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AIC WS 2013

This app also depends on the application located at:

Operating system

Ubuntu 12.04 lts (tested with 32 bit version in virtual box)

Fully automated installation

Option 1: Using Vagrant

We provide a Vagrantfile and accompanying provisioning scripts to create an Ubuntu 12.04 VM (VirtualBox) and install and deploy the main and crowd applications. This requires VirtualBox, Vagrant and the Vagrant Hostmanager plugin. The Hostmanager plugin updates your the VM's and your local /etc/hosts file with the name and address of the newly provisioned VM.

After Vagrant is installed get the vagrant-hostmanager plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd tu_aic_13

To add a vagrant box, enter the following line:

vagrant box add precise64

Now simply run:

vagrant up

After a few minutes a new VirtualBox VM named "g2t2-apps.vm" will be running the main and crowd applications.

Now point your browser to:

Various warnings issued during Vagrant provisioning when installing the applications or importing demo data can be ignored.

To connect to the VM via SSH:

vagrant ssh

The applications are managed as Upstart tasks so you can use start, stop, restart and status or their service equivalents inside the VM:

status g2t2-main
restart g2t2-crowd

To shutdown and remove the VM:

vagrant destroy -f

Option 2: On the local machine

Use the script to install the main and crowd applications on your local machine:

wget -q -O - | sh

Manual installation

Required software

  • git - 1: - sudo apt-get install git
  • python - 2.7.3 - sudo apt-get install python
  • python-dev - 2.7.3 - sudo apt-get install python-dev
  • python-pip - 1.0-1build1 - sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • python-flask - 0.8-1 - sudo apt-get install python-flask
  • python-psycopg2 - 2.4.5-1 - sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
  • python-lxml - 2.3.2-1 - sudo apt-get install python-lxml
  • python-numpy - 1:1.6.1-6ubuntu1 - sudo apt-get install python-numpy
  • python-sqlalchemy - 0.7.4-1ubuntu0.1 - sudo apt-get install python-sqlalchemy
  • postgresql-9.1 - 9.1.11-0ubuntu0.12.04 - sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1

Setup scripts

clone the repository by issuing the following commands:

mkdir aic
cd aic
git clone main
git clone crowd

There are some dependencies that are not included in the ubuntu repository. Thus issue the two commands

sudo python crowd/ install
sudo python main/ install

Setup the database user and create the database:

echo "create user aic with password 'aic'; create database aic owner aic;" | sudo -u postgres psql

Run the application

Open two shells and type make run in the two folders (crowd,main). Now the crowdsourcing app runs at and the sentiment app on Please consider that the database is empty and you won't get any sentiment when you query the main app. Also you won't see any open tasks on the crowd app as it takes up to one hour until the Advanced Python Scheduler starts the first scraping of the articles. If you want to see how the application works use the prepared demo data. (see next section)

#Available features

Fill the database with demo data

We have prepared some data that you can see how the application works. To fill the data in the database open two shells and type make demo_set_db in the two folders (crowd, main)

Start the application in demo mode

The application has a demo mode. In contrast to the normal mode where the scraping of articles, dynamic pricing of tasks and garbarge collection of tasks is started hourly by the Advanced Python Scheduler you can start this things per hand in the demo mode. To start the application in demo mode open two shells and type make demo_run in the two folders (crowd, main).

Query the sentiment (the application must run in demo mode)

Open with firefox and enter your search. (eg. Microsoft)

Manage the sentiment, workers and keywords (the application must run in demo mode)

Open with firefox and klick on the gear-wheel. There you have the menu point Open tasks to get an overview of the open tasks, the menu point workers to manage your workers and the menu point keywords to manage the keywords.

Solve tasks (the application must run in demo mode)

Open with firefox. You can see a list with all tasks that should be solved. Choose one an click on solve, enter your worker ID, read the text, answer the question and click on send solution.

Start the scraper (to get new tasks based on the articles; the application must run in demo mode)

Open a new shell in main and type make demo_run_scraper. You can then see the new tasks in the crowd(Open with firefox, go to the last page) and the main(Open with firefox, klick on the gear-wheel, go to the last page) app.

Start the garbage collection (the application must run in demo mode)

There are some tasks in the demo data that are older than 10 days. You can then see this tasks in the crowd(Open with firefox) and the main(Open with firefox, klick on the gear-wheel) app. Open a new shell in main and type make demo_run_garbage_collector to delete this tasks. If you check the crowd or the main app after this tasks are gone.

Start the dynamic pricing (the application must run in demo mode)

There are some tasks in the demo data that are older than 4 respectively 8 but younger than 10 day. You can then see this tasks in the crowd(Open with firefox) and the main(Open with firefox, klick on the gear-wheel) app. Open a new shell in main and type make demo_run_dynamic_pricer to give this tasks a bonus of 0.25 respectively 0.5 percent of the normal price.

Block bad worker (the application must run in demo mode)

When you open with firefox, klick on the gear-wheel and klick on workers you can see all your workers. All workers have a rating that is decresed on bad performance. If a worker reaches the rating -20 it is automatically blocked. In this overview you can manually block/unblock workers by clicking on the button.

Run scraper, garbage collection and dynamic pricing with the Advanced Python Scheduler hourly (the application must run in demo mode)

Open a shell in main an type make demo_run_scheduler. Please consider that it takes up to one hour until the first run of the scraper, garbage collection and dynamic pricing.

Reset the database

You can reset the database (eg to delete the demo data and use the application with real data). Therefor you have to open a shell in main an type make reset_db

Setup for development

Virtual env is a way to manage the pip packages locally. You simply execute the following:

$ virtualenv venv/

This creates a venv/ folder. Then before you can install packages and run the application you must activate the environment in venv/

$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $

Then to install the dependencies:

(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


You should have a postgres instance up and running and login as root:

postgres@localhost$ psql

Then create the user and database:

rich=# create user aic with password 'aic';
rich=# create database aic owner aic;

Reset the database:

rich=# drop database aic; create database aic owner aic;

Then you might consider popolating keywords before scaping:

(venv) main $ python wsgi/aic/
(venv) main $ python wsgi/aic/

Start the development webserver

After you have installed the requirements you can simple issue:

(env) crowd $ python wsgi/aic/
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader
(env) main $ python wsgi/aic/
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader

The crowd webapp runs on 5001 and the normal main app runs on port 5000!

The idea

Task is a question "Keyword mentioned bad/neutral/negative in this paragraph" We aggrate the answers of workers only when a task is complete. Before the aggregation we should find bad workers.