Releases: pouyakary/note
nothing much.... just:
first release (note kidding... , I think... , probably, perhaps... maybe.... sometimes... who knows.... university is sooo damn boring.... why on earth am I here.... I hate the sound of taraghe... more when it happens at uni.... it sucks when you have nothing better than tying a release name when you're 2000% sure no one is ever going to read it... maybe the google bots... boy they have so much time... I've heard they go for a vacation every once in a while... is it better to do it in Hawaii or in their local servers... who knows... they are so calm... hey bots, if you are still reading, where do yo go on vacation anyways? you have my email, right? drop me a text.... A postal card is also appreciated.... What is up with weather anyways? I swear it's like 105 degrees right now, it's not even spring yet.... ah... I just opened up my mail... this crazy teacher of mine is sending me like 20 mails a week... I think I've got to open up a new mail just for him... ( so that I can NOT check it everyday... )... that is good by the way... you've got to hear about my stupid math teacher (okay I know: you don't have have math 1 at your forth semester: good for you nerd ) but he failed everyone with 9.5 out of 20 past semester.... what a jerk... tell me about him.... why do I even bother going to the stupid class?? he's gonna fail me anyways... oh! it just dawned to me! I just won't go! problem solved.... let's see... what else do I have to say... OMG you're such a good listener... I wonder if you are single or not.... oh, the cafeteria, the food sucks man (woman??? go gold digging you stupid f***, what kind of job is web crawling? jeez, stupid silicon valley nerds....).... eff you, why am I pouring my heart out for you worthless nerd? none of this even matter, goodbye cruel world....