Pipelines are composed of a Model, Splitter, and additional optional arguments. Collections can have any number of Pipelines. Each Pipeline is ran everytime documents are upserted.
Models are used for embedding chuncked documents. We support most every open source model on Hugging Face, and also OpenAI's embedding models.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
model = Model()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
model = pgml.newModel()
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
model = Model(
parameters={"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia document for retrieval: "}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
model = pgml.newModel(
parameters={instruction: "Represent the Wikipedia document for retrieval: "}
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
model = Model(name="text-embedding-ada-002", source="openai")
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
model = pgml.newModel(name="text-embedding-ada-002", source="openai")
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Splitters are used to split documents into chunks before embedding them. We support splitters found in LangChain.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
splitter = Splitter()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
splitter = pgml.newSplitter()
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
splitter = Splitter(
parameters={"chunk_size": 1500, "chunk_overlap": 40}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
splitter = pgml.newSplitter(
parameters={chunk_size: 1500, chunk_overlap: 40}
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
When adding a Pipeline to a collection it is required that Pipeline has a Model and Splitter.
The first time a Pipeline is added to a Collection it will automatically chunk and embed any documents already in that Collection.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
model = Model()
splitter = Splitter()
pipeline = Pipeline("test_pipeline", model, splitter)
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
model = pgml.newModel()
splitter = pgml.newSplitter()
pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline", model, splitter)
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Pipelines can take additional arguments enabling full text search. When full text search is enabled, in addition to automatically chunking and embedding, the Pipeline will create the necessary tsvectors to perform full text search.
For more information on full text search please see: Postgres Full Text Search.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
model = Model()
splitter = Splitter()
pipeline = Pipeline("test_pipeline", model, splitter, {
"full_text_search": {
"active": True,
"configuration": "english"
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
model = pgml.newModel()
splitter = pgml.newSplitter()
pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline", model, splitter, {
"full_text_search": {
active: True,
configuration: "english"
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Pipelines are a required argument when performing vector search. After a Pipeline has been added to a Collection, the Model and Splitter can be omitted when instantiating it.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
pipeline = Pipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = Collection("test_collection")
results = await collection.query().vector_recall("Why is PostgresML the best?", pipeline).fetch_all()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = pgml.newCollection("test_collection")
results = await collection.query().vector_recall("Why is PostgresML the best?", pipeline).fetch_all()
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Pipelines can be disabled or removed to prevent them from running automatically when documents are upserted.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
pipeline = Pipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = Collection("test_collection")
await collection.disable_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = pgml.newCollection("test_collection")
await collection.disable_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Disabling a Pipeline prevents it from running automatically, but leaves all chunks and embeddings already created by that Pipeline in the database.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
pipeline = Pipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = Collection("test_collection")
await collection.enable_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = pgml.newCollection("test_collection")
await collection.enable_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Enabling a Pipeline will cause it to automatically run and chunk and embed all documents it may have missed while disabled.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %}
pipeline = Pipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = Collection("test_collection")
await collection.remove_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript" %}
pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline")
collection = pgml.newCollection("test_collection")
await collection.remove_pipeline(pipeline)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Removing a Pipeline deletes it and all associated data from the database. Removed Pipelines cannot be re-enabled but can be recreated.