value of a specified child key or nested child path |
fireorderByvalue |
Order results by child values |
fireorderBykey |
Order results by child keys |
firelimittofirst |
Sets the maximum number of items to return from the end of the ordered list of results |
firelimittolast |
Sets the maximum number of items to return from the beginning of the ordered list of results |
firestartAt |
Return items greater than or equal to the specified key or value, depending on the order-by method chosen |
fireendat |
Return items less than or equal to the specified key or value, depending on the order-by method chosen |
fireequalto |
Return items equal to the specified key or value, depending on the order-by method chosen |
fireexists |
Returns true if this dataSnapshot contains any data |
firehaschild |
Returns true if this datasnapshot contains the specified child |
firehaschildren |
Returns true is this datasnapshot contains any children |
firenumchildren |
Returns the number of child properties of this datasnapshot |
firedetach |
Removing a listener |
firestorageref |
Get a reference to the storage service, which is used to create references in your storage bucket |
firestoragechildref |
Create a reference to a location lower in the tree, say images.jpg |
firestorageurlref |
Create a reference from a Google Cloud Storage URI or https url |
firestoragedownloadfile |
Getting the download file from firebase storage |
firestoragedeletefile |
Delete a file |
firesignupemail |
Authenticate a new user using email and password |
firesigninemail |
Sign in an existing user |
fireauthstate |
Attach an observer using onAuthStateChanged to retrieve user infomration |
firecurrentuser |
Retrieves the currently logged in user |
fireuserprofile |
Retrieves the user information |
fireupdateprofile |
Updates the user profile |
fireproviderinfo |
Retrieves information from sign in provider |
fireupdateemail |
Set a user email address, the user must have signed in recently |
fireemailverify |
Send an email verification to the user |
firesetpass |
Set a user password, the user must have signed in recently |
firepassreset |
Send a password reset email to a user |
firedeleteuser |
Delete a user account with the delete method |
firesignout |
Sign out the user |
firegoogleinstance |
Get instance of the google provider |
fireprovidersignin |
Sign in with google |
firefacebookinstance |
Get instance of facebook provider |
firetwitterinstance |
Get instance of twitter provider |
firegithubinstance |
Get instance of github provider |
firecustomauth |
Sign in the user using custom authentication |
fireanonymously |
Sign in the user anonymously |
Trigger | Description |
initializefirestore |
Initialize Cloud Firestore through Firebase |
adddatafirestore |
Creating a new collection and document in firestore |
setdatafirestore |
Creates or overwrite a single document, use the set() method |
readdatafirestore |
Read data from a collection in firestore |
referencefirestore |
Add firestore reference |
updatefirestore |
Update the document in firestore |
deletedocfirestore |
Delete a document in firestore |
deletefieldfirestore |
Delete a field in firestore document |
wherefirestore |
where query in firestore |
arraycontainsfirestore |
Using array-contains it filters based on array value |
limitfirestore |
Retrieves the first three value of the field |
ordermultifirestore |
Order by multiple fields in firestore |
realtimeupdatefirestore |
Listens for realtime changes on a document using onSnapshot |
arrayunionfieldfirestore |
Adds an element to an array field |
arrayremovefieldfirestore |
Remove an element from array field |
incrementfieldfirestore |
Increment or decrement a numeric field value |