Automatic scheduling and processing for polar weather satellites passages (NOAA, METEOR) in bash scripts using third party software.
Works for APT of NOAA 15, 18, 19
Works for LRPT of METEORs
Added METEOR-M2 3
(First working attempts for LRPT METEOR M2-2 (added TLE name/frequency/demod options) - satellite not available)
List the passages for the current day above a minimum elevation using Predict
Submit jobs on the linux 'at' queue for each passage
Each NOOA's job records the audio of the passages (rtl_fm), resamples it (sox) and produces, if possible several VISIBLE and IR pictures with a map overlay (wxtoimg, wxmap)
Each METEOR's job records the raw data of the passages (rtl_fm), demodulates it (demod), decodes (decode) it and produces a composite VISIBLE and IR pictures
NOAA's passages with audio file too small are not processed (something wrong happened during the recording)
NOAA's images that trigger some warnings of wxtoimg are moved into a deleted/ folder (usually the S/N was too low)
NOAA's visible images are produced only if the visible channel is active, otherwise only the combined IR is produced
METEOR's IR image is produced together with the composite one if both channels are active
METEOR's images with low brightness are moved into the deleted/ folder (usually was a bad acquisition or late evening)
A recording in progress prevents any other recording scheduled, so there is not a check of eventual overlaps
A METEOR passage will stop any other running acquisition (that will be normally processed)
Each time the scheduler starts cleans the 'at' queue and all the running 'rlt_fm' jobs that might be stuck in the system
Single config file (but still some other hardcoded parameters for the recordings) with minimal sets of checks of it
Rectify implemented for METEOR's images
Included script to produce an animation from Mercator projections
Tested on Fedora and on Raspberry Pi
Paolo Franchini 2022 -
Create a directory for the scripts and for the output images in your home directory:
mkdir ~/Satellite
Install the followings as superuser. For Fedora-like
yum install gcc ncurses-devel rtl-sdr sox at bc git make cmake
yum install ImageMagick
yum install fpc
yum install libjpeg*
(yum install gqrx)
(yum install ffmpeg)
or for Ubuntu-like distos (e.g. Raspberry Pi OS):
apt install gcc libncurses5-dev rtl-sdr sox at bc git make cmake
apt install imagemagick
apt install fpc
apt install libjpeg-dev
(apt install gqrx-sdr)
(apt install ffmpeg)
git clone ~/Satellite/code
git clone ~/Satellite/predict
cd ~/Satellite/predict
sudo ./configure
(echo "alias predict='~/Satellite/predict/predict -q ~/Satellite/code/<location>.qth -t ~/Satellite/code/weather.tle'" >> ~/.bashrc)
cd ~/Satellite
mkdir ~/Satellite/wxtoimg
tar xvf wxtoimg-linux64-2.10.11-1.tar.gz -C ~/Satellite/wxtoimg/
ln -s ~/Satellite/wxtoimg/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg ~/Satellite/wxtoimg/wxtoimg
or for Raspberry Pi
sudo apt install ./wxtoimg-armhf-2.11.2-beta.deb
Register WXtoImg as in
Update TLE/Keplers:
wget -O ~/Satellite/wxtoimg/usr/local/lib/wx/tle/weather.txt
sudo wget -O /usr/local/lib/wx/tle/weather.txt
git clone ~/Satellite/meteor_demod
cd ~/Satellite/meteor_demod
sudo make install
git clone ~/Satellite/meteor_decoder
cd ~/Satellite/meteor_decoder
cd ~/Satellite/
tar xvf rectify-jpg-0.3.tar.bz2
cd rectify-jpeg-0.3
gcc rectify-jpg.c -lm -ljpeg -o rectify-jpg
cd ~/Satellite/code
create your own location file .qth
and edit config.cfg
with all the paths and other options.
Now you can manually run the script
or as a cronjob to be run every day early morning, i.e. (the cd
is mandatory):
01 00 * * * cd ~/Satellite/code; ~/Satellite/code/
Logs in: recordings.log
, errors.log
, jobs.log
Output images (png and jpg files) as speficied in config.cfg
In order to reprocess a bunch of existing audio files
./ <directory_path_where_noaa_audios_are>
./ <directory_path_where_meteor_audios_are>
it would preserve the original time stamp of the wave file.
In order to create a MP4 video using Mercator projections for a cropped IR passage (the coordinates are hard coded)
./ <list_of_files.wav>
./ noaa/20200711-*.wav noaa/20200712-*.wav