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Using this Sass

Sass's (very powerful) module system requires that our @use lines come before anything else. So what do we have:



Your design must have

@use "../base/layout";

because that's where all the grid stuff comes from, along with some other default things.


You probably want something like

$font: "Some font";
@use "../base/font" with (
  $font: $font

where Some font is a Google webfont.

This is not mandatory, if you want to bring your own font or whatever you can do something like

@font-face {
  font-family: "Foo";
  src: url("../../fonts/foo.ttf") format("truetype");

body {
  font-family: "Foo";

further down your Sass file.


You're going to want to include an animator. The simplest animator is the fader:

@use "../base/animators/fader" as animator;


@use "../base/vars";

This contains a few handy default things, particularly $background-root:

background: url(vars.$background-root + "foo.png");


@use "../base/utils";

Contains a couple of handy stroke-related @mixins:

@include utils.stroke-width(1px);
@include utils.stroke-colour(teal);

Defining your styles

Once you've included all the modules you want, you're going want to define your body styles:

$grey: rgba(4, 4, 4, 0.445);
$background-colour: white;
$active-colour: $grey;

$stroke-width: 1px;

body {
  background: url(vars.$background-root + "wall.png"), $background-colour;
  font-size: 6vh;
  @include utils.stroke-width($stroke-width);
  @include utils.stroke-colour($active-colour);
  color: transparent;

and possibly tweak some other things:

span {
  margin: -1vh;

and then set up your animator. An animator exposes an API which allows you to set $activated-styles and $deactivated-styles:

animator.$activated-styles: (color: red);
animator.$deactivated-styles: (color: blue); // this one is actually optional

and then call a special @mixin:

@include animator.setup(2s); // `2s` is the animation duration

to populate your CSS with everything you need for your animation.

Passing those styles

Note that you need to pass Sass maps to the animator, not regular CSS declarations. Maps are comma-separated, which means if you need to pass styles that contain commas (for fancy shadows, for example), you need to wrap the values in brackets:

animator.$activated-styles: (
  color: $blue,
  text-shadow: (
    $colour-0 0 0 0.1vh,
    $colour-1 0 -0.1vh 0.2vh,
    $colour-2 0 -0.3vh 0.2vh,

It took me far too long to work out that this is the way to pass styles into modules, and it was only once I understood this that I realised that Sass modules are in fact amazing and not irretrievably cursed