Perhaps, many of us like Telegram messenger and use it for conversations with friends. However, we were a bit disappointed by the absence of any sort of easy-accessible "Save Conversation" feature in the messenger. Therefore, we've written a Chrome extension for it!
- Install the Chrome extension "Save Telegram Chat History" CURRENTLY THE LINK IS NOT WORKING (see Issue #53), YOU NEED TO MANUALLY INSTALL THE EXTENSION . You should now see a new icon in the browser.
- Visit
- Select a peer you want to get history from.
- Click on the icon "Save Telegram Chat History".
- In the popup window click one of the buttons to fetch some messages, then 'Save As' to a local file.
- Congratulations! You are done.
- Shows your chat history with a Telegram peer or a group as text.
- Works even for DELETED accounts.
- Browse photos depending on the cursor position or as a list, with possibility to save one by one (since 2.1.0).
- Fetching history without scrolling (since 2.0.0).
- You can configure the output format (since 1.3.0) and date format (since 2.2.6).
- Chrome browser (48+), not tested on older versions. Chrome browser (65+) for the most recent version (2.2.6).
- Supported languages of web interface are English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese.
If you have any feedback, feel free to visit us at The code is open-source.
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