This package provides a celery result backend and a kombu transport for Redis using unix sockets instead of TCP.
Add this to your settings:
BROKER_TRANSPORT = '' BROKER_HOST = '/path/to/redis.sock' BROKER_VHOST = 0 # if redis password is configured: BROKER_PASSWORD = 'foobar'
And if you want to store results:
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redisunixsocket' CELERY_REDIS_HOST = '/path/to/redis.sock' CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT = False # if redis password is configured: CELERY_REDIS_PASSWORD = 'foobar' import celery_redis_unixsocket
The import celery_redis_unixsocket
is important because it registers
as a result backend.
This code has only been tested with Django.