1. User uploaded file with ID 'file-mbvak0mtF7yBjCiW8SfxILPP' to: /mnt/data/The Complete SwiftUI Documentation You've Been Waiting For _ by Millie Sturgeon _ in Better Programming - Freedium.pdf.
2. User uploaded file with ID 'file-lL51jun92HM3RoEtyR3CLTr0' to: /mnt/data/Syncing model data across a person’s devices _ Apple Developer Documentation.pdf.
3. User uploaded file with ID 'file-N9fCcIdnQiGaEHr8wutkT81o' to: /mnt/data/Preserving your app’s model data across launches _ Apple Developer Documentation.pdf.
4. User uploaded file with ID 'file-5Ysn3HPs8oFZSDT96jCjWuhV' to: /mnt/data/Building a document-based app using SwiftData _ Apple Developer Documentation.pdf.
5. User uploaded file with ID 'file-MkgKPpOyOj3NJ8GcI6u67Inh' to: /mnt/data/SwiftData _ Apple Developer Documentation.pdf.
6. User uploaded file with ID 'file-44huUlt1ShU0xf7qmNhEzRJX' to: /mnt/data/Swiftdata.txt.