diff --git a/documentation/extra_files/CHANGELOG.txt b/documentation/extra_files/CHANGELOG.txt index a5b34bd2..5ad71bfb 100644 --- a/documentation/extra_files/CHANGELOG.txt +++ b/documentation/extra_files/CHANGELOG.txt @@ -2,6 +2,14 @@ | Under the maintenance of Porres, Kwan and Barber: --------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------- +cyclone 0.7-1 (needs at least Pd Vanilla 0.54-0): +-------------------------------------------------- + +- Opening "all_objects" doesn't crash Pd anymore and there's no idea why it did before. +- Fixed [play~] bang output to just bang once when stopping. +- [cyclone]: added 2nd and 3rd outlet for pd version and flavor +- [comment]: fix setting receive name from properties, improved loading internal symbols and made it deprecated and removed from the other help files... (this will stick around but will receive no further real attention other than a real crucial bug and will be kept for backwards compatibility - just consider using [note] from ELSE instead, because it's the actual original object now and the one I'll keep working on) -------------------------------------------------- cyclone 0.7-0 (needs at least Pd Vanilla 0.53-1): diff --git a/documentation/extra_files/cyclone-v0.7-1-objects.txt b/documentation/extra_files/cyclone-v0.7-1-objects.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7e46f48e..00000000 --- a/documentation/extra_files/cyclone-v0.7-1-objects.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -!- reverse minus -!-~ signal reverse minus -!/ reverse division -!/~ reverse signal division -!=~ signal not equals -%~ signal modulo -+=~ signal accumulator -<=~ signal less than or equal to -<~ signal less than -==~ signal equal to ->=~ signal greater than or equal to ->~ signal greater than -accum accumulate to a value -acos arc cosine function -acos~ signal arc cosine function -acosh hyperbolic arc cosine function -acosh~ signal hyperbolic ard cosine function -active report window activity -allpass~ allpass filter -anal number pairs histogram -append append messages to the input -asin arc sine function -asin~ signal arc sine function -asinh arc sine function -asinh~ signal arc sine function -atan~ signal arc tangent function -atan2~ signal two arguments arc tangent function -atanh hyperbolic arc tangent function -atanh~ signal hyperbolic arc tangent function -atodb linear amplitude to dBFS conversion -atodb~ signal linear amplitude to dBFS conversion -average~ multi-mode signal moving average -avg~ signal absolute average -bangbang output a bang from many outlets -bitand~ signal bitwise-AND -bitnot~ signal bitwise-NOT -bitor~ signal bitwise-OR -bitsafe~ replace nan/inf signals with 0 -bitshift~ signal bit-shifting -bitxor~ signal bitwise-XOR -bondo sync a group of messages -borax repor note on/off info -bucket pass numbers from outlet to outlet -buddy sync arriving messages -buffer~ audio buffer -buffir~ convolve with a buffer -capture store data as text -capture~ store samples into text -cartopol cartesian to polar conversion -cartopol~ signal cartesian to polar conversion -change~ detect signal change & direction -click~ generate impulse from a bang -clip constrain values to a given range -clip~ constrain a signal to a given range -coll store/edit message collections -comb~ comb filter -comment comment box -cosh hyperbolic cosine function -cosh~ signal hyperbolic cosine function -cosx~ signal cosine function (radian input) -count~ counter at the sample rate -counter counts over a range -cross~ crossover filter -curve~ curved ramp generator -cycle round-robin messages to outlets -cycle~ wavetable oscillator -dbtoa dBFS to linear amplitude conversion -dbtoa~ signal dBFS to linear amplitude conversion -decide randomly output 0 or 1 -decode send 0/1 to a specific outlet -degrade~ signal quality reducer -delay~ delay a signal -delta~ difference between samples -deltaclip~ limit amplitude change between samples -downsamp~ downsample a signal -drunk random drunk walk -edge~ report zero/non-zero transitions for signals -equals~ alias of ==~ -flush flush hanging note-ons -forward send remote messages -frameaccum~ FFT frame accumulation -framedelta~ FFT frame deviation -fromsymbol convert symbols to anything -funbuff store pairs of integers -funnel tag data based on inlet -gate route input message to an outlet -gate~ route input signal to an outlet -grab grabs the output of another object -greaterthan~ alias of >~ -greaterthaneq~ alias of >=~ -histo create a histogram of numbers -index~ non-interpolating array reader -iter split messages sequentially -join join items into a list -kink~ phase distorter -lessthan~ alias of <~ -lessthaneq~ alias of <=~ -line~ linear ramp generator -linedrive exponential scaler for [line~] -listfunnel index and output list elements -loadmess send messages at loading a patch -lookup~ transfer function lookup table -lores~ lowpass resonant filter -match output a matching input -matrix~ signal routing/mixing matrix -maximum get maximum of two or more values -maximum~ signal maximum of two values -mean moving mean average -midiflush flush hanging note-ons on raw MIDI data -midiformat format MIDI messages -midiparse retrieve MIDI messages -minimum get minimum of two or more values -minimum~ signal mainimum of two values -minmax~ minimum/maximum values of a signal -modulo~ alias of %~ -mousefilter filter data when pressing the mouse button -mousestate retrieve mouse data -mstosamps~ milliseconds to samples time conversion -mtr multi-track data recorder -next detect separation of messages -notequals~ alias of !=~ -number~ signal generator/monitor -offer store number pairs once -onebang gate a bang with a bang -onepole~ one pole lowpass filter -overdrive~ analog overdrive simulation -pak output a list when any element changes -past check if input increased past a threshold -peak output numbers greater than the previous -peakamp~ Signal's peak amplitude -peek~ read/write to arrays/buffer~ -phaseshift~ 2nd order allpass filter -phasewrap~ wrap between π & -π -pink~ pink noise -play~ array/buffer~ player -plusequals~ alias of +=~ -poke~ write to an array/buffer~ -poltocar polar to cartesian conversion -poltocar~ signal polar to cartesian conversion -pong range limiter (fold, wrap & clip) -pong~ signal range limiter (fold, wrap & clip) -pow~ signal power function -prepend prepend messages to the input -prob probability matrix -pv private (local) variables -rampsmooth~ smooth signals linearly -rand~ interpolated bandlimited noise -rdiv alias of !/ -rdiv~ alias of !/~ -record~ record signals to arrays/buffer~ -reson~ bandpass resonant filter -rminus alias of !- -rminus~ alias of !-~ -round round floats/lists -round~ round signals -sah~ sample and hold -sampstoms~ samples to milliseconds time conversion -scale map numbers to an output range -scale~ map signals to an output range -scope~ oscilloscope display -selector~ route a signal inlet to the outlet -seq MIDI sequencer -sinh hyperbolic sine function -sinh~ signal hyperbolic sine function -sinx~ signal sine function (radian input) -slide~ smooth signals logarithmically -snapshot~ convert a signal to floats -speedlim limit the speed of messages -spell convert input to ASCII values -spike~ report zero to non-zero transition intervals -split split numbers according to a range -spray distribute values to outlets -sprintf message formatter -substitute substitute elements in messages -sustain sustain pedal emulator -svf~ state variable filter -switch route a control inlet to the outlet -table store/edit an array -tanh hyperbolic tangent function -tanh~ signal hyperbolic tangent function -tanx~ signal tangent function (radian input) -teeth~ teeth comb filter -thresh combine data received close together -thresh~ detect signals above a threshold -togedge report zero/non-zero transitions -tosymbol convert anything to a symbol -train~ pulse-train generator and metronome -trapezoid~ trapezoidal wavetable -triangle~ variable duty triangular wavetable -trough output numbers smaller than the previous -trunc~ truncate signal values -universal send messages to all objects of the same type -unjoin break a list into separate messages -urn unrepeated random numbers -uzi bang loop/counter -vectral~ smooth/filter FFT frames -wave~ wavetable reader -xbendin retrieve pitch bend messages -xbendin2 retrieve pitch bend messages -xbendout send pitch bend messages -xbendout2 send pitch bend messages -xnotein retrieve note on/off velocity -xnoteout send note on/off velocity -zerox~ detect zero crossings -zl list processor \ No newline at end of file