Used for drawing runtime gizmos in builds and editor from any context in the code. It was created when I realized that the built in unity gizmos (Gizmos.DrawWireSphere, etc) don't render in builds, so I made this utility to be able to use.
Note: Currently doesn't work if a render pipline asset is set in the graphics settings of the project in SRP, if the version of the SRP package is below 7.1.1
- .NET Framework 4.5
- Git
To install for local use, download this repo and copy everything from this repository to <YourUnityProject>/Packages/Popcron Gizmos
If using 2018.3.x or higher, you can add a new entry to the manifest.json file in your Packages folder:
"com.popcron.gizmos": ""
The package checks for updates every time a compile happens, and it will say so under the Popcron/Gizmos/Update
menu if one is available, upon pressing it will make unity update the package to the latest version thats here on github. Though you can always edit it yourself if you'd like.
using UnityEngine;
using Gizmos = Popcron.Gizmos;
public class GizmoDrawer : MonoBehaviour
public Material material = null;
//this will draw in scene view and in game view, in both play mode and edit mode
private void OnRenderObject()
//draw a line from the position of the object, to world center
//with the color green, and dashed as well
Gizmos.Line(transform.position,,, true);
//draw a cube at the position of the object, with the correct rotation and scale
Gizmos.Cube(transform.position, transform.rotation, transform.lossyScale);
private void Update()
//use custom material, if null it uses a default line material
Gizmos.Material = material;
//toggle gizmo drawing
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F3))
Gizmos.Enabled = !Gizmos.Enabled;
//can also draw from update
Gizmos.Cone(transform.position, transform.rotation, 15f, 45f,;
By default, gizmos will only be drawn to the MainCamera, and the Scene view camera. If you'd like to specify other cameras to also render the gizmos, the Gizmos.CameraFilter
predicate allows you to subscribe to a delegate where you can manually specify if a camera should be rendered to or not.
private void OnEnable()
//always sub in on enable, because OnEnable gets called when code gets recompiled AND on awake
Gizmos.CameraFilter += cam =>
return == "MyOtherCamera";
The ability to add custom drawers is possible. Inherit from the Drawer
class and implement the Draw
method. To see an example of drawing a line using a custom drawer, look at the LineDrawer.cs
The Draw
method takes in a ref parameter to a Vector3 array as the buffer, and then a params array of objects. The method expects to return the number of points allocated to the buffer. For example, if renderering a single line, allocate the two points at buffer[0] and buffer[1], and return 2. If the number returned is not the same as the amount of points actually used, then the end result of the drawn element will look incorrect and corrupt.
= Draws a line from point a to b. Equivalent to Gizmos.DrawLineGizmos.Square
= Draws a 2D square in the XY planeGizmos.Cube
= Draws a 3D cube in world space with orientation and scale parameters. Equivalent to Gizmos.DrawWireCubeGizmos.Bounds
= Draws a representation of a Bounds objectGizmos.Rect
= Draws a rect object to a specific cameraGizmos.Cone
= Draws a cone with specified orientation, length and angle. It looks like the spotlight gizmoGizmos.Sphere
= Draws a 3D sphere. Equivalent to Gizmos.DrawWireSphereGizmos.Circle
= Draws a 2D circle that is oriented to the camera by default
The package uses the same class name as the built-in gizmo class, because of this, you will need to use an alias to point to the right class (using Gizmos = Popcron.Gizmos
The alternative is to make a global class with the same name that redirects all of its calls to Popcron.Gizmos. The downside to this is that you will need to be explicit when calling the UnityEngine.Gizmos class if you ever need to. Choose your poison.
- What namespace? 'Popcron'
- Does it work in builds? Yes
- Is there frustum culling? Yes, it can be toggled with Gizmos.FrustumCulling
- It's not rendering in game! Check if your gizmo code is in OnDrawGizmos, because this method isnt called in builds, and ensure that Gizmos.Enabled is true