Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | ID of the product group promotion. | [optional] |
ad_group_id | str | ID of the ad group the product group belongs to. | [optional] |
bid_in_micro_currency | int, none_type | The bid in micro currency. | [optional] |
included | bool, none_type | True if the group is BIDDABLE, false if it should be EXCLUDED from serving ads. | [optional] |
definition | str, none_type | The full product group definition path | [optional] |
relative_definition | str, none_type | The definition of the product group, relative to its parent - an attribute name/value pair | [optional] |
parent_id | str, none_type | The parent Product Group ID of this Product Group | [optional] |
slideshow_collections_title | str, none_type | Slideshow Collections Title | [optional] |
slideshow_collections_description | str, none_type | Slideshow Collections Description | [optional] |
is_mdl | bool, none_type | If set to true products promoted in this product group will use the Mobile Deep Link specified in your catalog | [optional] |
status | EntityStatus | [optional] | |
tracking_url | str, none_type | Tracking template for proudct group promotions. 4000 limit | [optional] |
catalog_product_group_id | str, none_type | ID of the catalogs product group that this product group promotion references | [optional] |
catalog_product_group_name | str, none_type | Catalogs product group name | [optional] |
collections_hero_pin_id | str, none_type | Hero Pin ID if this PG is promoted as a Collection | [optional] |
collections_hero_destination_url | str, none_type | Collections Hero Destination Url | [optional] |
grid_click_type | GridClickType | [optional] | |
creative_type | CreativeType | [optional] | |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |