The CED (Code EDitor) is a vim like text editor written in c with ncurses. This is a personal learning project.
- gcc
- ncurses
How to install ncurses:
# gnu debian
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
# archlinux
sudo pacman -S ncurses
# (optional) add linting support for make lint
# gnu debian
sudo apt install cpplint
# archlinux
sudo pacman -S cpplint
make clean
make lint
# open without file (opens a temporary file "untitled.txt")
$ ced
# open with file
$ ced [filename]
the NORMAL mode is the default
i | switch to INSERT mode
h | move left
j | move down
k | move up
l | move right
gg | move to beginning of file
G | move to end of file
dd | remove line
dw | remove word
x | remove character
: | open commandline
the COMMAND mode is accessed by pressing : in normal mode
q | quit
w | write
wq | write and quit
TODO (not implemented yet)