These are the dotfiles I use across my machines. A list of key software is included below.
- Window Manager: i3 - (dotfiles)
- Menu: dmenu
- Terminal Emulator: rxvt-unicode
- Shell: ZSH (oh-my-zsh, Vim powerline)
- Editor: Vim (Airline, CtrlP, GitGutter, Fugitive, Eclim, syntastic, Tagbar, YouCompleteMe, EasyTags, Unimpaired, Python-mode)
- Email: Mutt (offlineimap, msmtp)
- Todo List: todo.txt
- Password Management: Pass
- Chat: Irssi, Profanity
- Browser: dwb
- Music: Mopidy(mopidy-spotify, ncmpcpp)
- File Sync: Syncthing, Git
- Backup: Tarnsap
- Encryption: GPG, dm-crypt, Ciphershed
- Color Scheme: Solarized
I use dfm to handle the symlinking of these.
To install:
- git clone .dotfiles
- cd .dotfiles
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- cd bin
- ./dfm install