- Fixed New-SSHKey function issue with existing ssh key file of the same name
- Removed New-SSHKey function's reliance on Lee Holmes' Await Module
- Add-PublicKeyToRemoteHost function now prompts for ssh password if necessary instead of silently failing.
- Fix Authenticode Signature Attempt 1
- Fixed workaround for deleting existing symlinks via Remove-Item. See: PowerShell/PowerShell#621
- Added workaround for deleting existing symlinks via Remove-Item. See: PowerShell/PowerShell#621
- Minor updates
- Significant updates to Set-DefaultShell function
- Fixed how the installation of pwsh is handled if not already present as determined by Set-DefaultShell
- Added Extract-SSHPrivateKeyFromRegistry function (for keys loaded in ssh-agent that are no longer on filesystem)
- Updated WinCompat Functions
- Updated InvokePSCompatibility Private to improve import speed in PSCore
- Updated InvokeModuleDependencies Private function to ensure Module Dependencies are installed even when function names overlap
- Updated InvokePSCompatibility Private function to ensure Module Dependencies are installed even when function names overlap
- Updated GetModuleDependencies Private function to help Module load faster in PSCore
- Updated README.md
- Added link to GitHub Repo in description
- Initial deployment to PSGallery
- Created