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File metadata and controls

118 lines (77 loc) · 4.08 KB


This request limit setting of Request Filtering enforces a maximum length for the query. IIS stores the value in the cs-uri-query log field.

This limit a hard fail since the client will only see an HTTP 404 (Not Found) which is not indicative of why the request failed. Exercise caution when setting this value if your website/application makes significant use of query parameters.

When a request is blocked by this setting, an HTTP 404 is returned to the client and IIS logs an HTTP 404.15.

STIG recommends a value of 2048 or less (

No Query Normalizing

IIS does not normalize the query. If URL encoding is being used, the query length will be checked "as is" with each character being a single byte.

Example 1

The following is a basic example with no URL encoding. The minimum value to allow this request: maxQueryString = 28

Example 2

This example uses a firstname value with a space in it, "Test One". The request is encoded which substitutes the space with %20. IIS does not normalize the query, leaving it as is. The minimum value to allow this request: maxQueryString = 34

Establishing a Value

Microsoft Logparser will parse the IIS logs of the target website/application to calculate the length of each query (cs-uri-query).

Only successful requests are included in the results. See Successful Requests in the FAQ for details.

IIS Logs are used for this script. See File System vs. IIS Logs in the FAQ for details.

LogParser Script

Below is an example LogParser query to be used and explanation as to what it does.


    STRLEN(cs-uri-query) AS QueryLength

INTO D:\WorkingFolder\lp_results_maxQueryString.csv

FROM D:\folder\u_ex*.log

    s-sitename LIKE 'W3SVC3'
      AND cs-uri-query LIKE `'%`'
      AND (sc-status<303 AND sc-status>=200)

GROUP BY cs-uri-stem, cs-uri-query



Selects the cs-uri-stem and cs-uri-query field from the IIS log. The Logparser function STRLEN() is used to return the cs-uri-query length.

    STRLEN(cs-uri-query) AS QueryLength

Where results will be stored.

INTO D:\WorkingFolder\lp_results_maxQueryString.csv

Location of the IIS logs for this website.

FROM D:\folder\u_ex*.log

Specifies the target IIS website.

WHERE s-sitename LIKE 'W3SVC3' 

Only select requests using query string parameters.

AND cs-uri-query LIKE `'%`'

We are only concerned with successful requests and thus targeting HTTP status codes in the 2XX range as well as redirects of 301 or 302.

AND (sc-status<303 AND sc-status>=200) 

Grouping by cs-uri-stem and cs-uri-query since a SELECT DISTINCT is being performed.

GROUP BY cs-uri-stem, cs-uri-query

Order by QueryLength to get the longest first.


Launch LogParser Script

The PowerShell Module launches the following command.

LogParser.exe -stats:OFF -q:ON -i:IISW3C -o:CSV file:D:\WorkingFolder\lp_query_maxQueryString.sql


A results file (lp_results_maxQueryString.csv) will only be created if query string parameters are used.

Start with the top entry (i.e. longest QueryLength) and determine if it is a valid request. If so, use that QueryLength value for this setting. Otherwise continue working down the list until a valid request is found and use the corresponding QueryLength for this Request Filtering setting.

Reminder that this setting creates a hard fail so consider aiming a bit higher to account for any future changes.