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Matematyka i symbole


MathJax to nowoczesny, oparty na przeglądarce system składu tekstu, przydatny przy równaniach matematycznych i chemicznych. Nie wymaga instalacji żadnego dodatkowego programu, przez co jest łatwy w użyciu i polecany dla większości użytkowników.

MathJax dostepny jest od razu po instalacjii Anki 2.1+, AnkiMobile, i AnkiDroid 2.9+.

Aby go wypróbować:

  1. Wpisz poniższy tekst w polu:

  2. Zaznacz ten tekst.

  3. Klknij w edytorze przycisk pierwszy po prawej i wybierz z menu "liniowy MathJax". Anki zmieni tekst, przez co będzie wyglądał on tak:

  4. Jeśli naciśniesz przycisk Karty…​, zobaczysz podgląd tego, jak równanie pojawi się na karcie podczas nauki.

Anki oczekuje użycie zawartości MathJax w formacie TeX. Jeśli nie jesteś zaznajomiony z formatowaniem TeX, zobacz tę ściągawkę. Zauważ, że punkt 2 nie ma zastosowania w Anki - program używa \( oraz \) dla równań liniowych i \[ i \] dla równań wyświetlanych.

Jeśli chcesz wstawiać nowe linie w MathJax, używaj kombinacji Shift+Enter zamiast samego klawisza Enter (przejście do nowej linii tylko enterem spowoduje, że nowa linia uniemożliwi poprawne działanie MathJax).

W Anki można używać mhchem, aby renderować równania chemiczne. Zobacz w linku rozdział "chemical equations" jak i następne rozdziały, aby dowiedzieć się więcej:


LaTeX to oprogramowanie do składu tekstu, przydatne do wprowadzania równań, na przykład matematycznych, chemicznych lub notatcji muzycznej. Anki oferuje w pewnym stopniu wsparcie dla LaTeX, przez co możesz wpisywać kod LaTeX w swoich kartach. Kiedy powtarzasz karte Anki odczyta LaTeX i pokaże wygenerowany obraz.

Jeśli chodzi o LaTeX, trzeba się bardziej wysilić przy jego konfigurowaniu, a obrazy mogą być generowane tylko na komputerowej wersji Anki. Jednak jeśli już raz zostaną one wygenerowane, mogą być pokazywane również na urządzeniach mobilnych. LaTeX jest o wiele bardziej skomplikowany, dlatego jest polecany tylko tym użytkownikom, którym nie wystarczają funkcjonalności MathJax.

Instrukcja użytkowania LaTeX w Anki nie jest obecnie dostępna w języku polskim.

Oczekiwana wiedza (język angielski)

Anki’s LaTeX support is not turn-key: it is assumed that you know how to use LaTeX already, and that you have it installed. If you have no experience with LaTeX, please consult one of the many guides available on the internet. If you are having trouble with markup, please ask on a LaTeX forum.

To install LaTeX, on Windows use MiKTeX; on OSX use MacTex, and on Linux use your distro’s package manager. Dvipng must also be installed.

On Windows, go to Settings in MikTek’s maintenance window, and make sure "Install missing packages on the fly" is set to "No", not to "Ask me first". If you continue to have difficulties, one user reported that running Anki as an administrator until all the packages were fetched helped.

On OSX, LaTeX has only been tested with MacTex and BasicTex. If you use BasicTex, you need to install dvipng separately, with the following command:

sudo tlmgr update --self; sudo tlmgr install dvipng

The command may not be on the path, so you may need to provide the full path, eg /usr/local/texlive/2014basic/bin/x86_64-darwin/tlmgr.

If you are not using the above LaTeX packages, you will need to use the "edit LaTeX" add-on to specify the full path to latex and dvipng.

AnkiWeb/urządzenia mobilne (język angielski)

When you review a card with LaTeX on it, Anki will generate an image for that LaTeX and place the image in your collection’s media folder for future use. The web & mobile clients will display these images if they already exist, but can not generate the images on their own.

To avoid having to review all your cards at least once before you can study on the other clients, Anki can generate the images in bulk for you. To generate all the images, please go to Tools>Check Media. After that, syncing should upload the generated media to AnkiWeb and the other clients.

Przykład (język angielski)

The most general way to input LaTeX content is to surround it with [latex][/latex] tags. There’s a shortcut button for this documented in the editor section.

[latex] tags must be used inside a field - placing them in the card template will cause problems.

For example, entering the following on the front of an Anki flashcard:

Does [latex]\begin{math}\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k}\end{math}[/latex] converge?

will produce this when the flashcard is viewed:

convergence question

The formula in the example above is called a 'text formula', because it is displayed right within the non-mathematical text. In contrast, the following example shows a 'displayed formula':

Does the sum below converge?

[latex]\begin{displaymath}\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k}\end{displaymath}[/latex]

convergence question 2

'Text formulas' and 'display formulas' are the most common type of LaTeX expressions, so Anki provides abbreviated versions of them. Expressions of the form:


can be shortened to


and expressions of the form


can be shortened to


For example, the two LaTeX snippets shown before are equivalent to

Does [$]\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k}[/$] converge?


Does the sum below converge?

[$$]\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k}[/$$]


Pakiety (język angielski)

Anki allows you to customize the LaTeX preamble so you can import custom packages for chemistry, music and so on. For example, imagine you find an example file for chemtex on the internet:


  \xi=-200 \cright{}{Q}{C}{D}{O}{S}{OH}}
  \xi=-171 \fuseup{Q}{Q}{Q}{Q}{D}{Q}{D}{Q}{D}}
\caption{Chemie mit {\tt CHEMTEX}\label{a1}}


Firstly, follow the documentation of the package and MiKTeX/MacTex in order to install the package. To check the package is working, you’ll want to put code like the above into a .latex file and test you can compile it from the command line. Once you’ve confirmed that the package is available and working, we can integrate it with Anki.

To use the package with Anki, click "Add" in the main window, then click the note type selection button. Click the "Manage" button, then select the note type you plan to use and click "Options". The LaTeX header and footer are shown. The header will look something like:


To use chemtex, you’d add the usepackage line in the earlier example, so it looks like:


After that, you should be able to include lines like the following in your Anki cards:


Konflikty z szablonami (język angielski)

As of Anki 2.1.20 / AnkiMobile 2.0.56, this workaround is no longer required, as {{field}} text inside fields no longer causes problems. If you need to support AnkiDroid or older Anki versions and want to keep using this syntax, please make sure you place the {{=<% %>=}} string at the very top of your front and back template, as recent Anki versions will not recognize it anywhere but the start.

For older versions:

It’s not uncommon for {{ and }} to pop up in LaTeX code when writing mathematical equations. To ensure that your LaTeX equations don’t conflict with Anki’s field replacements, it’s possible to change the separator to something else.

For example, if you have a template:

{{latex field}}

Changing it to the following will make it unlikely that the LaTeX will conflict:

{{=<% %>=}}
<%latex field%>

Konflikty z lukami (język angielski)

Cloze deletions are terminated with }}, which can conflict with a }} appearing in your LaTeX. To prevent LaTeX from being interpreted as a closing cloze marker, you can put a space between any double closing braces that do not indicate the end of the cloze, so

{{c1::[$]\frac{foo}{\frac{bar}{baz}}[/$] blah blah blah.}}

will not work, but

{{c1::[$]\frac{foo}{\frac{bar}{baz} }[/$] blah blah blah.}}

will (and LaTeX ignores spaces in math mode, so your equation will render the same). If you want to avoid adding the extra space into the rendered text (for example, when you are making Cloze cards for learning programming languages), another option is to use a HTML comment when editing the card in HTML mode:

{{c1::[$]\frac{foo}{\frac{bar}{baz}<!-- -->}[/$] blah blah blah.}}

You may use either workaround if you need to use the :: character sequence within the Cloze-deleted text. The first card generated for the following note text will read [type] in C++ is a type-safe union:

{{c1::std:<!-- -->:variant::~type~}} in C++ is a {{c2::type-safe union}}

Niebezpieczne polecenia (język angielski)

Anki prohibits certain commands like \input or \def from being used on cards or in templates, because allowing them could allow malicious shared decks to damage your system. (To be on the safe side, these commands are prohibited even in comments, so if you’re getting this error but don’t think you’ve used one, please double-check any comments you have in your headers, templates, and cards.) If you need to use these commands, please add them to a system package and import that package as described in the previous section.