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Starmap User Guide

Starmap is a tool used to generate graphical representations of project roadmaps from GitHub issues. For the purposes of Starmap, a roadmap is represented by a single root node issue in GitHub that contains links to date-bound project milestone issues within that roadmap.

The goal of Starmap is to help externalize planning, share team progress against milestones, and publicly flag dependencies. Starmap roadmaps are inter-team and user-focused. The tool provides flexibility in terms of the level of granularity that can be viewed, enabling users to drill down into specific details or see a high-level overview of the project as a whole.

For more context around roadmapping within the Protocol Labs Network, watch the Roadmapping Presentation from PL EngRes Team Summit in October 2022. This tool is introduced at 00:18:00.


To render a roadmap in Starmap, enter the related GitHub issue URL into the Starmap search bar. Depending on the size of the roadmap, the rendering may take a minute to load.

  • Project milestones will appear as fixed-width cards on the Starmap timeline.
    • If a milestone contains one or more nested “child” milestones, users can click on the milestone card to view that milestone and its nested child milestone(s).
    • When applicable, Milestone cards will feature a green progress bar that reflects the completion status of nested child milestones.
    • To access the source GitHub issue for any milestone, users can click on the GitHub icon within each milestone card.
  • Starmap offers two rendering modes that can be set through the toggle button above the timeline:
    • Overview mode displays high-level milestones plotted against a timeline.
    • Detailed view mode organizes milestones under their respective parent milestones.
    • List view will soon be added.

GitHub issues that do not satisfy the requirements for rendering in Starmap as outlined herein may not display correctly. To add your roadmap to GitHub in a manner that will allow it to render in, please refer to the section titled Storing Roadmaps in GitHub.


The fundamental unit of a roadmap is a project milestone. In the context of roadmapping with Starmap, a "milestone" refers to a project milestone and is distinct from the "Milestone" feature in GitHub.

  • A milestone can have multiple nested child milestones, which can also have their own child milestones, and so on.
    • In overview mode, you can only view the immediate child milestones of a milestone or root node roadmap. In detailed view mode, you can view child milestones up to two levels deep.
  • Starmap allows you to navigate through a roadmap at different levels of granularity by following the parent/child relationships. You can "zoom in" to a child milestone by clicking on its card, and "zoom out" by clicking the back button on your browser or following the breadcrumb trail.
    • A roadmap can therefore be conceptualized as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The root node of the DAG represents the roadmap itself, with child milestones linked as issues under this root node. These child milestones can be displayed by directing Starmap to the root issue.
    • For more information on this, see the Roadmap Root Nodes section below.
  • Starmap allows you to easily create new roadmap visualizations by creating a new root "roadmap" node in GitHub that points to a set of existing milestones. This means that the same milestone can be included in multiple roadmaps.

Storing Roadmaps in Github


  • Roadmaps are represented by a single root node, or GitHub issue, which contains links to milestones contained within that roadmap.
  • The roadmap root node and child milestones can be in any public repository as long as the issues satisfy the requirements outlined in this document.
    • This means that you can link to existing GitHub issues as child milestones.
  • Errors will be logged and displayed for the user in

Milestone Encodings

Certain data must be encoded within the body of a GitHub issue in order to render properly in Starmap. These encodings can co-exist with other Markdown in the issue body.

For any encoding, Starmap will only take the first such occurrence in the body.

ETA Requirement

  • Milestones must have an estimated time of arrival (ETA), which is the timeframe in which the milestone is expected to be completed. The ETA is stored in the body of the issue.
    • The ETA must be placed at the beginning of a new line in the issue body.
    • The ETA must be formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard.
  • ETAs are encoded as follows:

Example: 2023-02-01
  • If you are linking to an existing GitHub issue as a milestone, you must edit the issue to include an ETA.

Issue Title

  • The titles of the Roadmap root node and milestone issues will be displayed in the Starmap visualization.
    • You should appropriately title your issues to give users a clear picture of the roadmap content.
  • Issue titles are encoded as follows:
Title: [Team/Project Name] [Duration] Roadmap
Example: Starmap 2023 Roadmap
Example: Starmap Q4 2022 Roadmap
Title: [Team/Project Name] [Milestone Title]
Example: Starmap Hackathon


  • A milestone may have a description field.
  • The description field allows you to encode a short summary of the milestone, ideally describing the value provided by the milestone.
  • Descriptions are encoded as follows:
Description: Some description text for my milestone
which I am using to tell readers what value they
can expect to get from this milestone.

Roadmap Root Nodes and Child Milestones

  • Every roadmap is defined by a root node; the rendering of the roadmap starts with the child(ren) of that root node.
  • A root node can itself be a "Milestone,” but in order to do so, it must have required fields such as an ETA.


  • A milestone may have child milestones.
  • Child milestones are simply GitHub issue identifiers (#<issue_number>, /#<issue_number>, or full URLs) to other GitHub milestone issues.
  • Child milestones can exist in any public GitHub repository.
  • It is expected that child milestone issues are themselves properly encoded milestones; otherwise they will be ignored by Starmap.
  • Within a parent issue, child milestones are encoded as follows (raw Markdown):
Tasklist syntax

Tasklists allow for "taskifying" of strings, and we have no way to link a random string to a GitHub issue. You must convert any tasks to issues for them to show up as a child milestone.

We will do our best to support the expected syntax of GitHub's tasklist functionality.

See and #245 for more details.

### Tasks
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
"Children:" syntax

WARNING: This syntax is deprecated. Please see #245 for more details.

NOTE: All child milestones using the children: syntax SHOULD appear between the section header and the first empty line for Starmap to recognize them. Failing to do this is a common cause of children milestones not rendering.


Progress Indicators

  • Starmap shows progress against completion of every Milestone rendered within each milestone card.
    • It uses the GitHub status (open/closed) of the children and the Roadmap root node itself to calculate progress.
  • As issues are resolved and closed, they are counted as progress towards completion.
  • Once all children and the parent node itself are closed, the progress bar on the parent will show 100% complete.

Best Practices

Milestone Nesting

  • Roadmaps with numerous milestones may not render in a useful way; it is recommended to have <= 5 milestones at any level. This is also a general best practice for project roadmaps.
  • Starmap’s two rendering modes (Overview and Detailed View) allow for the display of a roadmap in which there are multiple independent streams of delivery - which could be considered "themes", "pillars", etc.
    • To do this, set up a root roadmap issue, where the theme issues are the children.
    • Then, each child theme issue (encoded as a milestone), will be required to have an ETA. ETA should be set to the latest milestone ETA within that theme.
  • The children of each theme are milestones; these are what get rendered under the theme headings in the timeline.


Root Node Issue

Using GitHub Tasklists
Title: [Team/Project Name] [Duration] Roadmap

Description (optional):
The goal of this roadmap is to outline the key milestones and deliverables for our team/project over the next [Duration].

### Any descriptor or other text
- [ ] #123 <!-- will be recognized by starmap -->
- [ ] org/repo#123 <!-- will be recognized by starmap -->
- [ ] some non-link description <!-- will NOT be recognized by starmap -->
- [ ] <!-- will be recognized by starmap -->

### Any text
- [ ] #456 <!-- will be recognized by starmap -->
- [ ] org/repo#567 <!-- will be recognized by starmap -->
- [ ] <!-- will be recognized by starmap -->


Note: This roadmap is subject to change as priorities and circumstances evolve.

Starmap Link: [Starmap Link]

Using "Children:"

NOTE: The children: section is deprecated. Please see #245 for more details

Title: [Team/Project Name] [Duration] Roadmap

Description (optional):
The goal of this roadmap is to outline the key milestones and deliverables for our team/project over the next [Duration].

[GitHub Milestone Link 1]
[GitHub Milestone Link 2]
[GitHub Milestone Link 3]

Note: This roadmap is subject to change as priorities and circumstances evolve.

Starmap Link: [Starmap Link]

Child Milestone Issues

Title: [Team/Project Name] [Milestone Title]

This milestone is part of the [Team/Project Name] [Duration] Roadmap (link to root issue).

(Optional) Objectives:
- [Objective 1]
- [Objective 2]
- [Objective 3]

(Optional) Key Deliverables:
- [Deliverable 1]
- [Deliverable 2]
- [Deliverable 3]


- [Link to any relevant resources or documents]

Note: This milestone is subject to change as priorities and circumstances evolve.


If you are experiencing issues using Starmap, please don't hesitate to open an issue for support.

Why aren't all of my milestone children being recognized by Starmap?

When Starmap is parsing children in your GitHub issue, look for valid Github Issue identifiers between the section header and the first empty line.

The getChildren function is defined in the parser and works like this:

  1. startIndex = Find a Tasklist or Children header
  2. endIndex = Find the end of the Tasklist or Children section.
  3. Convert all of the lines between startIndex and endIndex into an array.
  4. Map over all the lines, parsing each line and returning either a URL or null.
  5. Filter out all null items in the lines array.
  6. Convert each item to a child and return the result.

Reasons your milestone's children may not be recognized

  1. You're using the deprecated children: syntax and have an extra space or empty-line where it shouldn't be.
  2. The link for your child is not a valid Github Issue identifier.
  3. You have children specified via Tasklist syntax and Children syntax section and one is empty.


GitHub Issue identifier

A GitHub Issue identifier can come in three different forms:

  1. #<issue_number> - Is converted to a full URL, using the current/parent issues and
  2. <org>/<repo>#<issue_number>
  3. A full URL