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Global Optimization benchmark for python

Testing functions used in the benchmark (except suttonchen) have been implemented by Andreas Gavana, Andrew Nelson and scipy contributors and have been forked from SciPy project.

Previous results of the benchmarks of sdaopt (using 3 points for numerical derivatives gradient computation for the local search) available at:

The current version of the benchmark is not using sdaopt anymore but is benchmarking dual annealing proposed as a PR in SciPy. You need to have this scipy branch in order to use DA method.

Minimum requirements to run the benchmarks is to have scipy installed. Other dependencies are managed in the file. Running the benchmark is very CPU intensive and requires a multicore machine or a cluster infrastructure.

By default, the benchmark includes basinhopping, differential evolution, brute force, dual annealing (under PR review) from SciPy and pyswarm, cma-es non scipy optimizers. CMA (and the restart version, see below) runs slower compare to the scipy optimizers and will increase benchmark duration.

Note the nlopt optimizers require additional installation/compilation but can also be benchmarked.

Installation from source

git clone
cd GOBench
# Activate your appropriate python virtual environment if needed
python install

How to run the benchmark

In order to run the benchmark only on few functions and few methods (will use the cores available on your machine), run the example below:

# It takes approx 8 minutes on 2 cores.
gobench --nb-runs 10 --methods 'BH,DE,DA' --function 'Ackley01,Rosenbrock,Rastrigin'
gobench --help
usage: gobench [-h] [--nb-runs NB_RUNS] [--output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER]
               [--functions FUNCTIONS] [--methods METHODS]

Running benchmark and processing results

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --nb-runs NB_RUNS
        Number of runs for a given function to test by an algorithm.
        Each run will have a different seed value so that the initial
        coordinates will be a different random location.
        Default value is 100 runs.

  --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
        Folder where data file for optimization results are stored.
        Default will create a DATA folder in the working directory.

  --functions FUNCTIONS

        Comma separated names of function to be used in the benchmark.
        By default, all testing functions from SciPy benchmark are used.
        Note: Using default will make the benchmark running for a long time,
        better to use a cluster infrastructure.

  --methods METHODS
        Comma separated names of methods to be benchmarked.
        'DA' for dual annealing
        'BH' for basinhopping
        'DE' for differential evolution
        'DE-R' for differential evolution restart version
        'PSO' for particule swarm
        'PSO-R' for particule swarm restart version
        'BF' for for brute force
        'CMA' for Cov. matrix adaptation evolution strategy
        'CMA-R' for Cov. matrix adaptation evolution strategy restart version.
        If not provided, all of these methods are benchmarked, this requires
        a longer running time.

        If this option is given, `Ackley01`, `Exponential`, `Rastrigin`,
        `Rosenbrock`, `Schwefel01` testing function will be used in the
        benchmark with dimensions in [5, 10, 20, ..., 100].
        Note that this will increase running time of the benchmark, however,
        this shows how optimizers behave with complex high dimension functions.

How to generate the report

Use the goreport tool that generates either csv file, heatmap reliability figure of average number of function calls (in pdf, png, svg or eps formats depending of provided out file extention).

goreport --help
usage: goreport [-h] [--results-folder RESULTS_FOLDER] [--out OUTPUT_FILEPATH]
                [--type RESULT_TYPE]

Generate reports with benchmark results

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --results-folder RESULTS_FOLDER

        Folder where data file for optimization results are stored.


        Path for the figure file to be generated. The given file extention
        will set the file format to be generated (pdf, png, svg, eps or csv
        for tabular results)

  --type RESULT_TYPE
        Type of report to be generated. Possible reports are for now:
        heatmap, csv.

A csv file report

goreport --type csv --out results.csv

A reliability heatmap

goreport --type heatmap --out heatmap.png

Running benchmark on a multicore machine

# Activate your appropriate python virtual environment if needed
# Replace NB_RUNS by your values (default value is 100)
# NB_RUNS is the number of runs done for each testing function and algorithm used
# The script uses all available cores on the machine.
gobench --nb-runs NB_RUNS --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER

Running benchmark on a cluster (Example for Moab/TORQUE)

The total number of testing functions is 261. The benchmark can be parallelized on 261 cores of the cluster infrastructure, the benchmarks are embarassingly parallel. If you cluster nodes have 16 cores, 17 sections will be required for splitting the processing (261 / 16 = 16.3125, so 17 sections)

Below a script content example for Maob/TORQUE:

# Replace OUTPUT_FOLDER by your the path of your choice
##### These lines are for Moab
#MSUB -l nodes=1:ppn=16
#MSUB -o OUTPUT_FOLDER/bench.out
#MSUB -e OUTPUT_FOLDER/bench.err
source YOUR_PYTHON_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate
gobench --nb-runs 100 --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER

On your machine that is able to submit jobs to the cluster

for i in {0..16}
        msub -v USE_CLUSTER,NB_CORES=16,SECTION_NUM=$i