This is with a view of targeting C. Targeting JavaScript would be similar and can be done in parallel (of course point 2 would not be needed, except when targeting WASM in which case C may be used as an intermediary). Also see javascript-plan.
core data structures (like booleans, numbers, strings, symbols, vectors, structures/objects)
garbage collector (I want to implement a real-time GC, will have to dig into some papers)
Scheme parser, I already have one (in C++) but it's a bit ugly in places, and it uses the machine stack which can lead to stack overflows which is bad; thus, partially take the existing one and port and improve it, or write a new one from scratch. (Note: point 3 on javascript-plan will develop a translator from an s-expression based language to JavaScript and that could be extended to output C instead; so the hand-written C based parser might be temporary only, and the attention may primarily be on a subset of the necessary features just for learning how the parser works, and to learn how the generated code should look.)
the s-expression->core frontend I mentioned above, I'm currently working out the algorithms in Scheme.
define the core AST (abstract syntax tree), which represents the elements of the core language. (Probably CPS/SSA based; look into stack based as an alternative.)
interpret the AST directly, or make a translator to byte code, make a byte code loader and interpreter.
implement debugger (based on the continuation support)