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Andy Lo-A-Foe edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 9 revisions

Terraform provider for HSDP

Using the provider

Download the release binary and copy it to the $HOME/terraform.d/plugins/<os>_<arch>/ folder. For example /home/youruser/terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64 for a Linux environment or /Users/youruser/terraform.d/plugins/darwin_amd64 for a MacOS environment.

The HSDP provider is used to interact with a HSDP IAM instance to perform adminstrative configuration of platform resources.

Use the navigation to the right to read about the available resources.

Configuring the provider

# Set the variable values in *.tfvars file
# or using -var="iam_url=..." CLI option

variable "region" {}
variable "environment" {}
variable "iam_url" {}
variable "idm_url" {}
variable "oauth2_client_id" {}
variable "oauth2_password" {}
variable "org_id" {}
variable "org_admin_username" {}
variable "org_admin_password" {}
variable "shared_key" {}
variable "secret_key" {}
variable "cartel_host" {}
variable "cartel_token" {}
variable "cartel_secret" {}
variable "cartel_skip_verify" {}
variable "cartel_no_tls" {}
variable "retry_max"

# Configure the HSDP Provider

provider "hsdp" {
  region             = "us-east"
  environment        = "client-test"
  iam_url            = var.iam_url
  idm_url            = var.idm_url
  oauth2_client_id   = var.oauth2_client_id
  oauth2_password    = var.oauth2_password
  org_id             = var.org_id
  org_admin_username = var.org_admin_username
  org_admin_password = var.org_admin_password
  shared_key         = var.shared_key
  secret_key         = var.secret_key
  debug              = true
  debug_log          = "/tmp/provider.log"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The HSDP region to use [us-east, eu-west, sa1, ...]

  • environment - (Optional) The HSDP environment to use within region [client-test, prod]

  • iam_url - (Optional) IAM API endpoint (e.g. Auto-discovered when region and environment are specified.

  • idm_url - (Optioanl) IDM API endpoint (e.g. Auto-discovered when region and environment are specified.

  • credentials_url - (Optional) S3 Credenials API endpoint (e.g. Auto-discovered when region and environment are specified.

  • oauth2_client_id - (Required) The OAuth2 client ID as provided by HSDP

  • oauth2_password - (Required) The OAuth2 password as provided by HSDP

  • service_id - (Optional) The service ID to use for IAM org admin operations (conflicts with: org_admin_username)

  • service_private_key - (Optional) The service private key to use for IAM org admin operations (conflicts with: org_admin_password)

  • org_admin_username - (Optional) Your IAM admin username.

  • org_admin_password - (Optional) Your IAM admin passowrd.

  • org_id - (Optional) Your IAM root ORG id as provided by HSDP

  • shared_key - (Optional) The shared key as provided by HSDP. Actions which require API signing will not work if this value is missing.

  • secret_key - (Optional) The secret key as provided by HSDP. Actions which require API signing will not work if this value is missing.

  • cartel_host - (Optional) The cartel host as provided by HSDP. Auto-discovered when region and environment are specified.

  • cartel_token - (Optional) The cartel token as provided by HSDP.

  • cartel_secret - (Optional) The cartel secret as provided by HSDP.

  • retry_max - (Optiona) Integer, when > 0 will use a retry-able HTTP client and retry requests when applicable.

  • debug - (Optional) If set to true, outputs details on API calls

  • debug_log - (Optional) If set to a path, when debug is enabled outputs details to this file


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