You might be interested in the modern and more mature boost::histogram header only library.
Histogram in C++11, 1D, simple header-only, inspired by R, calculate and optimize breaks automatically. Accepts different precissions.
Warning, docs are not generated automatically and might be outdated.
You can use the header as is, just download it, and include it in your project. MIT License, but please contribute back if you add any extra feature!
You should read the test file as a sample for usage.
vector<double> data{1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 19.0, 0.5, 14.0};
histo::Histo<double> h_scott(data); // Default method to calculate Breaks.
size_t bins = 10;
auto breaks_with_bins = histo::GenerateBreaksFromRangeAndBins<double>(0.0, 20.0, bins);
double width = 1.0;
auto breaks_with_fixed_width = histo::GenerateBreaksFromRangeAndWidth<double>(0.0, 20.0, width);
histo::Histo<double> h_with_bins(data, breaks_with_bins);
histo::Histo<double> h_with_width(data, breaks_with_width);
Each histogram has public members: bins
, breaks
, counts
and range
We can fill the histogram with FillCounts(data)
, called at constructor.
The data is not stored in the histogram.
We can fill the bins with more data to an existing histogram.
vector<double> extra_data{7.0, 13.0};
We can also normalize the histogram to get a probability density function from it.
histo::Histo<double, unsigned int> regular_histo(data);
histo::Histo<double, double> normalized_histogram = histo::NormalizeByArea(regular_histo);
Optionally, we can use VTK (vtkChartXY) to visualize the histogram.
vector<double> data{0.0, 1.0, 1.0,1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 5.0, 8.0, 8.0, 12.0};
Histo<double> h(data, histo::GenerateBreaksFromRangeAndBins<double>(0.0,15.0, 5));
h.PrintBreaksAndCounts(std::cout); = "withJustData";
visualize_histo(h, vtkChart::LINE);
visualize_histo(h, vtkChart::BAR);
All the features are tested using gtest.