diff --git a/v3/tutorials/02-proof-of-existence/index.mdx b/v3/tutorials/02-proof-of-existence/index.mdx
index 97550de82..0b37fd920 100644
--- a/v3/tutorials/02-proof-of-existence/index.mdx
+++ b/v3/tutorials/02-proof-of-existence/index.mdx
@@ -429,152 +429,149 @@ This React component enables you to expose the proof-of-existence capabilities a
1. Copy and paste the following code into the`src/TemplateModule.js` file:
- ```javascript
- // React and Semantic UI elements.
- import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
- import { Form, Input, Grid, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react'
- // Pre-built Substrate front-end utilities for connecting to a node
- // and making a transaction.
- import { useSubstrate } from './substrate-lib'
- import { TxButton } from './substrate-lib/components'
- // Polkadot-JS utilities for hashing data.
- import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
- // Main Proof Of Existence component is exported.
- export function Main(props) {
- // Establish an API to talk to the Substrate node.
- const { api } = useSubstrate()
- // Get the selected user from the `AccountSelector` component.
- const { accountPair } = props
- // React hooks for all the state variables we track.
- // Learn more at: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html
- const [status, setStatus] = useState('')
- const [digest, setDigest] = useState('')
- const [owner, setOwner] = useState('')
- const [block, setBlock] = useState(0)
- // Our `FileReader()` which is accessible from our functions below.
- let fileReader
- // Takes our file, and creates a digest using the Blake2 256 hash function
- const bufferToDigest = () => {
- // Turns the file content to a hexadecimal representation.
- const content = Array.from(new Uint8Array(fileReader.result))
- .map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
- .join('')
- const hash = blake2AsHex(content, 256)
- setDigest(hash)
- }
- // Callback function for when a new file is selected.
- const handleFileChosen = file => {
- fileReader = new FileReader()
- fileReader.onloadend = bufferToDigest
- fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file)
- }
- // React hook to update the owner and block number information for a file
- useEffect(() => {
- let unsubscribe
- // Polkadot-JS API query to the `proofs` storage item in our pallet.
- // This is a subscription, so it will always get the latest value,
- // even if it changes.
- api.query.templateModule
- .proofs(digest, result => {
- // Our storage item returns a tuple, which is represented as an array.
- setOwner(result[0].toString())
- setBlock(result[1].toNumber())
- })
- .then(unsub => {
- unsubscribe = unsub
- })
- return () => unsubscribe && unsubscribe()
- // This tells the React hook to update whenever the file digest changes
- // (when a new file is chosen), or when the storage subscription says the
- // value of the storage item has updated.
- }, [digest, api.query.templateModule])
- // We can say a file digest is claimed if the stored block number is not 0
- function isClaimed() {
- return block !== 0
- }
- // The actual UI elements which are returned from our component.
- return (
Proof of Existence
- {/* Show warning or success message if the file is or is not claimed. */}
- {/* File selector with a callback to `handleFileChosen`. */}
- handleFileChosen(e.target.files[0])}
- />
- {/* Show this message if the file is available to be claimed */}
- {/* Show this message if the file is already claimed. */}
- {/* Buttons for interacting with the component. */}
- {/* Button to create a claim. Only active if a file is selected, and not already claimed. Updates the `status`. */}
- {/* Button to revoke a claim. Only active if a file is selected, and is already claimed. Updates the `status`. */}
- {/* Status message about the transaction. */}
- )
- }
- export default function TemplateModule(props) {
- const { api } = useSubstrate()
- return api.query.templateModule && api.query.templateModule.proofs ? (
- ) : null
- }
- ```
+ ```javascript
+ import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
+ import { Form, Input, Grid, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react'
+ // Pre-built Substrate front-end utilities for connecting to a node
+ // and making a transaction.
+ import { useSubstrateState } from './substrate-lib'
+ import { TxButton } from './substrate-lib/components'
+ // Polkadot-JS utilities for hashing data.
+ import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+ // Main Proof Of Existence component is exported.
+ function Main(props) {
+ // Establish an API to talk to the Substrate node.
+ const { api, currentAccount } = useSubstrateState()
+ // React hooks for all the state variables we track.
+ // Learn more at: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html
+ const [status, setStatus] = useState('')
+ const [digest, setDigest] = useState('')
+ const [owner, setOwner] = useState('')
+ const [block, setBlock] = useState(0)
+ // Our `FileReader()` which is accessible from our functions below.
+ let fileReader
+ // Takes our file, and creates a digest using the Blake2 256 hash function
+ const bufferToDigest = () => {
+ // Turns the file content to a hexadecimal representation.
+ const content = Array.from(new Uint8Array(fileReader.result))
+ .map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
+ .join('')
+ const hash = blake2AsHex(content, 256)
+ setDigest(hash)
+ }
+ // Callback function for when a new file is selected.
+ const handleFileChosen = file => {
+ fileReader = new FileReader()
+ fileReader.onloadend = bufferToDigest
+ fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file)
+ }
+ // React hook to update the owner and block number information for a file
+ useEffect(() => {
+ let unsubscribe
+ // Polkadot-JS API query to the `proofs` storage item in our pallet.
+ // This is a subscription, so it will always get the latest value,
+ // even if it changes.
+ api.query.templateModule
+ .proofs(digest, result => {
+ // Our storage item returns a tuple, which is represented as an array.
+ setOwner(result[0].toString())
+ setBlock(result[1].toNumber())
+ })
+ .then(unsub => {
+ unsubscribe = unsub
+ })
+ return () => unsubscribe && unsubscribe()
+ // This tells the React hook to update whenever the file digest changes
+ // (when a new file is chosen), or when the storage subscription says the
+ // value of the storage item has updated.
+ }, [digest, api.query.templateModule])
+ // We can say a file digest is claimed if the stored block number is not 0
+ function isClaimed() {
+ return block !== 0
+ }
+ // The actual UI elements which are returned from our component.
+ return (
Proof of Existence
+ {/* Show warning or success message if the file is or is not claimed. */}
+ {/* File selector with a callback to `handleFileChosen`. */}
+ handleFileChosen(e.target.files[0])}
+ />
+ {/* Show this message if the file is available to be claimed */}
+ {/* Show this message if the file is already claimed. */}
+ {/* Buttons for interacting with the component. */}
+ {/* Button to create a claim. Only active if a file is selected, and not already claimed. Updates the `status`. */}
+ {/* Button to revoke a claim. Only active if a file is selected, and is already claimed. Updates the `status`. */}
+ {/* Status message about the transaction. */}
+ )
+ }
+ export default function TemplateModule(props) {
+ const { api } = useSubstrateState()
+ return api.query.templateModule ? : null
+ }
+ ```
1. Save your changes and close the file.
1. Start the front-end template by running the following command:
- ```bash
- yarn start
- ```
+ ```bash
+ # If you haven't installed the dependencies
+ yarn install
+ # Start the project
+ yarn start
+ ```
This will open up a new tab with the front-end serving at **http://localhost:8000**.