The code section needs to be turned from a bullet point presentation into a readable text. Before that can be done, we need the last pieces of code: the example and possibly the debugger. The exercises needs to be revisted as well.
For many systems the combination of integration tests and (consumer-driven) contract tests together with smoke tests, and potentially some fault injection, should yield a test-suite with “good enough” coverage.
Fault tolerant distributed systems, such as for example distributed databases, are perhaps an exception to the above rule of thumb. The reason for this is that networking faults (e.g. partitions or packet loss), which these systems are supposed to be tolerant against, are difficult to inject even if we have fakes for all dependencies and follow the steps we did previously.
In a sense this is witnessed by the effectiveness of Jepsen when testing distributed databases, where injecting network faults plays a big part. Given Jepsen’s success of finding bugs in pretty much every distributed database it has been pointed at, it’s interesting to ask: which distributed databases passed the Jepsen test and what kind of testing did they do in order to do so?
The perhaps most famous example is FoundationDB. When Kyle “aphyr” Kingsbury was asked if he was planning on Jepsen testing FoundationDB soon, he replied:
“haven’t tested foundation[db] in part because their testing appears to be waaaay more rigorous than mine.”
So in this part we’ll have a look at the technique that FoundationDB is tested with – simulation testing.
We’ve already noted that injecting network faults is difficult in the setup we saw previously. Another problem is: even if we could somehow inject a fault that caused, say, a message to be dropped, we’d still need to wait for the associated timeout and send retry. Retry timeouts can sometimes take several seconds, so if we have many network faults our tests would get very slow (Jepsen has this problem as well).
So here’s an idea: what if we treated networking and time as “dependencies”, and put them behind interfaces and implement a fake for them similar to how we did in part 3 and part 4?
This would allow us to deterministically simulate a network of components by connecting the fakes and let them “communicate” with each other. The fake time could be advanced discretely based on when messages arrive rather with a real clock, that way we don’t have to wait for timeouts to happen.
While the software/system under test (SUT) is running in our simulator we hit it with client requests and collect a concurrent history, after the simulation is done we check if the history linearises (like in part 2). Other global assertions on the state of the whole system are also possible.
To make debugging easier we’ll also write a time-travelling debugger that lets us step through the history of messages and view how the state of each state machine evolves over time. The reason this works is because our system is deterministic, so we can record and replay the inputs of the system to recreate the system state at any point in time.
A, perhaps, useful analogy here is that imagine if we are building an airplane, then we might do testing in a wind-tunnel. The wind-tunnel lets us speed up testing, e.g. we don’t have to sit around and wait for an actual hurricane to happen for us to test how the plane behaves in such a situation. Likewise our simulator can create worst case scenarios that would take years of real-world traffic to occur. When something bad happens we can inspect the airplane’s blackbox after the fact in order to reconstruct what might have caused the failure, this is what our debugger is supposed to be able to do.
Imagine we want to write an distributed in-memory data store, where client requests can either write or read some data.
For each client write there will be several internal messages between the nodes that make up the distributed network to ensure that enough nodes got a copy of the data, before a client response is sent in order to ensure that the data is “durable” (i.e. can be replicated in case some nodes crash). The picture looks something like this:
How can this be achieved? One way would be for the distributed network to elect a leader node and have all client requests go through it, the leader would then replicate the data to all other nodes and confirm enough nodes got it before responding to the client. In case the leader because unavailable, a new leader is elected. In case a node crashes, its state is restored after it restarts by the other nodes. That way as long as enough nodes are available and running we can keep serving client requests. We’ll omit the exact details of how this is achieved or now, but hopefuly we’ve explained enough for it to be possilbe to appreciate that testing all possible corner cases related to those failure modes can be tricky.
Next lets sketch how we can implement the data store nodes using state machines (SMs). First recall the type of our SMs:
Input -> State -> (State, Output)
Client requests and internal messages from other nodes in the network can be modelled as inputs, and client responses as well as outgoing messages to other nodes are the outputs, while the data store is part of the state.
Note that if implemented this way the “business logic” of the data store is completely separated away from actually sending and receiving requests and messages over the network. This is key for being able to simulate the network, as we shall see later.
How does the actual networking happen though? For the “real” / “production” deployment of the data store we start a HTTP server, where concurrent requests and messages can be sent to the data store, these network events get written to a FIFO queue which the SM processes one by one:
Sometimes when we send internal messages to other nodes they can be dropped by the network, in order to be able to implement retry logic we need to extend the basic functionality of SMs with some notion of being able to keep track of the passage of time. There are many ways to do this, for our particular application we’ll choose timers. The way timers work is that SMs can register a timer as part of their output. Typically we’d do something like: send such and such message to such and such node and set a timer for 30s, if we don’t hear back from the node within 30s and reset the timer, then a timer wheel process will enqueue a timer event which the SM can use for doing the retry.
By the way, all this extra stuff that happens outside of the SM is packaged up in a componenet called the event loop.
Before we deploy the SM to production using the above event loop, we would like to test it for all those tricky failure modes we mentioned before. In order to reuse as much code as possible with the “real” / “production” deployment, we’ll use the same SM and event loop!
How can we possibly reuse the same event loop you might be thinking? The key here is that the networking and timer wheel components of the event loop are implemeneted using interfaces.
The interface for networking has a method for sending internal messages to other nodes and a method for sending responses to clients (note that we don’t need a method for receiving because that’s already done by the event loop and we can merely dequeue from the event queue to get the network events). The interface for time has a method to get the current time as well as setting the current time.
Interfaces can have several implementations which we can “inject” at the start of the event loop. Hopefully the implementation for the “real” deployment should be clear enough (it’s just what you’d expect using the real network and real clock). The “fake” / simulation deployment of the event loop has a more interesting implementation though, this is what it looks like:
The first thing to notice is that in simulation we won’t have actual clients making requests, instead there’s a client generator component which will generate those on the fly instead.
We didn’t say this earlier, but the event queue is also an interface (with enqueue and dequeue methods) and during simulation we replace the FIFO queue with a priority queue sorted by event arrival time.
So the client generator generates not just a request but also an arrival time of that request and then enqueues the network event. It also appends it to the concurrent history, which will later be used for checking and debugging.
In the “real” / “production” deployment we run one SM, which encodes the “business logic” of a data store, on top of a event loop per node in the network. In the simulation deployment we deploy all the SMs of the nodes on top of the same event loop, i.e. the whole distributed network will be run “locally”, so the event loop needs to be able to dequeue events and hand them to the appropriate SM.
Once the SM is stepped and we get its outputs, the “fake” send implementation of the network interface will generate arrival times and put them back on the priority queue, while the “fake” respond implementation will notify the client generator and append the response to the concurrent history.
Note that since arrival times are randomly generated (deterministically using a seed) and because we got a priority queue rather than a FIFO we get interesting message interleavings where for example a message that was sent much later than some other message might end up getting receieved earlier.
Next lets have a look at time. The “fake” implementation of the time interface is completely detached from the actual system time, the clock is only advanced by explicit calls to the set time method. This allows us to do a key thing: set the time when we dequeue an event to the arrival time of that event! This allows us to jump in time to when we know that the next event is supposed to happen without waiting for it, i.e. no more waiting 30s for timeouts to happen!
Speaking of timeouts, lets have a look at how we can inject network faults which will eventually trigger “unhappy” code paths that eventually trigger timeouts. If we wanted to add a fault which randomly drops some messages we could implement yet another variant of the network interface where the send method simply doesn’t enqueue some of the messages (effectively dropping them). We could similarly introduce high latency for some messages by generating arrival times with a greater variance.
The simulation stops running when when we reach some predefined end time. At this point we got a concurrent history which contains both client requests and responses (i.e. the black-box traffic) as well as all internal messages between the nodes (i.e. the white-box traffic).
Using the black-box history we can apply linearisability checking to test à la Jepsen, but faster and deterministically. While the white-box history can be used for assertions about the global state of the nodes in the network, e.g. check that no two nodes disagree about the content of the data store. We can also build a debugger that can step through the history and show how each SM evolves over time, making debugging more convenient.
If the checkers find any problem, we want to be able to reproduce it from a single seed which the simulation event loop uses to generate arrival times, if messages should be dropped or not, etc. It’s key that the simulation event loop is deterministic otherwise we can’t do that.
- Let’s start with the state machine (SM) type
- A bit more complex what we’ve seen previously
- input and output types are parameters so that applications with different message types can written
- inputs are split into client requests (synchronous) and internal messages (asynchrous)
- a step in the SM can returns several outputs, this is useful for broadcasting
- outputs can also set and reset timers, which is necessary for implementing retry logic
- when the timers expire the event loop will call the SM’s timeout handler (
) - in addition to the state we also thread through a seed,
, so that the SM can generate random numbers - there’s also an initisation step (
) to set up the SM before it’s put to work
import Part05.StateMachine ()
In order to make it more ergonomic to write SMs we introduce a domain-specific language (DSL) for it
The DSL allows us to use do syntax, do
s or register timers anywhere rather than return a list outputs, as well as add pre-conditions via guards and do early returns
import Part05.StateMachineDSL ()
The SMs are, as mentioned previously, parametrised by their input and output messages.
These parameters will most likely be instantiated with concrete (record-like) datatypes.
Network traffic from clients and other nodes in the network will come in as bytes though, so we need a way to decode inputs from bytes and a way to encode outputs as bytes.
s are used to specify these convertions:
import Part05.Codec ()
- A SM together with its codec constitutes an application and it’s what’s expected from the user
- Several SM and codec pairs together form a
- The event loop expects a configuration at start up
import Part05.Configuration ()
We’ve covered what the user needs to provide in order to run an application on top of the event loop, next lets have a look at what the event loop provides
There are three types of events, network inputs (from client requests or from other nodes in the network), timer events (triggered when timers expire), and commands (think of this as admin commands that are sent directly to the event loop, currently there’s only a exit command which makes the event loop stop running)
import Part05.Event ()
- How are these events created? Depends on how the event loop is deployed: in production or simulation mode
import Part05.Deployment ()
network interface specifies how to send replies, and respond to clients
Network events in a production deployment are created when requests come in on http server
Client request use POST
Internal messages use PUT
since client requests are synchronous, the http server puts the client request on the event queue and waits for the single threaded worker to create a response to the client request…
network events in a simulation deployment are created by the simulation itself, rather than from external requests
Agenda = priority queue of events
network interface:
{ nSend :: NodeId -> NodeId -> ByteString -> IO () , nRespond :: ClientId -> ByteString -> IO () }
import Part05.Network ()
import Part05.AwaitingClients ()
import Part05.Agenda ()
- Timers are registerd by the state machines, and when they expire the event loop creates a timer event for the SM that created it
- This is the same for both production and simulation deployments
- The difference is that in production a real clock is used to check if the timer has expired, while in simulation time is advanced discretely when an event is popped from the event queue
import Part05.TimerWheel ()
These events get queued up, and thus an order established, by the event loop
- XXX: production
- XXX: simulation
- interface:
data EventQueue = EventQueue { eqEnqueue :: Event -> IO () , eqDequeue :: DequeueTimeout -> IO Event }
import Part05.EventQueue ()
- Now we have all bits to implement the event loop itself
import Part05.EventLoop ()
- Last bits needed for simulation testing: generate traffic, collect concurrent history, debug errors:
import Part05.ClientGenerator ()
import Part05.History ()
import Part05.Debug ()
- Finally lets put all this together and develop and simulation test Viewstamped replication by Brian Oki, Barbra Liskov and James Cowling (2012)
XXX: Viewstamp replication example…
Q: This is a lot of code that’s unrelated to the application that I want to write, is it worth the effort?
A: Ideally much of it can be packaged up and reused among applications. But even if you end up having to write everything yourself, perhaps because nobody else has yet done it in your programming language of choice, it’s probably worth it if you want to pass the Jepsen test (and more importantly: that you keep passing it as you change your code).
Joran Dirk Greef gave a talk at the CMU database seminar about the TigerBeetle database where he said that having a simulator was one of his favorit aspects of the database and accredited increased developer velocity to it.
Q: Writing the application on state machine form, even with the DSL, seems restrictive?
A: Yes, it’s only by enforcing this structure on the application that we are able to exploit it later in the testing phase. For comparison, FoundationDB had to implement their own programming language to achieve this.
Q: What are the risks of simulation testing being wrong somehow?
A: We’ve made an assumption: each message is processed atomically by each state machine. This assumption is reasonable as long as the state machines don’t share state. A more fine-grained approach where each state machine has a “program counter” that gets incremented is imaginable, but will introduce a lot more complexity and many further states.
Even though we tried to minimise difference between “production” and simulation testing deployment there’s always going to be a gap between the two where bugs might sneak in, for example there could be something wrong in the implementation of the real network interface.
Another possilbe gap is that the faults we inject aren’t realistic or complete. A good source for inspiration for faults is Deutsch’s fallacies of distributed computing. Jepsen’s list of nemesis, the Chaos engineering communties faults and FoundationDB’s simulator’s faults are other good sources.
The FoundationDB CTO was apparently worried about the simulator subconsciously training their programmers to beat it, see relevant part of Will Wilson’s talk for more on this topic.
Finally, even if we are reasonably sure that we’ve mitigated all the above risks, we will be facing the state space explosion problem. There’s simply too many ways messages can get interleaved, dropped, etc for us to be able to cover all during testing. The only way around the state explosion problem is to use proof by induction. A simple analogy: we cannot test that some property holds for all natural numbers, but we can in merely two steps prove by induction that it does. For more on this topic see Martin Kleppmann’s work.
Q: Where do these ideas come from?
A: The first reference we been able to find is the following concluding remark by Alan Perlis (the first recipient of the Turing Award) about a discussion about a paper on simulation testing by Brian Randell at the first conference on Software Engineering (this is where we got the term from) in 1968:
“I’d like to read three sentences to close this issue.
A software system can best be designed if the testing is interlaced with the designing instead of being used after the design.
A simulation which matches the requirements contains the control which organizes the design of the system.
Through successive repetitions of this process of interlaced testing and design the model ultimately becomes the software system itself. I think that it is the key of the approach that has been suggested, that there is no such question as testing things after the fact with simulation models, but that in effect the testing and the replacement of simulations with modules that are deeper and more detailed goes on with the simulation model controlling, as it were, the place and order in which these things are done.”
The idea in its current shape and as applied to distributed systems was introduced(?), or at the very least popularised, by Will Wilson’s talk Testing Distributed Systems w/ Deterministic Simulation at Strange Loop (2014) about how they used simulation testing to test FoundationDB (so well that Kyle “aphyr” Kingsbury didn’t feel it was worth Jepsen testing it) as mentioned in the motivation section.
Watching the talk and rereading the Perlis quote makes one wonder: was the technique independently rediscovered, or had they in fact read the (in)famous 1968 NATO software engineering report?
There’s also the more established practice of discrete-event simulation which is usually used in different contexts than software testing, but nevertheless is close enough in principle that it’s worth taking inspiration from (and indeed the simulation testing people often refer to it).
John Carmack wrote an interesting .plan about recoding and replaying events in the context of testing in 1998, and other developers in the the game industry are also advocating this technique.
Three Amazon Web Services (AWS) engineers recently published a paper called Millions of Tiny Databases (2020) where they say:
“To solve this problem [testing distributed systems], we picked an approach that is in wide use at Amazon Web Services, which we would like to see broadly adopted: build a test harness which abstracts networking, performance, and other systems concepts (we call it a simworld). The goal of this approach is to allow developers to write distributed systems tests, including tests that simulate packet loss, server failures, corruption, and other failure cases, as unit tests in the same language as the system itself. In this case, these unit tests run inside the developer’s IDE (or with junit at build time), with no need for test clusters or other infrastructure. A typical test which tests correctness under packet loss can be implemented in less than 10 lines of Java code, and executes in less than 100ms. The Physalia team have written hundreds of such tests, far exceeding the coverage that would be practical in any cluster-based or container-based approach.
The key to building a simworld is to build code against abstract physical layers (such as networks, clocks, and disks). In Java we simply wrap these thin layers in interfaces. In production, the code runs against implementations that use real TCP/IP, DNS and other infrastructure. In the simworld, the implementations are based on in-memory implementa- tions that can be trivially created and torn down. In turn, these in-memory implementations include rich fault-injection APIs, which allow test implementors to specify simple statements like:
net.partitionOff ( PARTITION_NAME , p5.getLocalAddress () ); ... net.healPartition ( PARTITION_NAME );
Our implementation allows control down to the packet level, allowing testers to delay, duplicate or drop packets based on matching criteria. Similar capabilities are available to test disk IO. Perhaps the most important testing capability in a distributed database is time, where the framework allows each actor to have it’s own view of time arbitrarily controlled by the test. Simworld tests can even add Byzantine conditions like data corruption, and operational properties like high la- tency. We highly recommend this testing approach, and have continued to use it for new systems we build.”
Dropbox has written several blog posts related to simulation testing.
Basho’s Riak (a distributed NoSQL key-value data store that offers high availability, fault tolerance, operational simplicity, and scalability) also uses similar techniques for their testing.
Finally, IOG published a paper called “Flexibility with Formality: Practical Experience with Agile Formal Methods in Large-Scale Functional Programming” (2020), where they write:
“Both the network and consensus layers must make significant use of concurrency which is notoriously hard to get right and to test. We use Software Transactional Memory (STM) to manage the internal state of a node. While STM makes it much easier to write correct concurrent code, it is of course still possible to get wrong, which leads to intermittent failures that are hard to reproduce and debug.
In order to reliably test our code for such concurrency bugs, we wrote a simulator that can execute the concurrent code with both timing determinism and giving global observability, producing execution traces. This enables us to write property tests that can use the execution traces and to run the tests in a deterministic way so that any failures are always reproducible. The use of the mini-protocol design pattern, the encoding of protocol interactions in session types and the use of a timing reproducable simulation has yielded several advantages:
Adding new protocols (for new functionality) with strong assurance that they will not interact adversly with existing functionality and/or performance consistency.
Consistent approaches (re-usable design approaches) to issues of latency hiding, intra mini-protocol flow control and timeouts / progress criteria.
Performance consistent protocol layer abstraction / subsitution: construct real world realistic timing for operation without complexity of simulating all the underlying layer protocol complexity. This helps designs / development to maintain performance target awareness during development.
Consitent error propagation and mitigation (mini protocols to a peer live/die together) removing issues of resource lifetime management away from mini-protocol designers / implementors.”
The simulation code is open source and can be found here.
XXX: needs to be reviewed, leave debugger as exercise?
Add a way to record all inputs during production deployment
Add a way to produce a history from the recorded inputs
Add a debugger that works on the history, similar to the REPL from the first part
Write a checker that works on histories that ensures that the safety properites from section 8 on correctness from Viewstamped Replication Revisited by Barbara Liskov and James Cowling (2012);
Compare and contrast with prior work:
Can we make a better DSL for expressing state machines that feels less clunky and is more expressive? How can we add asynchronous filesystem I/O, together with the appropriate fault injection, for example?
How can we effectively explore the state space? Can we avoid exploring previously explored paths on subsequent test invocations? Can we exploit symmetries in the state space? E.g. if
set x 1 || set x 1
happen in parallel we don’t need to try both interleavings; -
Related to the above, and already touched upon in part 4: how can we effectively inject faults? Is random good enough or can we be more smart about it? C.f. lineage-driven fault injection by Alvaro et al (2015);
Can we package up this type of testing in a library suitable for a big class of (distributed) systems? Perhaps in a language agnostic way? So far it seems that all simulation testing practitioners are implementing their own custom solutions;
Can we make the event loop performant while keeping the test- and debuggability that we get from determinism and command sourcing? Perhaps borrowing ideas form LMAX’s disruptor, io_uring, and zero-copy techniques? See the TigerBeetle database for a lot of inspiration in this general direction.
- “Jepsen-proof engineering” by Tyler Neely;
- The P programming language;
- Maelstrom;
- stateright.
By moving all our non-determinism behind interfaces and providing a deterministic fake for them (in addition to the real implementation that is non-deterministic) we can achieve fast and deterministic “end-to-end”/system tests for distributed systems.