@@ -33,30 +32,31 @@ export default async function Page({ params }: Props) {
export async function generateStaticParams() {
- const docs = await getDocs('react-three-fiber')
- const paths = docs.map(({ slug }) => ({ slug }))
+ // const docs = await getDocs('docs')
+ // const paths = docs.map(({ slug }) => ({ slug }))
+ // console.log('paths', paths)
return [
- { slug: ['react-three-fiber', 'getting-started', 'introduction'] },
- { slug: ['react-three-fiber', 'getting-started', 'installation'] },
- { slug: ['react-three-fiber', 'getting-started', 'your-first-scene'] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'getting-started', 'examples' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'api', 'canvas' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'api', 'objects' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'api', 'hooks' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'api', 'events' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'api', 'additional-exports' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'advanced', 'scaling-performance' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'advanced', 'pitfalls' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'v8-migration-guide' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'events-and-interaction' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'loading-models' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'loading-textures' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'basic-animations' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'using-with-react-spring' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'typescript' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'testing' ] },
- // { slug: [ 'react-three-fiber', 'tutorials', 'how-it-works' ] }
+ { slug: ['getting-started', 'introduction'] },
+ { slug: ['getting-started', 'installation'] },
+ { slug: ['getting-started', 'your-first-scene'] },
+ // { slug: [ 'getting-started', 'examples' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'api', 'canvas' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'api', 'objects' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'api', 'hooks' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'api', 'events' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'api', 'additional-exports' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'advanced', 'scaling-performance' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'advanced', 'pitfalls' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'v8-migration-guide' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'events-and-interaction' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'loading-models' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'loading-textures' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'basic-animations' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'using-with-react-spring' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'typescript' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'testing' ] },
+ // { slug: [ 'tutorials', 'how-it-works' ] }
// return paths
diff --git a/src/components/LibSwitcher.tsx b/src/components/LibSwitcher.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index af3cc692..00000000
--- a/src/components/LibSwitcher.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-'use client'
-import * as React from 'react'
-import clsx from 'clsx'
-import Link from 'next/link'
-// import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
-import { Popover } from '@headlessui/react'
-import libs from '@/data/libraries'
-export default function LibSwitcher({
- currentPage,
- lib,
-}: {
- currentPage: string
- lib: keyof typeof libs
-}) {
- // const router = useRouter()
- // const { query } = router
- // const currentPage = React.useMemo(() => libs[query.slug![0]].title, [query])
- return (
- {currentPage}
- {Object.entries(libs).map(([id, data]) => (
- {data.title}
- ))}
- )
diff --git a/src/components/Seo.tsx b/src/components/Seo.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 12de255a..00000000
--- a/src/components/Seo.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import Head from 'next/head'
-import libs from '@/data/libraries'
-export default function SEO({ lib }: { lib: keyof typeof libs }) {
- const currentSeo = libs[lib]
- const title = `${currentSeo.title} Documentation`
- return (
- )
diff --git a/src/data/libraries.ts b/src/data/libraries.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 434b49d2..00000000
--- a/src/data/libraries.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-import reactThreeFiberShare from '@/assets/react-three-fiber.jpg'
-import zustandShare from '@/assets/zustand.jpg'
-import zustandIcon from '@/assets/zustand-icon.png'
-import jotaiIcon from '@/assets/jotai-icon.png'
-import reactThreeA11yShare from '@/assets/react-three-a11y.jpg'
-import reactPostprocessingShare from '@/assets/react-postprocessing.jpg'
-export interface Library {
- title: string
- url: string
- github: string
- description: string
- // Optional banner image
- image?: string
- // Optional project icon
- icon?: string
- iconWidth?: number
- iconHeight?: number
- // Optional repository to fetch and serve docs from
- //
- docs?: string
-const libraries = {
- 'react-three-fiber': {
- title: 'React Three Fiber',
- url: '/react-three-fiber',
- github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/react-three-fiber',
- description: 'React-three-fiber is a React renderer for three.js',
- image: reactThreeFiberShare.src,
- docs: 'pmndrs/react-three-fiber/master/docs',
- },
- // 'react-spring': {
- // title: 'React Spring',
- // url: 'https://react-spring.io',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/react-spring',
- // description: 'Bring your components to life with simple spring animation primitives for React',
- // },
- // drei: {
- // title: 'Drei',
- // url: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/drei#readme',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/drei',
- // description:
- // 'Drei is a growing collection of useful helpers and abstractions for react-three-fiber',
- // },
- // zustand: {
- // title: 'Zustand',
- // url: '/zustand',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand',
- // description:
- // 'Zustand is a small, fast and scalable bearbones state-management solution, it has a comfy api based on hooks',
- // icon: zustandIcon.src,
- // iconWidth: zustandIcon.width,
- // iconHeight: zustandIcon.height,
- // image: zustandShare.src,
- // docs: 'pmndrs/zustand/main/docs',
- // },
- // jotai: {
- // title: 'Jotai',
- // url: 'https://jotai.org/docs/introduction',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/jotai',
- // description: 'Jotai is a primitive and flexible state management library for React',
- // icon: jotaiIcon.src,
- // iconWidth: jotaiIcon.width,
- // iconHeight: jotaiIcon.height,
- // },
- // valtio: {
- // title: 'Valtio',
- // url: 'https://valtio.pmnd.rs',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/valtio',
- // description: 'Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla',
- // },
- // a11y: {
- // title: 'A11y',
- // url: '/a11y',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/react-three-a11y',
- // description:
- // '@react-three/a11y brings accessibility to webGL with easy-to-use react-three-fiber components',
- // image: reactThreeA11yShare.src,
- // docs: 'pmndrs/react-three-a11y/main/docs',
- // },
- // 'react-postprocessing': {
- // title: 'React Postprocessing',
- // url: '/react-postprocessing',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/react-postprocessing',
- // description: 'React Postprocessing is a postprocessing wrapper for @react-three/fiber',
- // image: reactPostprocessingShare.src,
- // docs: 'pmndrs/react-postprocessing/master/docs',
- // },
- // uikit: {
- // title: 'uikit',
- // url: '/uikit',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/uikit',
- // description: 'uikit brings user interfaces to @react-three/fiber',
- // docs: 'pmndrs/uikit/main/docs',
- // },
- // xr: {
- // title: 'xr',
- // url: '/xr',
- // github: 'https://github.com/pmndrs/xr',
- // description: 'VR/AR for @react-three/fiber',
- // docs: 'pmndrs/xr/main/docs',
- // },
-} satisfies Record
-export type Lib = keyof typeof libraries
-export default libraries
diff --git a/src/utils/docs.ts b/src/utils/docs.ts
index 27d644ff..a8625db5 100644
--- a/src/utils/docs.ts
+++ b/src/utils/docs.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-import { fs } from 'memfs'
-import git from 'isomorphic-git'
-import http from 'isomorphic-git/http/node'
+import fs from 'node:fs'
import matter from 'gray-matter'
-import libs, { Lib } from '@/data/libraries'
import type { Doc, DocToC } from '@/app/[[...slug]]/DocsContext'
import pMemoize from 'p-memoize'
import { cache } from 'react'
-import { type CSB } from '@/components/Codesandbox'
* Checks for .md(x) file extension
@@ -45,35 +41,11 @@ async function crawl(dir: string, filter?: RegExp, files: string[] = []) {
* Fetches all docs, filters to a lib if specified.
+ *
+ * @param root - absolute or relative (to cwd) path to docs folder
-async function _getDocs(lib: Lib): Promise {
- console.log('getDocs', lib)
- const libDocs = libs[lib].docs
- if (!libDocs) throw new Error(`No docs found for ${lib}`)
- const [user, repo, branch, ...rest] = libDocs.split('/')
- const dir = `/${user}-${repo}-${branch}`
- const root = `${dir}/${rest.join('/')}`
- const url = `https://github.com/${user}/${repo}`
- // console.log('cloning', url)
- // Clone remote
- await git.clone({
- fs,
- http,
- dir,
- url,
- ref: branch,
- singleBranch: true,
- depth: 1,
- })
- // console.log('cloned', url)
+async function _getDocs(root: string): Promise {
// Crawl and parse docs
const files = await crawl(root, MARKDOWN_REGEX)
// console.log('files', files)
@@ -82,10 +54,10 @@ async function _getDocs(lib: Lib): Promise {
files.map(async (file) => {
// Get slug from local path
const path = file.replace(`${root}/`, '')
- const slug = [lib, ...path.replace(MARKDOWN_REGEX, '').toLowerCase().split('/')]
+ const slug = [...path.replace(MARKDOWN_REGEX, '').toLowerCase().split('/')]
const url = `/${slug.join('/')}`
- const editURL = file.replace(dir, `https://github.com/${user}/${repo}/tree/${branch}`)
+ // const editURL = file.replace(root, `https://github.com/pmndrs/${lib}`)
// Read & parse doc
const compiled = matter(await fs.promises.readFile(file))
@@ -104,20 +76,6 @@ async function _getDocs(lib: Lib): Promise {
.replace(COMMENT_REGEX, '')
// Remove inline link syntax
.replace(INLINE_LINK_REGEX, '$1')
- // Require inline images
- .replace(
- /(src="|\()(.+?\.(?:png|jpe?g|gif|webp|avif))("|\))/g,
- (_input, prefix, src, suffix) => {
- if (src.includes('//')) return `${prefix}${src}${suffix}`
- const [, _dir, ...parts] = file.split('/')
- parts.pop() // remove MDX file from path
- const url = `https://github.com/${user}/${repo}/raw/${branch}/${parts.join('/')}/${src}`
- return `${prefix}${url}${suffix}`
- }
- )
const boxes: string[] = []
const tableOfContents: DocToC[] = []
@@ -125,7 +83,7 @@ async function _getDocs(lib: Lib): Promise {
return {
- editURL,
+ // editURL,
@@ -150,16 +108,19 @@ export const getDocs = cache(_getDocs)
async function _getData(...slug: string[]) {
console.log('getData', slug)
- const [lib] = slug
+ const { MDX } = process.env
+ if (!MDX) throw new Error('MDX env var not set')
- const docs = await getDocs(lib as Lib)
- // console.log('allDocs', allDocs)
+ const docs = await getDocs(MDX)
+ // console.log('allDocs', docs)
const url = `/${slug.join('/')}`.toLowerCase()
// console.log('url', url)
const doc = docs.find((doc) => doc.url === url)
// console.log('doc', doc)
+ if (!doc) throw new Error(`Doc not found: ${url}`)
return {
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