Swiss army knife for Phantasma developers
Spook implements various Phantasma standard features in a single easy to use tool. These tools can be leveraged from the SDK allowing developers to setup a full Integrated Development Environment(IDE) locally.
To learn more about Phantasma, please read the White Paper and check the official repository.
For development of Phantasma applications it is recommended you run a Phantasma node locally. It acts as your own personal blockchain network. The following instructions explain how to do this on Windows. Other operating systems are also supported and instructions can be found in the following section of this document. You can later move to the official test network where multiple nodes are running, in order to test your dapp under a more realistic enviroment.
To get started download a pre-compiled build which comes bundled in the official SDK release: - the files you need reside under Tools\Spook in the .zip file
Note - you will need .NET runtime 3.1 installed on your desktop
To bootstrap your own test net just run a single instance of Phantasma node using the following arguments:
spook -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25
#To enable the RPC server add this argument to the line above
Otherwise you can compile the latest yourself from the source available in this repository.
To compile and publish the source code for you will need the following:
- A Windows PC that suports Visual Studio Community
- Can be obtained here:
- An installation of Visual Studio Community with the following extension
- .NET Desktop Development
Pull or download the following GitHub Repositories
- PhantasmaChain repository
- PhantasmaSpook repository
Ensure both of these sit in the same root directory on your PC and are in folders that match the above. For example:
- C:<my code>\Phantasma\PhantasmaChain
- C:<my code>\Phantasma\PhantasmaSpook
Build and publish the code
- Open Visual Studio
- Open the PhantasmaSpook\Spook.sln solution
- Build the solution
- Publish the Spook Project
The files needed to run a node will now be in PhantasmaSpook\Spook\Publish
As per above you can run it with the following command:
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25
#To enable the RPC server add this argument to the line above
There are two different possibilities to configure Spook:
Every config paramater is usable in the configuration file and as a cli argument.
- Config file
. - CLI arguments -> overwrite config file values.
Spook can be run in three different modes:
- no interface (default)
- shell ("shell.enabled": true)
This is what the default configuration looks like:
"ApplicationConfiguration": {
"Node": {
"web.logs": false,
"block.time": 2,
"minimum.fee": 100000,
"minimum.pow": 0,
"api.proxy.url": "",
"": "simnet",
"node.mode": "validator",
"node.wif": "L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25",
"api.log": false,
"node.port": 7777,
"profiler.path": "",
"has.sync": true,
"has.mempool": true,
"mempool.log": false,
"": false,
"has.relay": false,
"has.archive": false,
"has.rpc": true,
"": true,
"rpc.port": 7081,
"rest.port": 7078,
"nexus.bootstrap": true,
"genesis.timestamp": 0,
"api.cache": true,
"readonly": false,
"": "",
"sender.threads": 8,
"sender.address.count": 100,
"storage.path": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"oracle.path": "",
"storage.backend": "db",
"": false,
"": false
"Oracle": {
"neoscan.api": "",
"neo.rpc.nodes": [""],
"": "4e6ffe0dedfd49d2e182b706b72e736fa027844181d179dc5310f115deeb29be",
"swaps.enabled": true,
"phantasma.interop.height": "0",
"neo.interop.height": "4261049",
"eth.interop.height": "0",
"neo.wif": ""
"Plugins": {
"plugin.refresh.interval": 1,
"tps.plugin": true,
"ram.plugin": true,
"mempool.plugin": true
"Simulator": {
"simulator.enabled": true,
"simulator.dapps": [""],
"simulator.generate.blocks": false
"App": {
"shell.enabled": false,
"node.start": true,
"": "SPK",
"config": "",
"prompt": "[{0}] spook> ",
"history": ".history",
"Log": {
"file.path": "",
"": "spook.log",
"file.level": "Debug",
"shell.level": "Debug"
"RPC": {
"rpc.address": "localhost",
"rpc.port": 7654
Converts the backend storage from file to db, after the conversion is finished, Spook will exit.
#Options: bool 'true' or 'false'
#Converts storage
#Options: string
#Path to storage relative to the binary
#Options: string
#Path to db storage relative to the binary
#Options: string
#Path used to create the verification file, on Linux use /dev/shm to speed up the process (make sure you have enough memory to store the file)
#Options: 'true' or 'false'
#Enables or disables the RPC server
#Default: 7077
#Changes the RPC port
#Options: 'true' or 'false'
#Enables or disables the REST API
#Default: 7078
#Changes the REST port
#Default: true
#Enables caching of the API, which affects both REST, RPC and the internal API.
#Key for the wallet - local test wallet is 'L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25'
#Name of the network - 'simnet' is the self contained network
#Default: true
#Enables or disables the mempool. Must be enabled for validator nodes.
#Default: 10000
#Defines the minimum fee for a transaction. Expected value should be in fixed point format, not decimal.
#Default: 0
#Defines the minimum proof of work for a transaction. Expected value should be between 0 and 5.
#Default: true
#Enables or disables Phantasma relay. Must be enabled for validator nodes.
#Default: true
#Enables or disables the chain archive. Must be enabled for validator nodes.
#Default: true
#Enables or disables the event log. Must be enabled for validator nodes.
#Default: /Storage
#Selects the path where the node will save the chain data
#Default: file
#Options: 'file' or 'db'
#Defines the used storage backend, for 'db' RocksDB has to be installed.
#Options: 'true' or 'false'
#Utilised when supporting Nachomen - Luchadores get ready for action in the startup when enabled
#Defines initial NEO blockchain height to use for swap mechanims
#Defines initial Ethereum blockchain height to use for swap mechanims
#Defines initial Phantasma blockchain height to use for swap mechanims
#Default: false
#Enables the TPS graph plugin. View the graph with comand "gui.graph tps"
#Default: false
#Enables the RAM usage graph plugin. View the graph with comand "gui.graph ram"
#Default: false
#Enables the mempool usage plugin. View the graph with comand "gui.graph mempool". Note, this is not the same as enabling the mempool.
This section provides instructions on standing up a self-contained node for Phantasma on various operating systems. The dependencies installed as part of the below steps however will remain consistent and as such can serve as a basis for anyone who will later switch to running a Test or Main Network Node.
Below are instructions needed for the various operating systems supported.
wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.asc.gpg
sudo mv microsoft.asc.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
wget -q
sudo mv prod.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg
sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.0
- Debian 10 has
installed which is not compatible with dotnet-core. To make Debian behave you have to installlibssl1.0.0
sudo apt-get install multiarch-support
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u12_amd64.deb
- In a terminal navigate to the location you placed the compiled contents of Spook
- Then run the instance
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true
- An example shell script to execute the above and run it in the background as a process is
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true &
- To find out your version of Ubuntu run this command in a terminal
lsb_release -a
- If it’s 18.04+ use these steps, if it is 19.04+ follow the steps in the 19.04+ section
- Copy the compiled Spook files from the previous section to somewhere on the filesystem
- Open a terminal and do the following to install .NET runtime
#Create the MS license
wget -q -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
#Install the runtime
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-runtime-2.2
- If you get error like: Unable to locate package dotnet-runtime-2.2 – try the following
sudo dpkg --purge packages-microsoft-prod && sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-runtime-2.2
- In a terminal navigate to the location you placed the compiled contents of Spook
- Then run the instance
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true
- An example shell script to execute the above and run it in the background as a process is
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true &
- To find out your version of Ubuntu run this command in a terminal
lsb_release -a
- If it’s 19.04+ use these steps, if it is 18.04+ follow the steps in the 18.04+ section
- Copy the compiled Spook files from the previous section to somewhere on the filesystem
- Open a terminal and do the following to install .NET runtime
#create the MS license
wget -q -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
#Install the runtime
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-runtime-2.2
- If you get error like: Unable to locate package dotnet-runtime-2.2 – try the following
sudo dpkg --purge packages-microsoft-prod && sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-runtime-2.2
- In a terminal navigate to the location you placed the compiled contents of Spook
- Then run the instance
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true
- Copy the compiled Spook files from the previous section to somewhere on the filesystem
- Install .NET runtime
- Open a terminal window
- In a terminal navigate to the location you placed the compiled contents of Spook
- Then run the instance
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true
- Copy the compiled Spook files from the previous section to somewhere on the filesystem
- Open a terminal and do the following to install .NET runtime
sudo rpm -Uvh
sudo yum update
sudo yum install dotnet-runtime-2.2
- In a terminal navigate to the location you placed the compiled contents of Spook
- Then run the instance
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true
- An example shell script to execute the above and run it in the background as a process is
dotnet Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true &
- For running for extended periods it makes sense to use a persistant screen so you can check the output whenever you like:
- Check if you have screen installed
screen --version
- If you don't do the following in debian
sudo apt install screen
sudo yum install screen
To run in a screen
screen -S SpeckyRules
- My shell script from above FYI looks like this
dotnet ./Phantasma/Spook.dll -node.wif=L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25 -rpc.enabled=true &
To list screens
screen -ls
To reconnect to the screen
screen -d -r <number of screen from previous command>
Spook can do several operations related to wallet usage.
To do wallet operations inside Spook, you first need to open it. Note that wallet that corresponds to the node private key is open by default. This might change in the future. Also note that currently using the wallet feature requires you to enable the REST API in the code. WIF
eg: L2sbKk7TJTkbwbwJ2EX7qM23ycShESGhQhLNyAaKxVHEqqBhFMk3
To view the balances of a wallet use the wallet.balance command. You can optionally not pass a specific address to view the balance of the local node.
wallet.balance TARGET_ADDRESS
wallet.balance PGbGitREtLZi89QGxSLtBfs51Ukufs5PzhC9kky8Tet93
To transfer funds from the currently open wallet use the wallet.transfer command. The source address can be a Phantasma address or an address from a supported cross swap chain (eg: NEO) that belongs to the currently open wallet. The destination address can be a Phantasma address or an address from a supported cross swap chain (eg: NEO).
wallet.transfer PGbGitREtLZi89QGxSLtBfs51Ukufs5PzhC9kky8Tet93 PGam8Avq7NGPc8ViXXM1wre2XUWatVGFmKBLNsGhsDSuB 10.5 SOUL
Spook can optionally connect to a variety of builtin Oracles. In order to do so, you will need to configure the proper URLs. If you are running Spook as a block producer it is highly recommended to use URLs from services running in your own machines, to make sure you have full control of the data.
Oracle | Argument | Example | Remarks |
Neo Blockchain (RPC) | -neo.rpc |, | You can list several RPC endpoints by separating them with commas |
Neo Blockchain (NeoScan) | -neoscan.url | | |
CryptoCompare | -cryptocompare.apikey | - | You will need to register with CryptoCompare to obtain an API key |
Spook can optionally expose a RPC-JSON API so that you can connect it to your Phantasma dapps.
Documentation for this API can be found here:
To enable the API pass the following flag to the Spook node you stood up in previous sections - examples of full commands are in the sections above:
Spook comes with a builtin Phantasma smart contract assembler and compiler.
More languages will be available later.
Language | Core Library | Smart Compiler | Sample Dapps |
.NET / C# | Beta | In Development | Yes |
PHP | Beta | N/A | Yes |
Python | Beta | Planned | In Development |
Golang | Beta | Planned | In Development |
Javascript | Alpha | Planned | In Development |
C++ | Alpha | Planned | In Development |
Java | Alpha | Planned | In Development |
You can contribute to Phantasma with issues and PRs. Simply filing issues for problems you encounter is a great way to contribute. Contributing implementations is greatly appreciated.
The Phantasma project is released under the MIT license, see
for more details.