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Test Guidelines : Unit tests
Unit tests are written using the Jasmine testing framework : http://jasmine.github.io/.
They are executed using Karma runner : http://karma-runner.github.io/.
Please follow the installation guide at http://karma-runner.github.io/0.12/intro/installation.html to install karma-cli as a global.
The configuration file for Karma can be found at the root of the project : /karma.conf.js.
Most importantly, this configuration defines which files are loaded to run the tests. All javascript files from src/js/**/*.js
and test/js/**/*.js
are loaded. As for the normal applications, the load order for files in src/js is defined in src/piskel-script-list.js
writing tests
New unit tests should be located under test/js
and should respect the folder hierarchy of the class being tested. By convention, append Test
to the filename :
New tests are automatically picked up by the tester, no need to declare them in a test suite.
running tests
By default, the tests are run against PhantomJS. You can start them using the grunt task grunt unit-test
If you want to start the Karma test server and rerun the test on each file change you can use the following command :
karma start karma.conf.js --log-level debug --no-single-run --auto-watch --browsers Chrome