We use gRPC for RPC communication. We have dependency with module
which contains the contract and also the generated sources to be used from client and server -
To control all possible side effects in our program I use Effect system ZIO, a pure functional programing toolkit which provide the features to have Pure functional programs with side effect control, lazy evaluation, performance improvements since the program run in Fibers(Green threads) instead in OS Threads, and also DI mechanism with ZLayers.
- I use scalatest framework to design the unit and IT test in our system. the whole battery of test must be executed during the maven test phase, but in case you want to run the test with the IDE you can take a look to the test here
- To run all battery test you must run
mvn clean install
After compile the module, go to the target folder and run the fatjar generated invoking the main class
java -cp PrimerNumberService-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.politrons.grpc.PrimerNumberServer