To bring up a basic multi-node ceph cluster, just run:
$ vagrant up
- Initiate a
rbd block pool
, create an image- In the summary, provide instructions to map image and mount the device
- Create
ceph file system
- In the summary, provide clear instructions to mount the CephFs volume
Make below changes to your Vagrantfile for a dedicated ceph admin node, else by default one of the ceph cluster nodes will be choosen to run admin tasks
Uncomment these lines #config.vm.define "ceph-admin" do |node| # node.vm.hostname = "ceph-admin" # localoctet = 100+CEPH_NODES+1 # :private_network, ip: "192.168.50.#{localoctet}" #end Also modify 's/ceph-node1/ceph-admin/' at below line "ceph_admin" => ["ceph-node1"]
Here is an easy way to get the cluster details anytime
# ansible-playbook -i, ansible/summary.yml
is the static IP assigned to first ceph-node VM, no need to tweak it.