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Predictable and Consistent

REST vs. gRPC vs. GraphQL

  • Designing Web APIs Table 2-2


  • Designing Web APIs by Brenda Jin, Saurabh Sahni, and Amir Shevat (O'Reilly, 2018)
  • Irresistable APIs by Kirsten Hunter (Manning, 2016)
  • The Design of Web APIs by Arnaud Lauret (Manning, 2019 )
  • Design and Build Great Web APIs by Mike Amundsen (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2020)
  • API Security in Action by Neil Madden (Manning, 2021)
  • Mastering API Architecture by James Gough, Daniel Bryant, and Matthew Auburn (O'Reilly, 2022)
  • REST in Practice by Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis and Ian Robinson (O'Reilly, 2010)

Articles / Sites

RESTful API examples


OpenAPI (fmrly Swagger) is the most popular.

ALPS looks cool.


  • ReDoc for nice reference documentation
  • Add a Getting Started guide!
  • Add a common scenarios guide!
  • Documentation should tell a story (Hunter)

Utility Services


  • Think "API First" -- webapp as clients (SPA, mobile app, bots) + API, not traditional backend that renders web.
  • Prefer hypermedia (a root URI and navigation via link rels) to fixed interface (requires OOB info) (Laurent Ch 6.3) -- Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State, or HATEOAS -- dynamically discover resources via rels
  • Think entity resources, not action resources
  • Fine-grained, composable resources, but it's also okay to have resources that make the client's job easier.
  • DARRT stands for data, actions, resources, representations, and transitions (Amundsen)
  • Documentation should tell a story. Getting Started, full docs, scenarios.


  • Consider data wrappers
    • Don't ever return a raw array -- wrap it in a single-field object, or you'll never be able to add any additional fields to the result
    • don't use an array with positional semantics, just create an object -- example: GeoJSON bbox
  • RFC 3339 for datetimes.
  • gzip compression for responses (may not be enabled by default in your framework)
  • Manage API versions independently of software implementation.


Patch is actually pretty hard. JSON Patch describes the details.

Gnieh Diffson is a great Scala library for implementing it.


OAuth, please. Header Authentication is best. Maybe add query parameter access_token too so that it can be called with simple GET requests or redirects (though this reveals the token in the request).

Auth0 is a good platform for handling OAuth-based authentication.

Make scopes more granular than you think you'll need them. does in-browser decoding.

  • Designing Web APIs Chapter 3 section OAuth Best Practices



Batch/Bulk Updates


This is probably the hardest part!

  • uri or path
  • Content-Type application/vnd.pv.api.v2.3+json


  • Design and Build Great Web APIs Ch 12

Principles and Practices

  • Never remove, rename, or redefine resources

  • Additions should be backwards-compatible and optional -- never mandatory.

  • Put a version in the host or path. Host is easy w/ multi-tenant services and a reasonable deployment system. And, API gateways can redirect traffic however need be anyway




  • Instead of polling, consider thin webhooks (webhook calls with "there was a change" and a thin payload, and then the request is made to get the thick object), or a combination of both

Design Documentation

  • Amundsen's API Project Assets Checklist
  • API Technical Specification from DWAPIs: Title, Authors, Problem, Solution, Implementation, Authentication, Other things we considered

Other Endpoints

  • Bulk ingest -- not RESTful, but useful. Difficult to do well.
  • Search - filter, date filter, order, fields
  • Pagination
    • offset-based -- difficult for non-relational dbs, and always expensive for later pages
    • cursor-based -- still expensive. Elasticsearch has "search after". Usually coupled to datastore.

Pagination Link -- merge means apply these changes on top of your previous request.

            "rel": "next",
            "href": "",
            "method": "POST",
            "body": {
                "page": 2,
                "limit": 10
            "merge": true
  • Rate-limiting -- DWAPIs has a great overview of the algorithms

Implementation Considerations

  • Caching -- especially challenging when OOB writes are allowed!
  • Conditional -- If-None-Match and ETag

Leonard Richardson’s Maturity Model

  • Level 0: The swamp of POX
  • Level 1: Resources
  • Level 2: HTTP verbs
  • Level 3: Hypermedia controls (HATEOAS, for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)