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199 lines (143 loc) · 7.08 KB

File metadata and controls

199 lines (143 loc) · 7.08 KB

Generate subtitle for a video



  • Adding a subtitle for a video automatically
    1. Extract sound from video
      1. Input: video
        • Format: any video format allowed by FFmpge
        • Size: no longer than 1min, if it is longer than 1min, we may upload output audio into Google Cloud Storage, and use gcs_uri in convert speech step with Google Cloud Speech-To-Text API
      2. Output: audio
        • Format:
          • Ecoding: FLAC
          • sample_rate_hertz=16000 or more
          • Language=Mandarin
    2. Convert speech into text
      1. Input: audio
        • Format: above output audio format
      2. Output: text
        • Format: Plain text and str file
    3. Generate subtitle using above source
      • .str file is the target subtitle file


1. Extract sound from video using FFmpeg

  • Install:

  • $ brew install ffmpeg
  • Usage:

    ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -f mp3 -ab 192000 -vn audio.mp3
    • -i input file
    • -f convert to format, flac is recommanded by Google Cloud Speech-To-Tex API
    • -ar conver to sampleRateHertz, 16000 is recommanded by Google Cloud Speech-To-Tex API
    • -vn output file is not video
    • -ac 1 only 1 channel audio would be allowed by Cloud Speech
  • Allow format

     ffmpeg -formats
    D  3dostr          3DO STR
      E 3g2             3GP2 (3GPP2 file format)
      E 3gp             3GP (3GPP file format)
     D  4xm             4X Technologies
      E a64             a64 - video for Commodore 64
     D  aa              Audible AA format files
     D  aac             raw ADTS AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
     DE ac3             raw AC-3
     D  acm             Interplay ACM

2. Convert audio into text using Google Cloud Speech-To-Text API

  • Install: follow official website Set up a GCP Console projec, Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and install and initialize Google Cloud SDK

    Install the client library (for python):

    pip3 install --upgrade google-cloud-speech
  • In this project, our test video is longer than 1 min, we need the asynchronously transcribes and use gcs_uri for speech file

  • we refer the following code from official website

  • # [START speech_transcribe_async_gcs]
    def transcribe_gcs(gcs_uri):
        """Asynchronously transcribes the audio file specified by the gcs_uri."""
        from import speech
        from import enums
        from import types
        client = speech.SpeechClient()
        audio = types.RecognitionAudio(uri=gcs_uri)
        config = types.RecognitionConfig(
        operation = client.long_running_recognize(config, audio)
        print('Waiting for operation to complete...')
        response = operation.result(timeout=90)
        # Each result is for a consecutive portion of the audio. Iterate through
        # them to get the transcripts for the entire audio file.
        for result in response.results:
            # The first alternative is the most likely one for this portion.
            print(u'Transcript: {}'.format(result.alternatives[0].transcript))
            print('Confidence: {}'.format(result.alternatives[0].confidence))
    # [END speech_transcribe_async_gcs]
  • In config,

    • We use as following:

      • sample_rate_hertz=16000
      • language_code='zh'
      • encoding='FLAC'
      • this config would set several phrases for specific vedio "Savvy _June Cut_final.mp4"
      • enable_word_time_offsets=True, which include timestamp used for generate subtitle
      • enable_automatic_punctuation=True, which include punctuation in transcript field
    • config = types.RecognitionConfig(
                      '思睿', '在思睿', '海外教育', '双师', '辅导', '授课', '云台录播', '讲义', '赢取'


python3 Savvy\ _June\ Cut_final.mp4
  • This script would recogonize whether the file exists, whether the format allowed by ffmpeg

  • Furthermore, this script can handle the input name with whitespace and output coutain original file name

  • The output audio is obtain each config which needed by Google Cloud Speech-To-Text API(see: Component2)

  • The output file name would be audio-inputFileName.flac , which would also be upload into gs://test-convert-audio/audio-inputFileName.flac(used in convert step)

For shorter audio (no longer 1 min) using synchronous speech recognition.

python3 localFile.flac

For longer audio (longer than 1 min) using asynchronous speech recognition.

python3 "gs://test-convert-audio/audio-Savvy _June Cut_final.flac"

Note: if filename with whitespace plase use ""

Step1: convert to text

This script would send a recognize request to Cloud Speech-to-Text and obtain the response, and we can also write into a plain text in output folder ( transcript-text.txt)

operation = client.long_running_recognize(config, audio)
response = operation.result(timeout=90)

Step2: format text as subtitle file .srt

This script add sequence number for each line and timpesamp for each line (e.g 0:00:1.012 —> 0: 00: 3.211) and the words, which format is need by .str file

helper modual would help us convert the start_timeor end_time as allowed string, start_timeor end_time both are from response information

Because the response.result.alternatives[0].word only contain word information, so reading output file transcript-text.txt, which including punctuation, and add punctuation into subtitle file or leave white space at punctuation position.


  • There provide two version available

    • Subtitle with punctuation

      • python3 "gs://test-convert-audio/audio-Savvy _June Cut_final.flac"
    • Subtitle no punctuation

      • python3 "gs://test-convert-audio/audio-Savvy _June Cut_final.flac"