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Releases: pixelwatt/method


16 Aug 22:09
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  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Fixed version number in file.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a $fallback argument to the get_bg_inline_style() method. If provided, an inline style attribute will be generated for the fallback image path if building the attribute using an attachment id fails.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added format tags for underlined text ([u]...[/u]). CSS will have to be provided for this tag based on individual use cases. Text wrapped in this format tag will be wrapped in a span with the class "method-underlined"


16 Jul 08:50
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  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Fixed an issue in init_page() that could cause the post type to not be correctly set.
  • ( ) Updated copy and linked to the new Method wiki.
  • Migrated to new theme branding.


30 Jun 18:12
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  • Bundled Bootstrap updated to v5.0.2
  • Bundled Bootstrap Icons updated to v1.5.0
  • Bundled Jarallax updated to v1.12.7


24 May 09:42
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This release makes it possible to build layouts directly inside template files, while still being able to use the theme layout class for the header, footer, and any needed reusable components. It also includes new arguments for Method_Layout's inject_bs_modal() method and an upgraded Bootstrap release.


  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new method, init_page(), for setting up the layout class from a template file. This method is intended to be used in the place of the build_layout() method, which requires all layout code to be contained within the theme's layout class. By default, the build_component(), get_header_markup(), and get_footer_markup() methods will only return markup from $this->html. Any added scripts or modals will be returned with get_footer_markup() when it is called. If you do no intend to call get_footer_markup(), pass the $standalone argument for init_page() as true. When set to true, build_component(), get_header_markup(), and get_footer_markup() will return merged output containing the contents of $this->html, $this->scripts, and $this->modals, resetting the contents of each every time one of the methods is called.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new method, build_component(), for building a single component contained within the theme layout class build_components() method.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new method, get_header_markup(), for returning the contents of the build_header() method.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new method, get_footer_markup(), for returning the contents of the build_footer() method.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added new methods (get_merged_markup(), reset_html(), and reset_markup()) for merging and resetting the contents of $this->html, $this->modals, and $this->scripts as needed.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added new arguments to the inject_bs_modal() method ('prepend_header', 'append_header', 'prepend_body', 'append_body') for appending and prepending markup to the modal-header and modal-body divs
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new argument, 'return', to the inject_bs_modal() method to control whether modal markup is returned or added to the class modal attribute. By default, this argument is false.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) The following methods are now public and can be used outside of the theme layout class: get_meta(), get_serialized_meta(), get_headline(), get_content(), load_meta(), unload_meta(), get_loaded_meta(), get_serialized_loaded_meta(), get_loaded_headline(), get_loaded_content(), get_option(), get_headline_from_option(), get_content_from_option(), array_to_ul(), array_to_p(), format_tags(), format_headline(), check_key(), filter_content(), str_replace_assoc(), inject_modal(), inject_bs_modal(), get_bg_inline_style(), odd_or_even(), get_bs_icon_svg(), get_svg(), endsWith(), build_social_icons(), build_observer()
  • ( inc/bootstrap ) Bundled Bootstrap assets upgraded to Bootstrap v5.0.1


14 May 04:22
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  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new 'hide_header' argument to the inject_bs_modal() method, which, when true, will hide the modal header and move the close button into the modal body.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new method, get_svg(), for inlining svgs set through custom editor options (by attachment ID). The method falls back to wp_get_attachment_image() if the attachment ID is not for an svg.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) Added a new method, endsWith(), to mimic the functionality of php8's str_ends_with() function.


08 May 09:00
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This release contains optimizations for gulpfile.js, includes several upgrades for bundled libraries, and switches to a new Bootstrap navwalker.


  • Updated bundled Bootstrap to v5.0.0 (from v5.0.0-beta3)
  • Updated bundled Boostrap Icons to v1.4.1 (from v1.4.0)
  • Updated Jarallax to v1.2.5 (from v1.2.4)
  • The theme now uses AlexWebLab's Bootstrap 5 navwalker (
  • ( package.json ) Removed unneeded dependencies.
  • ( package.json ) Updated minimum versions for several dependencies: browser-sync 2.26.3 => 2.26.14, gulp 4.0.0 => 4.0.2, gulp-autoprefixer 4.0.0 => 7.0.1, gulp-dart-sass 0.9.1 => 1.0.2, gulp-notify 3.0.0 => 4.0.0, gulp-rename 1.2.2 => 2.0.0, gulp-uglify 3.0.0 => 3.0.2
  • ( gulpfile.js ) Removed unneeded dependencies.
  • ( gulpfile.js ) The serve task no longer reloads on css/scss changes, as they are streamed to the browser via the compile-styles task.


16 Apr 20:53
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This release adds missing dependencies to the package.json file.


08 Apr 04:05
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Added a new method to the Method_Layout class, build_observer(), for building intersection observers that trigger specified actions when a tracked element is fully in view.


27 Mar 22:10
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This release upgrades Bootstrap to v5.0.0-beta3 and includes changes to the theme's .gitignore file. The theme's stylesheet and compiled js file are no longer tracked, and will need to be generated using the following command: gulp scripts styles.


23 Mar 14:26
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This release splits the functions.php file out into several categorized files to support a more streamlined development workflow. These files are located under the /lib folder. For an overview of how files are structured as of this release, visit the project wiki.

Other Changes:

  • ( gulpfile.js ) The styles tasks was renamed to compile-styles, and the assets tasks was renamed to process-styles. The styles task now triggers a series consisting of the 2 tasks.
  • ( gulpfile.js ) The scope of files processed during the process-styles task has been narrowed to only include the theme.css and theme.min.css files, and the tasks now loads the theme's images folder alongside Bootstrap Icons.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) The get_bs_icon_svg() method now adds focusable="false" to returned SVGs to prevent Internet Explorer and legacy Edge from automatically focusing on them.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) A new argument, $hidden, was added to the get_bs_icon_svg() method. If set to true, an aria-hidden attribute (set to true) will be added to the returned SVG element, hiding it from screen readers. The argument is false by default.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) The get_bs_icon_svg() method was retrofitted to easily support adding multiple attributes to the SVG tag.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) A fix was added to the get_bs_icon_svg() method to prevent PHP warnings from triggering due to what DOMDocument considers invalid HTML.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) The build_social_icons() method was moved from the theme layout class into Method layout, and includes several fixes. These include: embedded Bootstrap icons are now used for social icons, the method now ensures that social options have been configured before generating output, and the hidden label for screen users now uses the correct Bootstrap 5 class names for visually-hidden content.
  • ( lib/class-method-layout.php ) A custom class name for the ul element and the size for embedded icon SVGs can now be passed to the build_social_icons() method.
  • ( lib/cmb2-options-loader.php ) A $prefix variable is now set on each pass through the loop.
  • ( lib/helper-functions.php ) The returned classes for 'full_width_outer_col' now includes the 'full-width-outer-col' class.
  • ( lib/helper-functions.php ) For both the method_get_post_array() and method_get_term_array() functions, the $none argument now defaults to being an empty string, with the function ignoring it if empty. If a non-empty string is provided, a "none" item will be added to the returned array as the first array value, with an empty key.
  • ( lib/helper-functions.php ) The method_get_content() function was removed. Instead, use: method_filter_content( get_the_content( null, false, $post->ID ) ) (if outside the layout class) or $this->filter_content( get_the_content( null, false, $this->id ) ) (if inside the layout class)
  • ( lib/theme-customization.php ) In the repeatable options group for social media accounts, the service is now picked via a select element and not radio buttons. Additionally, an option for None was added, and is now the default.
  • ( lib/theme-setup.php ) WordPress' jQuery library is no longer overridden. The option to override jQuery is still available in method-generator if needed.