Let's say you're looking for an easy configuration file format for your tool or service. Why not use the Windows-inspired INI format as an (easier and simpler) alternative to the popular JSON, YAML and TOML formats? Example:
title = Planet Ruby
title = Ruby Lang News
link = http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news
feed = http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/feeds/news.rss
title = Ruby on Rails News
link = http://weblog.rubyonrails.org
feed = http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/feed/atom.xml
title = Vienna.rb News
link = http://vienna-rb.at
feed = http://vienna-rb.at/atom.xml
Now all that's missing is a gem that reads in the Windows-inspired INI format and returns a plain "old" Ruby hash.
Using the props gem let's you read in configuration settings in the Windows-inspired INI format.
Use the - surprise, surprise - INI
class to get started. Example:
require 'pp'
require 'props'
hash = INI.load_file( './ruby.conf' )
puts "hash:"
pp hash
Will print:
{"title"=>"Planet Ruby",
{"title"=>"Ruby Lang News",
{"title"=>"Ruby on Rails News",
{"title"=>"Vienna.rb News",
To access any settings works like any "standard" hash because it's just a "standard" hash.
Use hash['rubylang']
and hash['rubylang']['title']
and so on. Example:
puts "rubylang:"
pp hash['rubylang']
# => {"title"=>"Ruby Lang News",
puts "viennarb:"
pp hash['viennarb']
# => {"title"=>"Vienna.rb News",
puts "rubylang/title: #{hash['rubylang']['title']}"
# => rubylang/title: Ruby Lang News
puts "viennarb/title: #{hash['viennarb']['title']}"
# => viennarb/title: Vienna.rb News
If you prefer you can wrap the hash in a Props
class. Example:
props = Props.new( hash, 'ruby.ini' )
puts "rubylang:"
pp props.get('rubylang')
puts "viennarb:"
pp props.get('viennarb')
puts "rubylang/title: #{props.get_from_section('rubylang','title')}"
# => rubylang/title: Ruby Lang News
puts "viennarb/title: #{props.get_from_section('viennarb','title')}"
# => viennarb/title: Vienna.rb News
What's the point you might ask? Using the Props
class you can linkup hash settings
into a lookup hierachy. Example:
default_props = Props.new( defaults_hash, 'DEFAULTS' )
home_props = Props.new( home_hash, '~/ruby.conf', default_props )
props = Props.new( work_hash, './ruby.conf', home_props)
Now if you try props.get('viennarb')
, for example, the getter will first
look in the working (current) folder settings hash
and than in the home folder settings hash and finally if still not found in the defaults hash.
For a "real-world" example lets wrap-up with the config reader snippet from the markdown gem
using the Props
class. Example:
class Config
DEFAULTS = { 'libs' => [ 'kramdown' ],
'extnames' => [
'.text' ],
'redcarpet' => {
'extensions' => [
'strikethrough' ] }
def initialize
@props = @props_default = Props.new( DEFAULTS, 'DEFAULTS' )
## check for user settings in home folder
props_home_file = File.join( Env.home, 'markdown.conf' )
if File.exists?( props_home_file )
puts "Loading settings from '#{props_home_file}'..."
@props = @props_home = Props.load_file( props_home_file, @props )
## check for user settings in working (current) folder
props_work_file = File.join( '.', 'markdown.conf' )
if File.exists?( props_work_file )
puts "Loading settings from '#{props_work_file}'..."
@props = @props_work = Props.load_file( props_work_file, @props )
def markdown_extnames
@props.get( 'extnames' )
- home :: github.com/rubylibs/props
- gem :: rubygems.org/gems/props
- rdoc :: rubydoc.info/gems/props