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579 lines (398 loc) · 32.7 KB

File metadata and controls

579 lines (398 loc) · 32.7 KB


v1.0.38 (2024-04-11)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Fixed issue with schemas having a :data field not being handled correctly in changeset functions

v1.0.37 (2024-03-03)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Phoenix.Template] Now sets the function annotation in caller environment to prevent compile error when :debug_heex_annotations is set to true

v1.0.36 (2024-02-07)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Phoenix.ViewHelpers] Now ensures format for layouts in Phoenix 1.7 is conformed to prevent conflicting layouts found warnings

v1.0.35 (2024-01-04)

Handles Elixir 1.16 deprecations.


  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Now handles MFA for :password_hash_verify
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Now handles MFA for :email_validator


  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Deprecated :password_hash_methods in favor of :password_hash_verify

v1.0.34 (2023-09-18)

Note: This release contains an important security fix. It is recommended to update immediately if you are using the Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache] Fixed bug where expired cached keys are not invalidated on startup

v1.0.33 (2023-09-05)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Phoenix.Controller] Fixed regression bug with Phoenix.View and :namespace option
  • [Pow.Phoenix.ViewHelpers] Now falls back to view named modules to prevent upgrade issues

v1.0.32 (2023-08-30)

Removed deprecation warnings for Elixir 1.15.

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Phoenix.Controller] Now uses Phoenix.View when it's available with :namespace option to prevent upgrade issues

v1.0.31 (2023-06-09)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.Mail] Now renders html and text correctly in fallback mode for deprecated MailView

v1.0.30 (2023-04-28)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow] Ensure the dependency is loaded before matching version in Pow.dependency_vsn_match?/2

v1.0.29 (2023-03-21)

This version is updated to work with Phoenix 1.7, in particular using the new template components structure. All views have been removed, and Pow no longer requires the phoenix_view dependency.

Instead of pow_mailer_layout: {MyAppWeb.LayoutView, :email}) you should use pow_mailer_layouts: [html: {MyAppWeb.Layouts, :email}, text: {MyAppWeb.Layouts, :email_text}] in conn.private.

Now requires Elixir 1.12+.


  • [Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.Mail] Revamped to conform to template component structure of Phoenix 1.7
  • [Pow.Phoenix.Template] Now renders Tailwind based template components on Phoenix 1.7


  • [Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.Mail] Deprecated :pow_mailer_layout in favor of :pow_mailer_layouts
  • [Mix.Pow.Phoenix.Mailer] Removed Mix.Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.create_view_file/5
  • [Mix.Pow.Phoenix.Mailer] Removed Mix.Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.create_templates/4
  • [Mix.Pow.Phoenix] Removed Mix.Pow.Phoenix.create_view_file/4

v1.0.28 (2023-03-17)


  • [Mix.Pow] Mix.Pow.parse_options/3 now merges option defaults with :otp_app, :generators configuration
  • [Mix.Pow.Mix.Tasks.Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.Gen.Templates] Now injects config/config.exs and WEB_PATH/WEB_APP.ex
  • [Mix.Pow.Mix.Tasks.Pow.Phoenix.Gen.Templates] Now injects config/config.exs
  • [Mix.Tasks.Pow.Phoenix.Install] Now injects config/config.exs, WEB_PATH/endpoint.ex, and WEB_PATH/router.ex
  • [Pow.Phoenix.Router] Updated to support Phoenix 1.7 breaking changes
  • [Pow.Phoenix.Template] Updated to support Phoenix 1.7 verified routes
  • [Pow.Phoenix.Routes] Updated to support Phoenix 1.7 verified routes
  • [Pow.Phoenix.ViewHelpers] Updated to handle Phoenix 1.7 components layout

Bug fixes

  • :phoenix removed from the compilers


  • Updated api guide to correctly return updated conn for delete calls

v1.0.27 (2022-04-27)

Now supports ecto_sql 3.8.x and requires Elixir 1.11+.


  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema] has been refactored to conform the @pow_fields and @pow_assocs attributes with separate migration options

v1.0.26 (2021-11-06)


  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.Unsplit] The unsplit module will now initialize the Mnesia cluster when nodes are connected lazily by resetting the Mnesia schema

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache] Now properly handles Mnesia application start errors


  • Updated api guide to use Plug.Conn.register_before_send/2 for token writes

v1.0.25 (2021-09-26)

Now supports Phoenix 1.6.x, and phoenix_html 3.x.x.


  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Fields] The :password_hash, :current_password, and :password fields now have redact: true option set
  • [Pow.Phoenix.Controller] Pow.Phoenix.Controller.action/3 now properly handles {:halt, conn} returned in the before_process callback
  • [Pow.Store.Backend.EtsCache] Now does synchronous writes unless writes: :async is passed in config options
  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache] Now does synchronous writes unless writes: :async is passed in config options

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Operations] Pow.Operations.fetch_primary_key_values/2 now ensures that module exists and is loaded before deriving primary keys


  • Updated redis guide to use synchronous writes unless writes: :async is passed in config options
  • Updated redis guide to use optimized lookups with sorted keys

v1.0.24 (2021-05-27)


  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache] Now accepts extra_db_nodes: {module, function, arguments} to fetch nodes when MnesiaCache starts up
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.Messages] Added PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.Messages.invalid_token/1
  • [Pow.Store.CredentialsCache] Now outputs an IO warning when a :ttl longer than 30 minutes is used

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache] Now handles initialization errors

v1.0.23 (2021-03-22)


  • [Pow.Ecto.Context] No longer automatically reloads the struct after insert or update
  • [PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema] Added PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema.invitation_token_changeset/1
  • [PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema] Added PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema.invited_by_changeset/2
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password.Pbkdf2] Now uses :crypto.mac/4 if available to support OTP 24
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks] Now returns :info instead of :error message for when the user has to confirm their email

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache] No longer triggers Elixir 1.11 dependency warnings

v1.0.22 (2021-01-27)

This release introduces a deprecation for the default API guide implementation. Please check migration section below.


  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Now stores the user struct instead of clauses
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Base] Now includes :pow_config in the store config
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] Now includes :pow_config in the store config
  • [Pow.Plug.Base] Now includes :pow_config in the store config
  • [Pow.Operations] Added Pow.Operations.reload/2 to reload structs
  • [PowPersistentSession.Store.PersistentSessionCache] Update PowPersistentSession.Store.PersistentSessionCache.get/2 to reload the user using Pow.Operations.reload/2
  • [Pow.Store.CredentialsCache] Now support reload: true configuration so once fetched from the cache the user object will be reloaded through the context module


  • Updated the API guide as it's no longer necessary to load the user struct


If you've used an API setup for previous version, you'll see the warning PowPersistentSession.Store.PersistentSessionCache.get/2 call without `:pow_config` in second argument is deprecated, refer to the API guide.. It's recommended to replace your APIAuthPlug with the updated version in the API guide.

The larger refactor of cache setup in Pow v1.0.22 means that user struct is always expected to be passed in and returned by the stores, so it is no longer necessary to load the user in the API plug. The PowPersistentSession.Store.PersistentSessionCache has fallback logic to handle the deprecated clauses keyword list, and will load the user correctly.

v1.0.21 (2020-09-13)


  • [Pow.Plug.Base] Will now use the existing :pow_config in the conn when no plug options has been set
  • [PowInvitation.Phoenix.InvitationController] Fixed bug where user was incorrectly redirected to the show action with unsigned token when user struct has no e-mail
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema] Now only emits warning for primitive Ecto types

Bug fixes

  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema] PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.changeset/3 no longer sets the email to the unconfirmed email when the same email change is set twice
  • [Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Messages] Fixed fallback message dializer warning
  • [Pow.Ecto.Context] Fixed bug where the macro didn't add :users_context to the Pow config in the module resulting in Pow.Ecto.Context.get_by/2 being called instead of get_by/1 in the custom context
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] The Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.validate_email/1 method has been improved per specifications to support wider unicode support, fully-qualified domain validation, and comments

v1.0.20 (2020-04-22)

Now supports Phoenix 1.5, and requires Elixir 1.7 or higher.


  • [Mix.Tasks.Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Gen.Templates] mix pow.extension.phoenix.gen.templates now dynamically loads template list from the extension base module
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] PowResetPassword.Plug.load_user_by_token/2 now sets a :pow_reset_password_decoded_token key in conn.private that will be used in PowResetPassword.Plug.update_user_password/2

v1.0.19 (2020-03-13)

Warning: This release will now sign and verify all tokens, causing previous tokens to no longer work. Any sessions and persistent sessions will be invalidated.


  • [Pow.Plug.Session] Now sets a global lock when renewing the session
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Now sets a global lock when authenticating the user
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Plug] Added PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.sign_confirmation_token/2 to sign the email_confirmation_token to prevent timing attacks
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Plug] Added PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.load_user_by_token/2 to verify the signed email_confirmation_token to prevent timing attacks
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Plug] Added PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.confirm_email/2 with map as second argument
  • [PowInvitation.Plug] Added PowInvitation.Plug.sign_invitation_token/2 to sign the invitation_token
  • [PowInvitation.Plug] Added PowInvitation.Plug.load_invited_user_by_token/2 to verify the signed invitation_token to prevent timing attacks
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] Changed PowResetPassword.Plug.create_reset_token/2 to sign the :token
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] Added PowResetPassword.Plug.load_user_by_token/2 to verify the signed token to prevent timing attacks
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] Changed PowResetPassword.Plug.update_user_password/2 so it decodes the signed token
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Now uses signed tokens to prevent timing attacks
  • [Pow.Plug.Session] Now uses signed session ID's to prevent timing attacks
  • [Pow.Plug] Added Pow.Plug.sign_token/4 to sign tokens
  • [Pow.Plug] Added Pow.Plug.verify_token/4 to decode and verify signed tokens
  • [Pow.Plug.MessageVerifier] Added Pow.Plug.MessageVerifier module to sign and verify messages
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context] Added PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context.confirm_email/3
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema] Added confirm_email_changeset/2 and pow_confirm_email_changeset/2 to the macro
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema] Added PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.confirm_email_changeset/2
  • [PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema] Added accept_invitation_changeset/2 and pow_accept_invitation_changeset/2 to the macro
  • [PowResetPassword.Ecto.Schema] Added reset_password_changeset/2 and pow_reset_password_changeset/2 to the macro
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema] Now emits a warning instead of raising error with missing fields/associations


  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Plug] PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.confirm_email/2 with token param as second argument has been deprecated in favor of PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.load_user_by_token/2, and PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.confirm_email/2 with map as second argument
  • [PowInvitation.Plug] PowInvitation.Plug.invited_user_from_token/2 has been deprecated in favor of PowInvitation.Plug.load_invited_user_by_token/2
  • [PowInvitation.Plug] PowInvitation.Plug.assign_invited_user/2 has been deprecated
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] PowResetPassword.Plug.user_from_token/2 has been deprecated in favor of PowResetPassword.Plug.load_user_by_token/2
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] PowResetPassword.Plug.assign_reset_password_user/2 has been deprecated
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context] PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context.confirm_email/2 deprecated in favor of PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context.confirm_email/3
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema] PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.confirm_email_changeset/1 deprecated in favor of PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.confirm_email_changeset/2


v1.0.18 (2020-02-14)

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Phoenix.Routes] Fixed bug where callback route methods is not using the overridden method
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.delete/2 now correctly pulls token during :before_send callback
  • [Pow.Plug.Session] Pow.Plug.Session.delete/2 now correctly pulls session id during :before_send callback so PowEmailConfirmation will remove set session

v1.0.17 (2020-02-04)


  • [Pow.Ecto.Context] Calls to Pow.Ecto.Context.get_by/2 replaced with Pow.Operations.get_by/2 so custom users context module can be used. The following methods has been updated:
    • Pow.Ecto.Context.authenticate/2
    • PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context.get_by_confirmation_token/2
    • PowInvitation.Ecto.Context.get_by_invitation_token/2
    • PowResetPassword.Ecto.Context.get_by_email/2
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.confirm_password_changeset/3 now adds the default Ecto.Changeset.validate_confirmation/3 error instead of the previous not same as password error
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.confirm_password_changeset/3 now uses the Ecto.Changeset.validate_confirmation/3 for validation and expects :password_confirmation instead of :confirm_password in params
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.new_password_changeset/3 now only requires the :password_hash if there have been no previous errors set in the changeset
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema] No longer adds :confirm_password virtual field
  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema] Now has an @after_compile callback that ensures all required fields has been defined
  • [PowInvitation.Phoenix.InvitationView] Now renders :password_confirmation field instead of :confirm_password
  • [PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordView] Now renders :password_confirmation field instead of :confirm_password
  • [Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationView] Now renders :password_confirmation field instead of :confirm_password
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema] No longer validates if :email has been taken before setting :unconfirmed_email
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks] Now prevents user enumeration for PowInvitation.Phoenix.InvitationController.create/2
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Changed default cookie name to persistent_session
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Removed renewal of cookie as the token will always expire
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] No longer expires invalid cookies
  • [Pow.Operations] Added Pow.Operations.fetch_primary_key_values/2
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Base] Now registers :before_send callbacks
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Now updates cookie and backend store in :before_send callback
  • [Pow.Plug.Base] Now registers :before_send callbacks
  • [Pow.Plug.Session] Now updates plug session and backend store in :before_send callback
  • [Pow.Plug] Added Pow.Plug.create/3
  • [Pow.Plug] Added Pow.Plug.delete/2


  • [PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordController] Will no longer prevent information leak by checking if PowEmailConfirmation or registration routes are enabled; instead it'll by default prevent user enumeration, but can be disabled if pow_prevent_user_enumeration: false is set in conn.private

Bug fixes

  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Base] With custom :persistent_session_store now falls back to :cache_store_backend configuration option
  • [PowResetPassword.Plug] With custom :reset_password_token_store now falls back to :cache_store_backend configuration option
  • [Pow.Plug.Base] With custom :credentials_cache_store now falls back to :cache_store_backend configuration option


  • [Pow.Ecto.Changeset] Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.confirm_password_changeset/3 has deprecated use of :confirm_password in params in favor of :password_confirmation
  • [Pow.Plug.Session] :session_store option has been renamed to :credentials_cache_store
  • [Pow.Plug] Pow.Plug.clear_authenticated_user/1 deprecated in favor of Pow.Plug.delete/1

v1.0.16 (2020-01-07)

Note: This release contains an important security fix.


  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Now supports :persistent_session_cookie_opts to customize any options that will be passed on to Plug.Conn.put_resp_cookie/4
  • [PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordController] Now uses PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages.maybe_email_has_been_sent/1 with a generic response that tells the user the email has been sent only if an account was found
  • [PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordController] When a user doesn't exist will now return success message if PowEmailConfirmation extension is enabled
  • [PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages] Added PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages.maybe_email_has_been_sent/1 and let PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages.email_has_been_sent/1 fall back to it
  • [PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks] When a user tries to sign up and the email has already been taken the default e-mail confirmation required message will be shown
  • [Pow.Plug.Session] Now renews the Plug session each time the Pow session is created or rolled

Bug fixes

  • [Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset] Fixed bug where Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.user_id_field_changeset/3 update with nil value caused an exception to be raised
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Now expires the cookie 10 seconds after the last request when authenticating to prevent multiple simultaneous requests deletes the cookie immediately


v1.0.15 (2019-11-20)


  • [Pow.Extension.Base] Extensions are now expected to have a base module with compile-time information whether certain modules are available to prevent unnecessary Code.ensure_compiled?/1 calls:
    • Added Pow.Extension.Base module
    • Added PowEmailConfirmation module
    • Added PowInvitation module
    • Added PowPersistentSession module
    • Added PowResetPassword module
  • [PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie] Added support for custom metadata:
    • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.create/3 now stores a metadata keyword list that can be populated
    • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.create/3 will now, instead of adding :session_fingerprint to the metadata, populate the :session_metadata keyword list with :fingerprint
    • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.authenticate/2 will now populate session metadata with what exists in :session_metadata key for the persistent session metadata
    • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.create/3 now ensures to delete the previous persistent session first, if one is found in cookies
  • [Pow.Extension.Config] Added Pow.Extension.Config.extension_modules/2

Bug fixes

  • [Router.Phoenix.Router] Fixed bug where resource routes were not filtered correctly according to the path bindings


  • [Pow.Extension.Config] Deprecated Pow.Extension.Config.discover_modules/2

v1.0.14 (2019-10-29)


  • Changed minmum password length to 8 (OWASP/NIST recommendations)
  • Pow.Phoenix.Router now only filters routes that has equal number of bindings
  • Pow.Phoenix.Routes.user_not_authenticated_path/1 now only puts the :request_path param if the request is using "GET" method
  • The stores has been refactored so the command conforms with ETS store. This means that put commands now accept {key, value} record element(s), and keys may be list for easier lookup.
    • Pow.Store.Backend.Base behaviour now requires to;
      • Accept Pow.Store.Backend.Base.record/0 values for put/2
      • Accept Pow.Store.Backend.Base.key/0 for delete/2 and get/2
      • Implement all/2
      • Remove keys/1
      • Remove put/3
    • Pow.Store.Backend.EtsCache now uses :ordered_set instead of :set for efficiency
    • Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache now uses :ordered_set instead of :set for efficiency
    • Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache will delete all binary key records when initialized
    • Pow.Store.Base behaviour now requires to;
      • Accept erlang term value for keys in all methods
      • Implement put/3 instead of put/4
      • Implement delete/2 instead of put/3
      • Implement get/2 instead of put/3
      • Remove keys/2
    • Pow.Store.Base.all/3 added
    • Pow.Store.Base.put/3 added
    • Pow.Store.Base will use binary key rather than key list if all/2 doesn't exist in the backend cache
    • Added Pow.Store.CredentialsCache.users/2
    • Added Pow.Store.CredentialsCache.sessions/2
    • Pow.Store.CredentialsCache now adds a session key rather than appending to a list for the user key to prevent race condition
  • Pow.Plug.Session.create/3 now stores a keyword list with metadata for the session rather than just a timestamp
  • Pow.Plug.Session.fetch/2 and Pow.Plug.Session.create/3 now assigns :pow_session_metadata in conn.private with the session metadata
  • Pow.Plug.Session.create/3 will use the metadata found in conn.private[:pow_session_metadata] if it exists and otherwise add a randomly unique id for :fingerprint
  • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.create/3 will use the value of conn.private[:pow_session_metadata][:fingerprint] if it exists as :session_fingerprint in the persistent session metadata
  • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie.authenticate/2 will assign :fingerprint to conn.private[:pow_session_metadata] if it exists in the persistent session metadata
  • Pow.Store.CredentialsCache.put/3 will invalidate any other sessions with the same :fingerprint if any is set in session metadata
  • PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordController.create/2 when a user doesn't exist will now only return success message if the registration routes has been disabled, otherwise the form with an error message will be returned
  • Added PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages.user_not_found/1

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where Pow.Store.CredentialsCache wasn't used due to how Pow.Store.Base macro worked
  • Fixed bug where PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks couldn't deliver email


  • Deprecated Pow.Store.Backend.EtsCache.keys/1
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.Backend.EtsCache.put/3
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.keys/1
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.put/3
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.Base.keys/2
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.Base.put/4
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.CredentialsCache.user_session_keys/3
  • Deprecated Pow.Store.CredentialsCache.sessions/3

v1.0.13 (2019-08-25)

  • Updated PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.changeset/3 so;
    • when :email is identical to :unconfirmed_email it won't generate new :email_confirmation_token
    • when :email is identical to the persisted :email value both :email_confirmation_token and :unconfirmed_email will be set to nil
    • when there is no :email value in the params nothing happens
  • Updated PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.confirm_email_changeset/1 so now :email_confirmation_token is set to nil
  • Updated Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.user_id_field_changeset/3 so the e-mail validator now accepts unicode e-mails
  • Added PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context.current_email_unconfirmed?/2 and PowEmailConfirmation.Plug.pending_email_change?/1
  • Added :email_validator configuration option to Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset
  • Added Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.validate_email/1
  • Fixed bug in PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks.send_confirmation_email/2 where the confirmation e-mail wasn't send to the updated e-mail address

v1.0.12 (2019-08-16)

  • Added API integration guide
  • Added :reset_password_token_store configuration setting
  • To prevent timing attacks, Pow.Ecto.Context.authenticate/2 now verifies password on a blank user struct when no user can be found for the provided user id, but will always return nil. The blank user struct has a nil :password_hash value. The struct will be passed along with a blank password to the verify_password/2 method in the user schema module.
  • To prevent timing attacks, when Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.verify_password/3 receives a struct with a nil :password_hash value, it'll hash a blank password, but always return false.
  • To prevent timing attacks, the UUID is always generated in PowResetPassword.Plug.create_reset_token/2 whether the user exists or not.
  • PowPersistentSession.Plug.Base now accepts :persistent_session_ttl which will pass the TTL to the cache backend and used for the max age of the sesion cookie in PowPersistentSession.Plug.Cookie
  • Deprecated :persistent_session_cookie_max_age configuration setting
  • Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache can now auto join clusters
  • Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.Unsplit module added for self-healing after network split
  • Removed :nodes config option for Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache

v1.0.11 (2019-06-13)

  • Fixed bug in router filters with Phoenix 1.4.7

v1.0.10 (2019-06-09)

  • Prevent browser cache of, and PowInvitation.Phoenix.InvitationController.edit/2 by setting "Cache-Control" header unless it already has been customized
  • All links in docs generated with mix docs and on now works
  • Generated docs now uses lower case file name except for README, CONTRIBUTING and CHANGELOG
  • Removed duplicate call for Pow.Plug.Session.delete/2 in Pow.Plug.Sesssion.create/3

v1.0.9 (2019-06-04)


  • Pow.Phoenix.Router will now only add specific routes if there is no matching route already defined
  • Added Pow.Plug.get_plug/1 and instead of :mod, :plug is used in config
  • Pow.Ecto.Context.authenticate/2 now returns nil if user id or password is nil

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with exception raised in Pow.Ecto.Schema.normalize_user_id_field_value/1 when calling Pow.Ecto.Context.get_by/2 with a non binary user id
  • Fixed bug with exception raised in Pow.Ecto.Schema.normalize_user_id_field_value/1 when calling Pow.Ecto.Context.authenticate/2 with a non binary user id


  • Deprecated Pow.Plug.get_mod/1
  • Removed call to Pow.Ecto.Context.repo/1

v1.0.8 (2019-05-24)


  • Added support for layout in mails with Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.Mail by setting conn.private[:pow_mailer_layout] same way as the Phoenix layout with conn.private[:phoenix_layout]
  • Added :prefix repo opts support to use in multitenant apps
  • Removed in template in favor of using Pow.Ecto.Schema.user_id_field/1

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset.current_password_changeset/3 where an exception would be thrown if the virtual :current_password field of the user struct was set and either the :current_password change was blank or identical


  • Deprecated Mix.Pow.Ecto.Migration.create_migration_files/3 and moved it to Mix.Pow.Ecto.Migration.create_migration_file/3
  • Deprecated Pow.Ecto.Context.repo/1 and moved it to Pow.Config.repo!/1
  • Deprecated Pow.Ecto.Context.user_schema_mod/1 and moved it to Pow.Config.user!/1

v1.0.7 (2019-05-01)

  • Fixed bug with Phoenix 1.4.4 scoped routes

v1.0.6 (2019-04-19)

  • Fixed bug where custom layout setting raised exception in Pow.Phoenix.ViewHelpers.layout/1
  • Prevent users from changing their email to one already taken when the PowEmailConfirmation extension has been enabled

v1.0.5 (2019-04-09)

  • Added extension_messages/1 to extension controllers and callbacks
  • Improved feedback for when no templates are generated for an extension with mix pow.extension.phoenix.gen.templates and mix pow.extension.phoenix.mailer.gen.templates tasks
  • Error flash is no longer overridden in Pow.Phoenix.PlugErrorHandler if the error message is nil
  • Fixed bug in the migration generator where references/2 wasn't called with options
  • Support any :plug version below 2.0.0
  • Deprecated Pow.Extension.Ecto.Context.Base

v1.0.4 (2019-03-13)

  • Added PowInvitation to the mix pow.extension.phoenix.gen.templates and mix pow.extension.phoenix.mailer.gen.templates tasks
  • Fixed issue in umbrella projects where extensions wasn't found in environment configuration
  • Fixed so :namespace environment config can be used as web app module name
  • Shell instructions will only be printed if the configuration is missing
  • Now requires that :ecto or :phoenix are included in the dependency list for the app to run respective mix tasks
  • Deprecated Mix.Pow.context_app/0
  • Deprecated Mix.Pow.ensure_dep!/3
  • Deprecated Mix.Pow.context_base/1

v1.0.3 (2019-03-09)


  • Added PowInvitation extension
  • Added support in Pow.Ecto.Schema for Ecto associations fields
  • Added support for adding custom methods with Pow.Extension.Ecto.Schema through __using__/1 macro in extension ecto schema module
  • Help information raised with invalid schema arguments for pow.install, pow.ecto.install, pow.ecto.gen.migration, and pow.ecto.gen.schema mix tasks
  • PowEmailConfirmation now redirects unconfirmed users to after_registration_path/1 or after_sign_in_path/1 rather than pow_session_path(conn, :new)

Bug fixes

  • Correct shell instructions for mix pow.install task with custom schema
  • Fixed bug in Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Router.Base and Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Messages where the full extension name wasn't used to namespace methods


  • Deprecated Pow.Extension.Config.underscore_extension/1
  • Deprecated PowResetPassword.Ecto.Context.password_changeset/2
  • Deprecated Pow.Ecto.Schema.filter_new_fields/2
  • Deprecated :messages_backend_fallback setting for extension controllers
  • Removed deprecated macro router_helpers/1 in Pow.Phoenix.Controller

v1.0.2 (2019-02-28)

  • Added flash error message about e-mail confirmation for when user changes e-mail with PowEmailConfirmation enabled
  • Added new_password_changeset/3 and confirm_password_changeset/3 to Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset
  • Redis cache store backend guide
  • Correct shell instructions for mix pow.phoenix.gen.templates task
  • Only load environment config in Pow.Config.get/3 when no key is set in the provided config
  • Fixed issue in Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.keys/1 and Pow.Store.Backend.EtsCache.keys/1 so they now return keys without namespace
  • Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.put/3 now raises an error if TTL is not provided

Breaking changes

  • PowResetPassword.Plug.reset_password_token/1 has been removed

v1.0.1 (2019-01-27)

  • pow.extension.ecto.gen.migrations mix task will output warning when a migration file won't be generated for any particular extension
  • Leading and trailing whitespace is removed from the user id field value (in addition to forced lower case)
  • An exception is raised when pow_routes/0 or pow_extension_routes/0 are used inside router scopes with aliases
  • Mail view templates assigns now has [user: user, conn: conn] along with the template specific assigns
  • Mail view subject methods now gets the same assigns passed as mail view template assigns instead of only [conn: conn]
  • Added pow_registration_routes/0, pow_session_routes/0 and pow_scope/1 macros to the router module
  • Added guide on how to disable registration

v1.0.0 (2018-11-18)

  • Phoenix 1.4 support
  • Ecto 3.0 support