This plugin contains configuration and tools to use tmux with VIM. It contains:
- tmux.conf -- Good default tmux config
- Vim cursors -- Cursor type distinguishes between Vim modes.
- Vim autosave -- Automatically save all Vim buffers before any terminal command is executed.
If using Pathogen:
git submodule add git:// bundle/tmux-config
git submodule update --init
If you have installed this repo as a Vim plugin:
ln -s ~/.vim/bundle/tmux-config/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
Otherwise symlink, copy the file, or copy its contents to ~/.tmux.conf
This adds Vim auto-saving support when running within tmux.
When any command is run on the command line, be it ls
even just hitting ENTER, all Vim sessions running within
this tmux session will be written.
To enable VIM autosaving, add the following to your .bash_profile, .bashrc, or .profile:
source ~/.vim/bundle/tmux-config/tmux-autowrite/
Thanks go out to the Casecommons team for developing this autosave solution. Please see the original files at and