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How to build Einstein on various platforms

Table Of Contents

  • Building Einstein with Cocoa on macOS in 64 bit Universal
  • Building Einstein with FLTK on macOS in 64 bit with Xcode
  • Building Einstein on Linux in 64 bit
  • Building Einstein on OpenBSD in 64 bit
  • Building Einstein on Windows 10/11
  • Buidling Einstein for Android
  • Building Einstein for iOS


Einstein uses GitHub Workflows to verify integrity and code quality by building test scenarios and Einstein itself whenever code is changed. The release.yml builds and releases the final user version of Einstein for all desktop platforms, making it the final authority in building the latest release of Einstein.

Building Einstein with Cocoa on macOS in 64 bit Universal

Using Xcode

Tested on macOS 12.0.1 Monterey with Xcode 13.2.1

Install Xcode from the Apple AppStore.

Building Einstein with Cocoa is very easy and straight forward. Cocoa is the user interface that is built into macOS. Just open the _Build_/Xcode/Einstein.xcodeproj in Xcode and press Cmd-R to build and run the package. Einstein should launch in Debug mode after a few minutes and ask you for the location of the ROM.

Einstein with Cocoa comes with network and serial port emulation, and an assembly language Monitor. If you are interested in emulating PCMCIA Flash Memory cards, or would like to try some programming in NewtonScript, Einstein with FLTK is the better choice.

Using the command line

Install Xcode and Xcode's command line tools. Start the Terminal:

# -- Get the source code from GitHub
git clone Einstein
cd Einstein/
# -- Build the Archive version (optimized)
xcodebuild archive \
    -project _Build_/Xcode/Einstein.xcodeproj \
    -scheme Einstein -configuration Release \
    -archivePath Einstein.xcarchive \

Your Einstein app will be in Einstein.xcarchive/Products/Applications/, but you can move it to your /Application folder for easy access:

# -- Optional: Copy Einstein to the Applications folder
cp -R Einstein.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ /Applications

Your final version of Einstein will be in /Applications/

Building Einstein with FLTK on macOS in 64 bit Universal

Tested on macOS 12.0.1 Monterey with Xcode 13.2.1

Using the command line

Install Xcode and Xcode's command line tools. Install the current version of CMake from . Start the Terminal:

# -- Get the Einstein source code from GitHub
git clone Einstein
cd Einstein/
# -- Get the FLTK source code from GitHub
git clone fltk
# -- Get the newt64 source code from GitHub
git clone newt64
# -- Compile FLTK 1.4
cmake -S fltk -B fltk/build \
    -D FLTK_BUILD_GL=Off \
    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -D "CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64;x86_64"
cmake --build fltk/build
# -- Compile newt64 (a few warnings will pop up)
cmake -S newt64 -B newt64/build \
    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -D "CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64;x86_64"
cmake --build newt64/build
# -- Compile Einstein (this may take 20 inutes or more)
cmake -S . -B build \
    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -D "CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64;x86_64"
cmake --build build --target Einstein

Your Einstein app will be in build/, but you can move it to your /Application folder for easy access:

# -- Optional: Copy Einstein to the Applications folder
cp -R build/ /Applications


There is a version of the Macintosh Emulator BasiliskII for macOS that can connect directly to Einstein via serial port emulation:

git clone macemu
open macemu/BasiliskII/src/MacOSX/BasiliskII.xcodeproj

Building Einstein on Linux in 64 bit

Tested on Linux Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on March 13th 2021

These instruction will create an Intel executable when run on an Intel system, and an ARM executable on ARM systems. It is possible to cross-compile for another CPU, but this option is not handled (yet) in this document.

Using the command line

Install various packages that are needed to compile FLTK, newt64, and Einstein. Package installer work differently on different distribution. You may also need different packages. This worked for me:

sudo apt-get install git cmake
sudo apt-get install clang
sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
sudo apt-get install libxft-dev
sudo apt-get install bison flex
sudo apt-get install pulseaudio
sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev

Now download and build all components:

# -- Get the Einstein source code from GitHub
git clone Einstein
cd Einstein/
# -- Get the FLTK source code from GitHub
git clone fltk
# -- Get the newt64 source code from GitHub
git clone newt64
# -- Compile FLTK
cmake -S fltk -B fltk/build \
    -D FLTK_BUILD_GL=Off \
cmake --build fltk/build
# -- Compile newt64
cmake -S newt64 -B newt64/build \
cmake --build newt64/build
# -- Compile Einstein
cmake -S . -B build \
cmake --build build --target Einstein

Your Einstein app will be in build/Einstein, but you can move it to your /usr/bin folder for easy access:

# -- Optional: Copy Einstein to the binaries folder
sudo cp build/Einstein /usr/bin

Continue with setting up the ROM as described in the manual. Enjoy.

BasiliskII (optional)

There is a version of the Macintosh Emulator BasiliskII for Linux that can connect directly to Einstein via serial port emulation. You need to install SDL2 to compile BasiliskII:

git clone macemu
cd macemu/BasiliskII/src/Unix
./ --without-gtk --without-x --disable-standalone-gui \
    --disable-gtk-test --with-sdl-static --with-sdl-video \
    --with-sdl-audio --with-sdl-framework

Building Einstein on OpenBSD 64 bit

Tested on OpenBSD 7.1/amd64-stable on June 30th 2022

These instructions will create an Intel executable when run on an Intel system, and an ARM executable on ARM systems.

Using the command line

Install various packages that are needed to compile FLTK, newt64, and Einstein. This worked for me:

doas pkg_add git \
  cmake \
  autoconf \
  bison \
  ffi \

Now download and build all components:

# -- Get the Einstein source code from GitHub
git clone Einstein
cd Einstein/
# -- Get the FLTK source code from GitHub
git clone fltk
# -- Get the newt64 source code from GitHub
git clone newt64
# -- Compile FLTK
cmake -S fltk -B fltk/build \
    -D FLTK_BUILD_GL=Off \
cmake --build fltk/build
# -- Compile newt64
cmake -S newt64 -B newt64/build \
cmake --build newt64/build
# -- Compile Einstein
LOCALBASE=/usr/local cmake -S . -B build \
cmake --build build --target Einstein

Your Einstein app will be in build/Einstein, but you can move it to your /usr/local/bin folder for easy access:

# -- Optional: Copy Einstein to the binaries folder
doas cp build/Einstein /usr/local/bin

Continue with setting up the ROM as described in the manual. Enjoy.

Building Einstein on Windows 10/11 with VisualStudi

These instructions will build the Intel 64bit version of EInstein, even if the host machine runs on ARM.

Install VisualStudio 2020. It will include the C++ compiler. Make sure that the CMake tools are also installed.

You will also need git. You can install it from this source: .

Using the command line

Einstein can be built very easily from the command line. Open the Developer Command Prompt:

Start Menu
  -> All Apps
    -> Visual Studio 2020 Folder
      -> Developer Command Promt for VS 2022

Enter the following commands into the shell.

# -- Get the Einstein source code from GitHub
git clone Einstein
cd Einstein/
# -- Get the FLTK source code from GitHub
git clone fltk
# -- Get the newt64 source code from GitHub
git clone newt64
# -- Compile FLTK (yes, the command must be in a single line)
cmake --build fltk/build --config Release
# -- Compile newt64
cmake -S newt64 -B newt64/build -A x64 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build newt64/build --config Release
# -- Compile Einstein
cmake -S . -B build -A x64 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --config Release --target Einstein

Your Einstein app will be in build\Release\Einstein.exe, but you can move it to your C:\Program Files folder for easy access:

# -- Optional: Copy Einstein to the Program Files folder
md "C:\Program Files\Einstein"
copy build\Release\Einstein.exe "C:\Program Files\Einstein"

Continue with setting up the ROM as described in the manual. Enjoy.


There is a version of the Macintosh Emulator BasiliskII for Windows that can connect directly to Einstein via serial port emulation. You need to install SDL2 to compile BasiliskII:

Clone into macemu. Grab the SDL2 sourcecode and put it in .../macemu/external. Then load and compile the VisualStudio Solution in macemu/BasiliskII/src/Windows.

Building Einstein for Android

The _Build_ folder contains the current setup for Einstein on Android. Open Android Studio and launch the project in the _Build_/AndroidStudioNative.

The Android version of EInstein is still in its Alpha stage and will need some more development before it is actually usable.

Note that changes in the source tree are sometimes not propageted to the Android build for a while.

Building Einstein for iOS

Tested on Dec 27 2021, compiled 12.0.1 Monterey and M1 CPU, running on iPhone 13 Max Pro with iOS 15.2

  • install the Xcode developer environment from teh Apple AppStore, it's free
  • make sure you also install the command line tools, so you have git available
  • in the shell, do git clone Einstein4iOS
  • in the shell, do open Einstein4iOS/_Build_/Xcode/Einstein.xcodeproj
  • now in Xcode, select the iOSEinstein scheme and your phone as your target
  • you may have to change details for the Target Settings in the Signing tab
  • build and run Einstein for your phone - it will fail, but now Finder will show the directory that you need to install the 717006.rom file.