To create a Docker container for Doop:
(1) Buid Doop using the "distribution" task:
./gradlew distZip
(2) Find the resulting archive, e.g., "build/distributions/" and copy it to the Dockerfile directory.
cp build/distributions/ docs/docker/
(3) Edit file docs/docker/Dockerfile
and set DOOP_VERSION to the
base name of the archive (omit the file extension).
(4) Run:
cd docs/docker
docker build -t doop-4.24.9 . --no-cache
(5) Create a local directory for Doop's cache/out directories (needed since analysis data may not fit the default Docker filesystem size limit):
mkdir doop-data
Create the container, passing the doop-data directory as "data" inside
the container (if realpath
is not available, replace with absolute
path of doop-data):
docker container create --name doop_container -v $(realpath ./doop-data):/data -t doop-4.24.9
Start the container:
docker start doop_container
To connect to the container via shell:
docker exec -it doop_container /bin/bash
To run an analysis inside the container and check its output relations:
root@af6ca7193b3d:/# cd $DOOP_HOME
root@af6ca7193b3d:/doop/doop-4.24.9# bin/doop -i /path/to/app.jar -a context-insensitive --id test
root@af6ca7193b3d:/doop/doop-4.24.9# ls /data/out/context-insensitive/test/database/
The following commands publish the Doop image to the gfour/doop repository in Docker Hub:
docker tag doop-4.24.9 gfour/doop:4.24.9
docker push gfour/doop:4.24.9
This container does not contain the old Datalog engine used for legacy logic (pa-datalog).
The development environment inside the container is minimal: only busybox/nano are installed by default.
For old builds of Doop (with dynamic "+" dependencies in Gradle), the Gradle build scripts may have to be edited prior to "distZip" for reproducibility.