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This directory contains the GitOps project used for the deployment of the platform.

Cluster prereqs

Required Operators:

  • Cluster Monitoring
  • Bitnami sealed secrets (via controller deployment below)

Sealed Secrets

We make use of the BitNami Sealed Secrets Operator to store sensitive information, encrypted in this Git repository. Things are encrypted using the public key and then decrypted in our demo cluster using the private key. The private key is only known to the Sealed Secrets Operator in our demo cluster and is managed as part of our demo cluster setup.

kubeseal install required once per cluster

kubeseal create Sealed Secrets using the Bridge Public Key

The public key for encryption needs to be retrieved from the demo cluster using your login.

Log in to the demo cluster and then use the following to retrieve the key from the root of this repository:

kubeseal --controller-namespace kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem

Once you have downloaded the public key certificate, you can use the following commands to encrypt:

oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal='DATA=<mydata>' --dry-run=client -o yaml > secret.yaml

kubeseal --cert mycert.pem --scope cluster-wide -o yaml -f secret.yaml > sealedSecret.yaml

So for example, in order to create the Grafana secrets, run

kubeseal --controller-namespace kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem
BEARER_TOKEN=$(oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount -n event-bridge-prod)
oc create secret generic grafana-secrets --from-literal='BEARER_TOKEN=$BEARER_TOKEN' --from-literal='GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER=<REDACTED>' --from-literal='GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<REDACTED>' --dry-run=client -o yaml > secret.yaml
kubeseal --cert mycert.pem --scope cluster-wide -o yaml -f secret.yaml > grafana-secrets.yaml

Deploying Changes to our Demo Cluster

Deployments are managed by ArgoCD (look for the url in the onboarding document).

When a pull request is merged into master, the CD pipeline is triggered and a new docker image is pushed to our repository. Within 30 minutes, a new pull request should be created to this repository to update the image of the kustomization overlay. When this pull request is merged, ArgoCD detects the changes and applies them to the cluster.

Manual deployment to a cluster

Note: you should not push changes to the demo cluster under the same namespace that is used by the kustomization overlay, because it will conflict with ArgoCD that will detect the difference and will re-deploy the resources that are in the main branch of the public repository.

You can of course create the resources under another namespace or another cluster instead.

Before you start the deployment process, ensure that your oc CLI is authenticated to our demo cluster.

To do a deployment, use the following from your authenticated oc CLI (remember to change the namespace in the overlay):

kustomize build overlays/prod | oc apply -f -

The command should complete and exit cleanly.