diff --git a/en/backup-to-gcs.md b/en/backup-to-gcs.md index 4c6a2abf23..eb8a00907a 100644 --- a/en/backup-to-gcs.md +++ b/en/backup-to-gcs.md @@ -244,3 +244,7 @@ From the above example, you can see that the `backupSchedule` configuration cons + `.spec.maxReservedTime`: A backup retention policy based on time. For example, if you set the value of this configuration to `24h`, only backup items within the recent 24 hours are retained. All backup items out of this time are deleted. For the time format, refer to [`func ParseDuration`](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration). If you have set the maximum number of backup items and the longest retention time of backup items at the same time, the latter setting takes effect. + `.spec.schedule`: The time scheduling format of Cron. Refer to [Cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) for details. + `.spec.pause`: `false` by default. If this parameter is set to `true`, the scheduled scheduling is paused. In this situation, the backup operation will not be performed even if the scheduling time is reached. During this pause, the backup [Garbage Collection](https://pingcap.com/docs/stable/reference/garbage-collection/overview) (GC) runs normally. If you change `true` to `false`, the full backup process is restarted. + +> **Note:** +> +> TiDB Operator creates a PVC. This PVC is used for both ad-hoc full backup and scheduled full backup. The backup data is stored in PV first, and then uploaded to remote storage. If you want to delete this PVC after the backup is completed, you can refer to [Delete Resource](cheat-sheet.md#delete-resources) to delete the backup Pod first, and then delete the PVC. diff --git a/en/backup-to-s3.md b/en/backup-to-s3.md index 43b8cb477c..5a9b51c90c 100644 --- a/en/backup-to-s3.md +++ b/en/backup-to-s3.md @@ -541,3 +541,7 @@ From the examples above, you can see that the `backupSchedule` configuration con + `.spec.maxReservedTime`: A backup retention policy based on time. For example, if you set the value of this configuration to `24h`, only backup items within the recent 24 hours are retained. All backup items out of this time are deleted. For the time format, refer to [`func ParseDuration`](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration). If you have set the maximum number of backup items and the longest retention time of backup items at the same time, the latter setting takes effect. + `.spec.schedule`: The time scheduling format of Cron. Refer to [Cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) for details. + `.spec.pause`: `false` by default. If this parameter is set to `true`, the scheduled scheduling is paused. In this situation, the backup operation will not be performed even if the scheduling time is reached. During this pause, the backup [Garbage Collection](https://pingcap.com/docs/stable/garbage-collection-overview/) (GC) runs normally. If you change `true` to `false`, the full backup process is restarted. + +> **Note:** +> +> TiDB Operator creates a PVC. This PVC is used for both ad-hoc full backup and scheduled full backup. The backup data is stored in PV first, and then uploaded to remote storage. If you want to delete this PVC after the backup is completed, you can refer to [Delete Resource](cheat-sheet.md#delete-resources) to delete the backup Pod first, and then delete the PVC. diff --git a/en/restore-from-gcs.md b/en/restore-from-gcs.md index e98a84b592..e9a4ce80d8 100644 --- a/en/restore-from-gcs.md +++ b/en/restore-from-gcs.md @@ -83,3 +83,7 @@ More `Restore` CRs are described as follows: * `.spec.to.tidbSecretName`: the secret of the credential needed by the TiDB cluster to be restored. * `.spec.storageClassName`: the persistent volume (PV) type specified for the restoration. If this item is not specified, the value of the `default-backup-storage-class-name` parameter (`standard` by default, specified when TiDB Operator is started) is used by default. * `.spec.storageSize`: the PV size specified for the restoration. This value must be greater than the size of the backed up TiDB cluster. + +> **Note:** +> +> TiDB Operator creates a PVC for data recovery. The backup data is downloaded from the remote storage to the PV first, and then restored. If you want to delete this PVC after the recovery is completed, you can refer to [Delete Resource](cheat-sheet.md#delete-resources) to delete the recovery Pod first, and then delete the PVC. diff --git a/en/restore-from-s3.md b/en/restore-from-s3.md index ea2d522618..f7ea158592 100644 --- a/en/restore-from-s3.md +++ b/en/restore-from-s3.md @@ -191,3 +191,7 @@ More `Restore` CRs are described as follows: * `.spec.to.secretName`: the secret contains the password of the `.spec.to.user`. * `.spec.storageClassName`: the persistent volume (PV) type specified for the restoration. * `.spec.storageSize`: the PV size specified for the restoration. This value must be greater than the backup data size of the TiDB cluster. + +> **Note:** +> +> TiDB Operator creates a PVC for data recovery. The backup data is downloaded from the remote storage to the PV first, and then restored. If you want to delete this PVC after the recovery is completed, you can refer to [Delete Resource](cheat-sheet.md#delete-resources) to delete the recovery Pod first, and then delete the PVC. diff --git a/zh/backup-to-gcs.md b/zh/backup-to-gcs.md index 5881e317a9..7451415f51 100644 --- a/zh/backup-to-gcs.md +++ b/zh/backup-to-gcs.md @@ -239,3 +239,7 @@ kubectl get bks -n test1 -owide + `.spec.maxReservedTime`:一种备份保留策略,按时间保留备份。比如将该参数设置为 `24h`,表示只保留最近 24 小时内的备份条目。超过这个时间的备份都会被清除。时间设置格式参考[`func ParseDuration`](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration)。如果同时设置最大备份保留个数和最长备份保留时间,则以最长备份保留时间为准。 + `.spec.schedule`:Cron 的时间调度格式。具体格式可参考 [Cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron)。 + `.spec.pause`:该值默认为 `false`。如果将该值设置为 `true`,表示暂停定时调度。此时即使到了调度时间点,也不会进行备份。在定时备份暂停期间,备份 [Garbage Collection (GC)](https://pingcap.com/docs-cn/v3.0/reference/garbage-collection/overview/) 仍然正常进行。将 `true` 改为 `false` 则重新开启定时全量备份。 + +> **注意:** +> +> TiDB Operator 会创建一个 PVC,这个 PVC 同时用于 Ad-hoc 全量备份和定时全量备份,备份数据会先存储到 PV,然后再上传到远端存储。如果备份完成后想要删掉这个 PVC,可以参考[删除资源](cheat-sheet.md#删除资源)先把备份 Pod 删掉,然后再把 PVC 删掉。 diff --git a/zh/backup-to-s3.md b/zh/backup-to-s3.md index f74318fd53..aae3103747 100644 --- a/zh/backup-to-s3.md +++ b/zh/backup-to-s3.md @@ -532,3 +532,7 @@ kubectl get bk -l tidb.pingcap.com/backup-schedule=demo1-backup-schedule-s3 -n t + `.spec.maxReservedTime`:一种备份保留策略,按时间保留备份。例如将该参数设置为 `24h`,表示只保留最近 24 小时内的备份条目。超过这个时间的备份都会被清除。时间设置格式参考 [`func ParseDuration`](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration)。如果同时设置最大备份保留个数和最长备份保留时间,则以最长备份保留时间为准。 + `.spec.schedule`:Cron 的时间调度格式。具体格式可参考 [Cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron)。 + `.spec.pause`:该值默认为 `false`。如果将该值设置为 `true`,表示暂停定时调度。此时即使到了调度时间点,也不会进行备份。在定时备份暂停期间,备份 Garbage Collection (GC) 仍然正常进行。将 `true` 改为 `false` 则重新开启定时全量备份。 + +> **注意:** +> +> TiDB Operator 会创建一个 PVC,这个 PVC 同时用于 Ad-hoc 全量备份和定时全量备份,备份数据会先存储到 PV,然后再上传到远端存储。如果备份完成后想要删掉这个 PVC,可以参考[删除资源](cheat-sheet.md#删除资源)先把备份 Pod 删掉,然后再把 PVC 删掉。 diff --git a/zh/restore-from-gcs.md b/zh/restore-from-gcs.md index 3aea6de3f8..afe654971b 100644 --- a/zh/restore-from-gcs.md +++ b/zh/restore-from-gcs.md @@ -82,3 +82,7 @@ category: how-to * `.spec.to.tidbSecretName`:待恢复 TiDB 集群所需凭证的 secret。 * `.spec.storageClassName`:指定恢复时所需的 PV 类型。如果不指定该项,则默认使用 TiDB Operator 启动参数中 `default-backup-storage-class-name` 指定的值(默认为 `standard`)。 * `.spec.storageSize`:恢复集群时指定所需的 PV 大小。该值应大于备份 TiDB 集群数据的大小。 + +> **注意:** +> +> TiDB Operator 会创建一个 PVC,用于数据恢复,备份数据会先从远端存储下载到 PV,然后再进行恢复。如果恢复完成后想要删掉这个 PVC,可以参考[删除资源](cheat-sheet.md#删除资源)先把恢复 Pod 删掉,然后再把 PVC 删掉。 diff --git a/zh/restore-from-s3.md b/zh/restore-from-s3.md index ef3ad32598..d47694bc4a 100644 --- a/zh/restore-from-s3.md +++ b/zh/restore-from-s3.md @@ -189,3 +189,7 @@ category: how-to * `.spec.to.secretName`:存储 `.spec.to.user` 用户的密码的 secret。 * `.spec.storageClassName`:指定恢复时所需的 PV 类型。 * `.spec.storageSize`:指定恢复集群时所需的 PV 大小。该值应大于 TiDB 集群备份的数据大小。 + +> **注意:** +> +> TiDB Operator 会创建一个 PVC,用于数据恢复,备份数据会先从远端存储下载到 PV,然后再进行恢复。如果恢复完成后想要删掉这个 PVC,可以参考[删除资源](cheat-sheet.md#删除资源)先把恢复 Pod 删掉,然后再把 PVC 删掉。