Here you will find the complete list of material (BOM) needed to build a Poppy Ergo Jr.
- 1x Pixl board (electronic board to control XL320 motors)
- 1x disk_support.stl (using laser cutting) the 2D plan can be found here. You can also 3D print the base but it will take a lot of time
- the 3D printed parts STL here
- 1x base.stl
- 3x horn2horn.stl
- 3x side2side.stl
- 1x long_U.stl
- 1x short_U.stl
- 1x support_camera.stl
- the different tools
- 6x Robotis dynamixel motors XL-320
- 1x set of OLLO rivets (about 70 colored and 4 grey)
- 4x M2.5x6mm screw (for fixing the Raspberry Pi on the base)
- 4x M2x5mm screw (for fixing the camera)
- 4x M2 nuts (fixing camera)
- 1x Standoff Male/Female M2.5 10mm
- 1x Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 3
- 1x micro SD 8Go
- 1x Rasperry Pi camera
- 1x AC power 7.5V 2A with a 2.1 x 5.5 x 9.5 jack connector (this one for instance).
- Short ethernet cable