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68 lines (63 loc) · 4.17 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (63 loc) · 4.17 KB

1.1.1 (2017-08-02)


  • The following NumberPadTimePicker APIs are no longer public: setNumberKeysEnabled(), setBackspaceEnabled(), updateTimeDisplay(), updateAmPmDisplay(), setAmPmDisplayVisible(), setAmPmDisplayIndex(), setLeftAltKeyText(), setRightAltKeyText(), setLeftAltKeyEnabled(), setRightAltKeyEnabled(), setOkButtonEnabled(), setResult(), showOkButton(). These are implementation details and you should not have called them.
  • Reduced library size by about 2 KB.

1.1.0 (2017-07-30)

New Features and Changes

  • Use NumberPadTimePicker as a View in your own layouts.
  • New NumberPadTimePicker APIs:
    • OkButtonCallbacks interface allows you to use a custom, externally-defined "OK" button with the time picker. It is also how you will retrieve the selected time if you are using NumberPadTimePicker as a View. Set with setOkButtonCallbacks().
    • confirmTimeSelection() calls your OkButtonCallbacks.onOkButtonClick() and returns the selected time.
    • getLayout() returns a constant representing the layout, which determines the presence and appearance of dialog buttons. Return values: LAYOUT_STANDALONE, LAYOUT_ALERT, LAYOUT_BOTTOM_SHEET.
    • setCancelButtonClickListener() sets a View.OnClickListener on the time picker's cancel button, which is present only in LAYOUT_ALERT.
    • getThemer() returns a NumberPadTimePickerThemer that can be casted to BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerThemer if the layout is LAYOUT_BOTTOM_SHEET.
  • NumberPadTimePickerThemer and BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerThemer are now public. These are the super classes of NumberPadTimePickerDialogThemer and BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerDialogThemer, respectively.
  • New styleable attributes:
    • nptp_numberPadTimePickerLayout determines the presence and appearance of additional dialog buttons. Possible values: standalone, alert, bottomSheet.
    • nptp_is24HourMode indicates whether the number pad should use 24-hour mode.
  • New style resources:
    • NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerStandaloneStyle
    • NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle
    • NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerStandaloneStyle_FillHeight
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerStandaloneStyle_ExactHeight
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle_FillHeight
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle_ExactHeight
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle_FillHeight
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle_ExactHeight
  • Deprecated style resources:
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerStyle. Use NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle instead.
    • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle. Use NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle instead.
  • Updated sample app to demo use of NumberPadTimePicker as a View.

Known Issues

  • NumberPadTimePicker is not optimized for small screen heights (e.g. in landscape). If the full view cannot fit in the current screen height, the top portion of its contents will be stretched out and the remaining portion cannot be seen.

Bug Fixes

1.0.0 (2017-06-14)

Initial release