parse_error() = term()
parse_result() = {ok, replaces()} | {error, parse_error()}
raw() = #{call_id => binary(), from_tag => binary(), to_tag => binary(), early_only => boolean(), params => ersip_hparams:raw()}
replaces() = #replaces{call_id = ersip_hdr_callid:callid(), params = ersip_hparams:hparams()}
assemble/1 | Assemble Replaces as iolist(). |
assemble_bin/1 | Assemble Replaces as binary(). |
build/2 | Build raw SIP header. |
dialog_id/1 | Dialog ID encoded in Replaces header. |
early_only/1 | Early only property of Replaces header. |
make/1 | Create Replaces header from binary() or from raw representation. |
parse/1 | Parse Replaces header. |
raw/1 | Raw representation of Replaces header. |
assemble(Replaces::replaces()) -> iolist()
Assemble Replaces as iolist().
assemble_bin(Replaces::replaces()) -> binary()
Assemble Replaces as binary().
build(HdrName::binary(), Replaces::replaces()) -> ersip_hdr:header()
Build raw SIP header.
dialog_id(Replaces::replaces()) -> ersip_dialog:id()
Dialog ID encoded in Replaces header.
early_only(Replaces::replaces()) -> boolean()
Early only property of Replaces header.
make(HeaderBin::binary()) -> replaces()
Create Replaces header from binary() or from raw representation.
parse(HeaderBin::ersip_hdr:header() | binary()) -> parse_result()
Parse Replaces header.
raw(Replaces::replaces()) -> raw()
Raw representation of Replaces header.